ActionScript 3.0 :: Find And Replace In Image?

Jan 22, 2012

I've never tried to do anything like this. Basically what I need to do is scan an image and blur the part that resembles a certain shape. For example: blurring license plates on cars or pictures with other people in them in which they should be blurred. I've done some googling and not found anything close to what I'm looking for.

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Find And Replace Instance Names?

Oct 4, 2011

I am working on making a photo flip animation between 5-7 photos but i have to duplicate this 70 different times. So what i have done is made a scene for each set of 5-7 photos, they are externally being pulled in through an AS3 script to prevent a large .swf file from happening with all those photos. The problem i am running into so that i cant seem to run a find and replace search to replace the instance name values.

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Professional :: Find And Replace Window?

Apr 3, 2007

when I use the Edit/Find and Replace function, the results portion at the bottom doesn't reveal enough information under Location. I can see "Scene 'Scene 1' -> Layer ' " and that's all. I know if I click on that line the relevant window will open but when doing a "Find All" it's useful to know more information about the Location instead of clicking on every line. That Location column of the window will not widen with the drag icon. I can move the dividers from the other columns to the left but not to the right.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find And Replace A Piece Of An Url?

Jan 31, 2009

I'm looking to find and replace a piece of a url. I researched the site and found this piece of code

ActionScript Code:
String.prototype.replace = function(find, replace) {
return this.split(find).join(replace);


However, at run time it doesn't replace the "dev" with "www". It traces the function ok...

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Professional :: Find And Replace Doesn't Work In CS3?

Nov 24, 2007

Here's an unexplainable problem, at least for me... I'm trying to use Edit --> Find and Replace in Flash CS3 to replace a line of code that occurs in many frame scripts throughout the FLA, but when I click "Replace All", it says "No items found". I'm sure everything is set up correctly in the Find and Replace window:Search in: Current Document, for: Text, and I'm sure I'm typing everything correctly. I have "Frames/Layers/Parameters" and "Actionscript" checked below, and everything else unchecked.

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Professional :: Find/Replace In FLVPlayback Parameters?

Feb 18, 2011

Is it possible to globally find/replace FLVPlayback parameters (e.g. contentPath, skinAutoHide, etc.) so that parameters can be changed globally throughout movie?  I'm using Flash CS3 with ActionScript 2.  Or, is there a way to override the FLV parameters at runtime using AS2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find And Replace Html Tags In XML?

May 12, 2011

I posted this before but I might not have posted correctly. I am importing an XML feed into a module I am working on. The text that is coming in has html tags mainly break tags that are adding a considerable amt of space between each paragraph. can some one point me in the right direction as to how I could find and replace the break tags with nothing so the would go away? Ive googled all morning but I cant find anything thats leading me in the right direction.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] Find And Replace In Multiple Scripts?

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a) a shortcut to comment out code, meaning a way to put // in front of every line of selected code and of course the reverse, uncommenting code

b) find and replace in multiple scripts

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IDE :: CS5 Find And Replace Closes Actions Panel

Aug 18, 2011

This is kind of a lame complaint, but any benefit I have gained from upgrading from CS4 to CS5 is being eclipsed by the frustrating change that while I am trying to use the "Find" tool in the "Actions" panel, as soon as I hit "Find Next" the Actions panel closes and I have to close the Find tool then re-open the Actions panel then again to see if it found what I was looking for then re-open the Find tool if I need to go to the next instance. I know this does not seem like the biggest of deals, but is there a way to fix this?

I will also add that this happens when the panel is clicked from the icon. If the whole panel is free floating it works fine, but then it is obviously blocking the whole stage, and I have to collapse it to an icon to see anything. There is also the possibility that it is computer/OS difference since my CS4 machine and my CS5 machine are two different computers one running XP and the other running Vista.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PostImage - Mouse Over Display / Change Image In X - Y Cords Or Replace Image

Aug 2, 2009

im messing with a movieclip symbol and i want to make a button, what'd i mean on Mouse over display/change this image in this X,Y cords or replace this image, something close to what buttonSymbol does but i want to make it using movieClip symbol...
and i have no idea how to do it.. i started like this:


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Professional :: Import A New Image To Replace The Old Image The Button Disappears

May 5, 2010

As part of a much, much larger project, a client has asked me to take an existing flash banner, change the graphic, text, and link to make 4 more that are almost identical. Though I haven't worked extensively with Flash, I am familiar with it and thought this should be fairly easy, right? (Unfortunately, easy isn't exactly the word I'd use.)

I'm trying to take an existing fla, and change just the graphic, text, and button link to make a nearly identical banner. However, when I import a new image to replace the old image, the button disappears. I've tried overwriting the current image as well, and while I have a new image to show on the banner, and the text still works just fine, AND I have the outline of the box that should house the button (it even shows in the library),

Additionally, I will need to change the link, and since I'm having this much problem with a button, maybe you could understand how that works as well, because I can't even change it on the original.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Get The Exact Look When I Replace The Image With New Image?

Dec 12, 2009

I am unable to get the exact look when i replace the image with new image.I took one sample program. In this one image will be rotating. I tried replacing this image with new one, but it's not working as old animation.(Actual Old animation is some thing like Moving a needle, after replacing the image with new one needle is rotating some thing like along the boundary of circle. I am unable to find the root cause and solution.I didn't changed any thing in the code.)How to get the smooth rotation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Some Code Which Loaded An External Image And Triggered And Function Once Completed With Code That Uses And Embedded Image?

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to replace some code which loaded an external image and triggered and function once completed with code that uses and embedded image. The relevant code looks like this.


public function Globe()
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();


The commented out section is where it used to take the loaded image and apply it to a texturemap.I need to replace the lines of code in the first function with something that calls the second function correctly.

I have tried using function imageLoadComplete (e:Event = null)and calling it with imageLoadComplete(); in the first function but although it compile and runs without error, the program does not work properly. I suspect this is to do with the dispatchEvent(); line which I do not understand.

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How To Replace Face / Image In Animation Like On Elf

Aug 31, 2009

I am making a simple Flash animation that I would like to put online and let people visiting my site upload a picture of their face so they can be the character, like on Elf Yourself. How do I do that? I'm assuming I make the animation with a square image of a face that I mask out, and the image gets replaced when a new one is uploaded, but I don't know how to set that up dynamically, or if there's a better way.

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Replace A Dynamic Image On Flex?

Apr 14, 2011

I am creating an image dynamically on flex. This images changes (as in changes image source) when the user clicks on it. Images are PNG format and I replace it with this code:

img.source = PATH_TO_IMAGE;

The problem with this is when I replace the image is it is not smooth even if you set the image property to smoothBitmapContent.

Is there a way to smoothen images when you are trying to replace the source?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Color In Image With Another Different One

Jan 16, 2010

I'm loading an external image and I'm trying to replace a color in this image with another color.

ActionScript Code:
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var image:URLRequest = new URLRequest("my_image.png");
addChildAt(imageLoader, 0);

I'm trying to replace all green pixels with red pixels but not sure how to do this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replace An Image With A Video In It?

Jan 31, 2010

In a nut shell, it's been years since I've used flash, and recently I've been working on a rather modern and complex flash website template that I've purchased. What I want to be able to do is change a dynamic gallery, so that instead of displaying an images, it displays flv's. [code]...

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Flash :: Replace Image With Video File?

Oct 14, 2010

I have video gallery written in ASP.NET. Each video has an .flv file hosted on FMS and image. I want to replace image with flash file each time use mouseover on video.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Mouse Cursor With Image?

Jan 28, 2012

i have this code which allows me to replace the mouse cursor with an image but i would also like to change the image when the mouse is clicked down using a different image. the code i am using for just replacing the mouse cursor is:

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,follo w);
function follow(evt:MouseEvent){


i tried using a different code which i found but it failed to work with my project

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace BeginFill With A Bitmap Image Using BeginBitmapFill

Mar 9, 2011

I have a as file which basically draws a box around the bottom of your mouth and I am using a beginFill () function for the box. Basically I need to replace this fill with a bitmap image using beginBitmapFill () command. The trouble is I cannot find any resources that show me how to make the bitmap image wether it be a movieclip or graphic.

Also code (if it helps any) ActionScript Code: g.drawRect( r.x * scaleFactor, r.y * scaleFactor, r.width* scaleFactor, r.height * scaleFactor ); g.beginFill(0xFF0000); g.drawRect(r.x * scaleFactor + (r.width* scaleFactor)/3.6, r.y * scaleFactor + (r.height * scaleFactor)/1.65, 70, 40); g.endFill();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Test For Mobile Devices, And Replace Flash With Image?

Jun 20, 2010

I want my web site to use flash, but want to make sure Apple mobile devices dont see a big blank box. How do I test for this and replace flash with an image if its an iPad, etc.?

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Actionscript :: Replace Image Thumbnails With Numbers In Xml Driven A Gallery Using (flash)

Nov 26, 2011

i've designed an xml driven photogallery using actionscript 3.0. First when the swf file is run, all the thumbnails load in, Then I have thumbnails below, when i click them the large image loads in. I wanted the thumbnails to be replaced with the numbers which form dynamically from the xml file. i.e I simply want the numbers, on clicking them loads respective images Please give a solution to this, or please suggest a good tutorial. here's the code i've worked on and im stuck replacing


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ActionScript 3.0 :: .replace Won't Replace - Array With A String As Each Entry

Sep 21, 2010

I'm having some real trouble getting .replace to actually replace something. Here's my code...


I can trace both newFiles[i] and keywords[i][whatever], but the replace doesn't replace anything. The regex is valid as well. I'm using regexr to test it, and it works perfectly there... but will not for me and I don't know why.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Location Of Image?

Oct 14, 2009

I downloaded a tutorial fla file and it contains 2 images of cars which seem to be under a folder called "bitmap assets" seen in the library panel. Now, since i have not created them, is there a way for me to somehow access them directly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find The Number Of Image?

Apr 2, 2010

i have a gallery of images, 4 galleries actually. I have thumbnails that pop up for each gallery. I want to find out how to detect which thumbnail is being selected so i can load the appropriate image.

var picNum:Number
picLoad.load(new URLRequest(myXML.Gallery[galNum].Image[picNum].@picURL));


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Jun 25, 2009

I have loaded image file . I want to find out width and height of desire image. [code]...

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