ActionScript 3.0 :: Completely Resetting A Flash Game?

Feb 7, 2011

I've programmed an entire game from scratch, without using class files, and there's no menu yet, and I'm not sure how to reset the game without using class files or resetting every single thing manually.
I'm making a Flash tower defense game with a friend; I'm doing all the code. I'd never used Flash or Actionscript before, so I started off directly programming the gameplay, to figure out if I'd be able to do it. I've done everything from scratch so I didn't know where to start or the "right way" of doing anything, so I figured out as I went along, which went much better than I expected.
So now I've got the gameplay almost completely programmed, the art assets are essentially finished and game looks great and runs (reasonably) well (and the occasional performance problems are due to graphics rather than code), etc. I didn't know how to use class files in AS3 when I started making the game, and when I read up on them and realized you can't import the class files into the project and must open and edit them separately, I was livid and decided not to use them; I was happy with how the coding was going anyway.
So now we've got a game where as soon as you run it, it goes straight to the field and the game starts; we haven't implemented a menu yet. We've reached the point of playtesting and it's becoming a huge nuisance having to quit the SWF and reopen or recompile it every time we want to restart the game, so it's time to program a "Reset" button. I thought this would be as simple as making the stage go to a different frame and back to the first frame, but that doesn't work, so now I'm utterly stuck. It looks like the easiest way to reset a game is to load the entire "game" as an object (or something to that effect, I forget exactly what I've read), then you can unload and reload the game object to reset it? It also looked like it would require class files which I'm hoping to avoid.
I don't think it's feasible to manually remove everything from the stage, reset all the variables, and delete all event listeners and references so everything is reset/garbage collected properly.
Thinking about it more, I'm also not sure how I'm going to get a menu to load before the game in its current state. Maybe I can move all of the gameplay to the second frame and make the menu on the first frame?So, is it possible to reset the game without involving class files?

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package src


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2) tried giving 100% for both height and width in object code that also not working

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completely remove the child of clip at 0 index? I read somewhere you should set to null to all the references to that clip, but I have no other reference in my code. The clip at 0 was added via a regular addChild().

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Feb 27, 2011

Ok, so I have tried and tried to figure this out. Of course in the test environment everything works beautifully, but when I test my swf on my site, thats when the sh*t hits the fan.

The problem is my buffer bar wont show up until the video is completly loaded. In flash however, it loads across as the video is downloaded, like it's supposed to.

Go to my site to see what I am talking about. The loader bar appears uder the progress bar, exactly like on youtube.

Here is the code that controls it.

mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillGrey.width = nsStream.bytesLoaded * 710 / nsStream.bytesTotal;

Of course that is wrapped in a timer funtion which, I add, works fine.

FLA is attatched as well as the code below so you can see how it works in flash.

Here is my full code:

const BUFFER_TIME:Number = 8;
const DEFAULT_VOLUME:Number = 0.6;


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