ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Stop Blending / Smoothing On Edges Of Sprites

Nov 21, 2011

When I draw a perfectly rectangular sprite, where all the corners land on perfect integer locations, then there is no problem. However when my sprite as an irregular shape ( with diagonal lines ), or it does not land on perfect integer locations, then Flash does some kind of blending / smoothing around the edges. This is bad.

Here is an example:
ActionScript Code:
var s:Shape;
s= new Shape();, 1);, 0);
[Code] .....

And here is an image of what the above produces:
From the code, I drew a green rectangle and blue one, both with a slight skew. So the only 2 colors I want to see are blue and green. But you can see from the image, that along the diagonal of the shapes, there is some kind of blending going on. Flash is using a light green, and a light blue in certain places. Presumably this makes things look better, but I need to prevent this. I need each pixel to be either green or blue or nothing (white). How can I stop Flash from blending the pixels like its doing?

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on (release) {


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function bounceBall(evt:Event):void {
var vx:Number=Math.random()*10+5;
var vy:Number=Math.random()*10+5;
var radius:Number=mcBall.height/2;
var top:Number=0;
[Code] .....

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