ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Lost When Go Back From Frame
May 6, 2010
Let's say I have a graphic on Frame 2. I want to make that Graphic to be a button. So I convert it to symbol, as movieclip, and giving its instance a name, let's say... "goButton". So I code it like this
goButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,goNext);
function goNext(e:Event):void
Is there anyway around this? The hard way would be create the button dynamically, but if its not just one button, it would create a lot of coding.
I am importing a .mov file in Flash, which converts it into an .flv, which works fine and dandy, but playback does NOT stop at the end of the video, but loops back to the first frame and stops there. what to do to get it to stop at the last frame? I am just using the flv instance in a keyframe, not using any code to control it, which is a bit over my knowledge level.
I have an FLA with a 'close button' on the stage, which is given the instance name of btnClose and runs from this class file[code]...Stage Instance Name lost when loaded
My primary movie clip is 1200 frames long and on the last frame I have a small action: gotoAndPlay(190) so that it will loop back to that spot upon reaching the end, It works very nicely. UNTIL, that is, I place the primary movie in a frame within a preloader. When placed in the preloader, the primary clip doesn't loop back to frame 190 anymore; the actionscript is lost.
I wanted a preloader so the area on the website dedicated to this flash file wouldn't appear blank as it loads. I found a tutorial online and followed it;
I have a Flash website with 3 interfaces( 3 frames with movie clips inside). they have a button that goes to different loaded .html page(text). But once the back button is pushed on the web browser, it always goes back to the first frame instead of the actual last page, which might have been frame 2 or 3.
This is an if stament on a frame on the root. I want to loop Carrera(a lenghthy movieclip) from frame 2 back to frame 1. (For testing purposes) This is the code:
I've got a movieclip acting as a button. Code on the button itself handles roll-over/-out states, and I define an onRelease function in the main timeline as follows:
This code takes the movie back to the first frame and works on the third frame. For some reason, though, the same code on the fifth frame has no effect. The button doesn't do anything. I have tried using the same button, I tried inserting a new keyframe with a new button, renaming the button, etc. and for some reason I just can't get it to work on the fifth frame. If it helps to visualize, I am essentially making a menu. The first frame contains buttons to take you to submenus, located on following slides. This button to go back to the original menu is on each frame with a submenu, but for some reason only works on one of them.
I'm trying to write an if then statement that will loop back to frame 1 once the next frame it hits is higher than 5. For some reason it doesn't work and I could easily go to frame six and add a go to and play but, I'd like to learn what's wrong instead of doing it the easy way.
I have a timeline that has some label frames at the very end of the timeline. During the timeline a user will hit a button on a frame and will jump to one of the label frames. On the label frame is another button that when clicked - returns the user to the previous frame. How do I make the movie return to frame 1 - without a button - but before it reaches the label frames? In other words, by simply reaching a certain frame in the movie, I want the timeline to go back to frame 1.
I am trying to do a simple script. When I get to frame 45 I want the play head to go back to frame 1. I have the below code but I am getting errors. onFrame (45) { this.gotoAndPlay(1);} One error says that "is expecting semi-colon before or after first brace..... Second possible error is "call to possible undefined method onFrame....
How can I code a button that goes back to the previous frame label and another that goes to the next frame label? I know about prevFrame() and nextFrame(), but I need something similar that references the next/previous named label and not the frame number...
I have created an interactivity to simulate a product. To do this my project has multiple frames. Each frame contains an individual movie clip. The clips each contain buttons that change the display and go to and stop on specific frames based on which button was pressed. My problem is, after the interaction a movie clip may have been stopped on say frame 12, the next time the frame containing the movieclip is opened on the main timeline I need the movieclip to open on frame 12 . However, the movie clip opens back up at frame 1 each time not saving the interaction.
I am but a lowly martial arts instructor who has 'foolishly' decided to try and do our website. I decided to use a flash template which has actually worked out ok (word to the wise - DON'T BUY FLASH TEMPLATES UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO KISS YOUR LIFE GOODBYE FOR A COUPLE OF MONTHS).
Anyway, I wanted to put a news ticker on the site to display 'latest news' - I took an example that was kindly supplied from this site, and it works fine. However, I just cannot figure out how to create a link in the XML file that when clicked takes you back into another part of the flash site. I can get it to link to an external URL no problem at all but just cannot get the link to take it back to a section of the site I want it to go to.
I'm tryin to create a button that sort of "rewinds" but it doesn't have to show the rewind- all i want it to do is jump back to the previous frame with a stop action on it. So kind of like a "back" or "previous" button.It's been a while since I have programmed a lot and I forget everything
Using Flash CS4 actionscript 2 Used the following code bellow in one frame to replace the curser, works perfectly but when I go to the next frame I want the curser back to normal.
Im trying to make a back button using AS3 in CS4 here is the code im using function onClick12(event:MouseEvent):void {gotoAndPlay(50);} reo_btn.addEventListener MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onClick12); it brings me back to the specified frame but when I click next on that frame it brings me to the frame following the one with the back button. here is my code for one of those frames stop();
I have a button that needs to goes back to the last frame. But the user can get to each frame in different configuations so back is not a sequential frame. Is there a way to go to the last frame that was accessed?
In my Timeline there are two keyframes with some complicated functions, but the mistake lays in several lines. In the first one I have:
ActionScript Code: stop(); var fadein:Tween = new Tween(pictureOne,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,1,true);
In the second one I have:
ActionScript Code: stop(); button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack); function goBack(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(1); }
The point is to make the Tween from the first frame work only once after opening SWF and to disable it after using te command gotoAndStop(1); from the second frame.
Im trying to make buttons to advance a frame and retract a frame. So I have this for the forward button... [code]with a stop(); on each frame.But is there a way to play in reverse?
I have some dynamic text fields in a frame called ExerciseFrame (which contain different random numbers, texts, ... and other variables.) When I navigate to another frame called helpFrame and back to the exerciseFrame again, all variables and text fields and other random numbers,... are reset. I mean text fields which contained many data in them becomes empty! I do navigation by a button in exerciseFrame with a simple eventListener( gotoAndStop("helpFrame"); And in helpFrame another button with this code (gotoAndStop("exerciseFrame"); How can I keep the state the whole exerciseFrame unchanged when navigating away from it and back to it again? version: AS3 - Flash CS4
I have a function with some if and else...if statements in a particular frame. In this assessment program, the user goes to other frames, then evaluates several variables at the end. If the user gets more than 3 wrong, the user goes back to the scenarios that were missed (i.e., a particular frame label). When I have tested this program, I can get back to the right frame/scenario, but a particular button's function won't work. Is there something where I need to "reset" this function the second time the user goes through it because it remembers what was done the first time?
I have my main swf ("index.swf") and loaded another swf as a submenu ("submenu.swf") into it. I want to click on one of the thumbnails within submenu, unload the swf ("submenu.swf") and want to go back to the mainSwf and call a certain frame("frameTest").
It does go back to the mainSwf but just won't stop at the named frame("f05_work")!Does it have anything to do with the Depth?what the code is for the thumbnail button within the swf(submenu)?
I have a project that have lots of Scenes (50 or so with lots of buttons that link to movies, in most cases I have several buttons linking to the same movie) So..I created a scene called "movies".I have about 90 movies on each frame (90 blank keyframes) with a stop action , FLV Move Progressive download, and a back Button on each framewhen the user clicks on a that back button I want the program to go back where the user just was, Not the Previous Frame with in the timeline or scene.