IDE :: CS5 Find And Replace Closes Actions Panel

Aug 18, 2011

This is kind of a lame complaint, but any benefit I have gained from upgrading from CS4 to CS5 is being eclipsed by the frustrating change that while I am trying to use the "Find" tool in the "Actions" panel, as soon as I hit "Find Next" the Actions panel closes and I have to close the Find tool then re-open the Actions panel then again to see if it found what I was looking for then re-open the Find tool if I need to go to the next instance. I know this does not seem like the biggest of deals, but is there a way to fix this?

I will also add that this happens when the panel is clicked from the icon. If the whole panel is free floating it works fine, but then it is obviously blocking the whole stage, and I have to collapse it to an icon to see anything. There is also the possibility that it is computer/OS difference since my CS4 machine and my CS5 machine are two different computers one running XP and the other running Vista.

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Dec 26, 2010

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on(press) {

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