ActionScript 2.0 :: Blending On/off Sound Button Together?
Apr 17, 2011
ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
tellTarget ("../music") {
on (release) {
How do you make that into one script so the on button is the same as the off?
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Jul 21, 2011
I have a number of objects (represented as DisplayObjects) that I wish to blend with each other. However behind these objects there is a background that i do not want to involve in the blending. So basically I want to blend these objects with eachother and afterwards use the result of this blending as a new DisplayObject (for example to put it on top of a randomly colored background).
So what I have is:
var obj1:DisplayObject = getFirstObj();
var obj2:DisplayObject = getSecObj();
var background:DisplayObject = getBackground();
obj1.blendMode = BlendMode.ADD;
obj2.blendMode = BlendMode.ADD;
At first attempt I tried was putting these objects into a common DisplayObjectContainer hoping that blending mode would only be relative to all objects contained by the same DisplayObjectContainer, but this does not seem to be the case.
var objectsPool:Sprite = new Sprite();
objectsPool.addChild( obj1 );
objectsPool.addChild( obj2 );
addChild( background );
addchild( objectsPool );
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May 5, 2010
I'm finding a lot of problems trying to do a large-scale and complex 3D interface, and most movieclips are parented once if not several times. This is the only way that I see to be able to manage having a number of movieclips move and rotate together with common anchor points. But one of the problems with this is not being able to set different blendModes of child clips. Yes, yes, I usually try and avoid parenting for that reason which is much easier in 2D. But if there is no way to "force" or "pass-through" blendingModes of clips with parent(s), please explain to me how I can have a number of button objects that I can easily move and rotate together around 3D space, but also have independently changeable blendModes for rollover states etc?
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Sep 23, 2009
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var MCs = new Array("mc1", "mc2", "mc3", "mc4", "mc5");
var selectedMC = MCs[Math.floor(Math.random() * MCs.length)];
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Apr 15, 2010
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Mar 20, 2010
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Nov 21, 2011
When I draw a perfectly rectangular sprite, where all the corners land on perfect integer locations, then there is no problem. However when my sprite as an irregular shape ( with diagonal lines ), or it does not land on perfect integer locations, then Flash does some kind of blending / smoothing around the edges. This is bad.
Here is an example:
ActionScript Code:
var s:Shape;
s= new Shape();, 1);, 0);
[Code] .....
And here is an image of what the above produces:
From the code, I drew a green rectangle and blue one, both with a slight skew. So the only 2 colors I want to see are blue and green. But you can see from the image, that along the diagonal of the shapes, there is some kind of blending going on. Flash is using a light green, and a light blue in certain places. Presumably this makes things look better, but I need to prevent this. I need each pixel to be either green or blue or nothing (white). How can I stop Flash from blending the pixels like its doing?
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Jul 28, 2009
I have several buttons in a movie and I want to be able to rollover an individual button and play the sound for that button and when I rolloff I want the sound for that button to stop.
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Sep 21, 2011
how to add mute sound and unmute sound script in a single button?
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Aug 5, 2010
I have a bit of a problem with sound.. I have a main container animation with background sound that's loaded with soundChannel..I also have an externally loaded SWFs with Movie Clip buttons that have a sound ON ROLLOVER on the timeline..after rolling off - I place the:SoundMixer.stopAll();to stop the button from playing the sound once the mouse is rolled off.. However, the problem I'm running into is that it also stops the sound of the main container movie cli
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Mar 25, 2009
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Aug 29, 2009
Solved HERE: [URL] It's a mashup from two inspirations. Basically I'm using PV3D to add pixels to the scene everyframe and I have an BitmapEffectLayer handling their display. At the moment I am using a ColorMatrixFilter to fade out the pixels each frame and then add new ones. This is great but I also want additive blending (so when many pixels are on top of each other they turn white).
The original 2D version of this basically added the particles color to the original pixel color creating an additive blend. But I can't do that in 3D!!! Once the old pixels have been drawn they go to the BitmapEffectLayerand are rendered in 2D.. but I can go from 2D back to 3D again.. I hope I have explained my problem clearly.. also even if I could my skill doesn't permit me to do it..
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm sure this is a common problem, I tried looking around on the forum for a problem like mine but was unable to find anything. I'm using Flash CS3, Actionscript 2.0, and am making a soundboard. I have two scenes, one that's the title screen, of which has a sound file loaded via the timeline, (I think) set to Event and Loop, and a button which takes you to the next scene and makes a short sound when it's pressed. My second scene has background music as well, also set to Event and Loop.
Problem is that when I press the button, the background music keeps playing into the next scene. I tried using putting stopAllSounds onto the button, but that makes the sound of the button stop as well, and I'd really like to keep it. I've been messing with this for days, and I can't figure it out.
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Feb 13, 2007
i want to make a single button to play a sound, and if pressed again, stop the sound. and if pressed again, play the sound, and so on...
i know it has to be made with a boolean variable, true/false, but i just can't figure out how.
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Dec 4, 2010
for example:
var mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip();,0.5);,0,100,100);
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Nov 10, 2011
basically i simply want to give the option of turning of the sound in my flash via a button (If you press it sound goes mute, press it again sound unmutes) I searched around in the tutorials but i could only find (for this purpose) complicated pan sound control stuff.
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Jan 29, 2011
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May 22, 2011
I want to stop the sound loop from one button by clicking new button. Does anyone know the code that would stop one button's sound from looping by just clicking another button (for another sound)?So you have these buttons:button 1 button 2 button 3 button 4and after clicking "button 1" a sound loops. when i click "button 2" i want the sound from "button 1' to stop.
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Apr 16, 2011
I am triggering short sounds dynamically from the library for a game (Specifically Air for Android). When the user clicks a button the sound can take up to 600ms to actually play. I have set it for any silence before the actual sound by calling the sound like so:
All return the same results. I know there are threads here that talk about this but none have offered a real solution that I can find. Is there no way to cache the sound or store it in a buffer?
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Mar 25, 2009
I am having problems with a flash template that I am redesigning. Currently when the movie loads it automatically starts a song in the background. When you click my music navigation link my music page comes up and there are a few links there that I want to add music to. I also need to stop that background music so the song from the link can play.
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Nov 17, 2009
I'm trying to make a button that when clicked executes a sound clip and plays all the way through. Also, if the button is clicked while the sound is still playing the sound needs to stop. They have me first place this code in the first frame:
my_sound = new Sound();
Next I create two buttons, an on and an off which are placed separately in the second and third frames respectively. Code is applied directly to the buttons.
The on button:
on (release) {
Finally, I name the 2nd frame "play" and 3rd frame "stop" and add stop(); to both frames. Oh I also set up the linkage so that the sound's identifier is "bubble_01sound".
This is all well and good however, here's the rub. Unlike their example which takes place in the main timeline, my button needs to bob up and down. So I put everything from the tutorial in a movieclip and on the main timeline animate the movieclip as I like. When this plays the button does not play sound. I took this as the initial sound code not being activated because its in the movieclip. If I take the sound code out of the movieclip and place it in the first frame of the main timeline, the button does play sound but the stop function does not work. I can keep clicking the button which repeats the sound on top of the already playing sound.
So it seems to me there are three options. One, I need to find a way for the sound code to be activated when its seated in the movieclip. Or two, with the sound code in the main timeline, I need a way for the on/off buttons to reference the code which is one level up in the main timeline. Or the third option would be that I'm completely wrong... I'd put my money on the third option.
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Nov 28, 2009
In my flash game, every time you click a button, it plays a short sound. Almost all of the buttons work - Except for a few random handful. Those couple play the sound twice. I don't know why either - I double checked everything.None of the frames have sound. The buttons that play twice are only set to play once. I didn't do anything different between the ones that worked and the ones that don't work.
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Aug 23, 2009
I am having some problems in Flash using sounds for a button. Although I didn't use any code (I used the Button symbol), the file I created is for AS3. The problem is that I have two sounds, one for rollover and one for down state, and when I click both sounds play. I tried creating the button in AS2 and it works fine.One time, I managed to create a movie clip using a single symbol for 5 buttons and only one of them is having this problem. I don't see any logic in this.[URL]..
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Aug 11, 2009
OK, say I have a button that does something, like go to the next frame, is there anyway to have it play a simple sound located in the library without looping?
View 8 Replies
Apr 2, 2010
I'm making a page with multiple soundclips - each one launched by a separate Flash button.
Problem: If someone clicks a button and then clicks another button without first stopping or pausing the original soundclip, the two play at the same time. Press another and three clips play at once.
How do I make it so that when you push the next button it stops the first clip and then plays the second one?
View 5 Replies
May 21, 2010
i am having a problem in creating a plause, play button.The problem now is the button just can pause 1 sound.i have many sound at timeline and it will play 1 by 1.
This is wat i have do at the 1rst but it cant pause all the sound. i try to remove mySound.attachSound("tomato");but it wont work also. the another problem is if i click the play button for 2 times, it will got 2 sound play together.
mySound = new Sound();
View 14 Replies
Apr 4, 2010
Is it possible to stop a sound playing without a button? I have background music on frame 1 but before I move onto frame 2 I want the sound to stop. I have 5 buttons on frame 1 to lead to different frames but I do not want them to control the sound. I also do not want to use stop all sounds on the next frame as I want sounds to work on those pages. The script below is to start the sound so how do I stop it from continuing onto the next frames when the control buttons are clicked.
View 6 Replies
Aug 5, 2010
I have a bit of a problem with sound.. I have a main container animation with background sound that's loaded with soundChannel..I also have an externally loaded SWFs with Movie Clip buttons that have a sound ON ROLLOVER on the timeline..after rolling off - I place the:SoundMixer.stopAll(); to stop the button from playing the sound once the mouse is rolled off.. However, the problem I'm running into is that it also stops the sound of the main container movie clip
View 9 Replies
Nov 10, 2007
I have a button with a sound attached to it. The button should play the sound when the mouse is in its down state. When I play the sound in the .swf file the sound plays but it's cut off at the end (maybe the last 3 seconds). I'm using mp3 files for the sound. This is happening with many of the buttons in the program. It's a simple operation within the program. The user clicks a button and voice-over is supposed to play.
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