ActionScript 3.0 :: List Objects And Variables Shows Nothing

Aug 5, 2009

I'm used to using list variables/objects a lot from the Flash player in AS2, to make sure objects have really been removed, onEnterFrames have really been deleted etc, or even to make sure arrays are correctly populated etc, just for general debugging purposes.Now when clicking list objects or variables in AS3, I just get Level 0, and that's it.How do I see a list of all objects/variables in AS3?

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var objB = new ObjB;


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var a2:Number = 500
var a3:Number = 600


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If I didn't know the names of the variables foo mario and frodo, could I somehow scan the text file for all variables and simply list:

chuck, luigi and hobbit?

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private static function getVariables( packet:*): Array
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what does the "pos" for ?

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var artistList:mx.controls.List;
var sound:Sound = new Sound();
info_txt.autoSize = true;


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Feb 13, 2009

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Jul 2, 2004

I have a problem and I hope that u can help me out. The thing is that I'm going to have several buttons on my page but I want them all to have the same animation or behavior when clicked on. Is it possible to use variables to label objects?Lets imagine that I have button named home and another one labeled about. And then I have a variable named buttonName that changes when you put ur mouse over a button.[code]

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Use Variables To Call Objects From Your Library Onto Stage?

Nov 11, 2010

does anyone know if it's possible to use variables to call objects from your library onto stage like this:I have an object in my library called Level01 as is it's linkage

Actionscript Code:
var MyMap:String = "Level01";addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,LoadMap);function LoadMap(event:Event) { var myLVL:MovieClip = new MyMap();// how do you use the variable


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