ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop An Event In Progress?
Sep 4, 2010
Is there anyway to kill a keypress event in progress(bubbling?). Basically I have a chat app that on pressing enter sends the message, also in the keypress handler it clears the input textfield. however it still adds the return back into the field and since its doing it after the keypress i cant shift the carret to zero. so you always ended up starting on line 2 with a on line 1. I tried to null and void the keypress when it hit my handler but that did not change anything. is there anyway way to kill the event once its called? basicly making sure any other handlers after it dont get called?
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ActionScript Code:
var urlRequest:URLRequest;
var urlLoader:URLLoader;
urlRequest = new URLRequest("video.flv");
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Jun 15, 2010
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button1.onRelease = function(){
new Tween(movieClip, "_y", Strong.easeOut, movieClip._y, movieClip._y + 200, 1, true);
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Jun 8, 2011
Finally I was able to get my site running with a little FLASH ACTIONSCRIPT in it. (all courtesy of url....)I got so excited and published it right away 'cause I think for as a photographer, it's a huge accomplishment on my part.In my main movie, there are 3 BUTTONS namely: Portfolio, About me, and Contact.In the main timeline I added this script below
PHP Code:
delay = 30000;
intervalID = setInterval(pause, delay);[code].....
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Aug 19, 2011
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Oct 30, 2009
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Jun 4, 2007
I'm running into some problems using the close() method.I'm trying to build a class that checks a resource size before loading's very simple: I use the Loader class to load the resource, listens to the first progress event and immediately closes the connection with the Loader.close() method.However, the close() doesn't seem to stop the Loader after the first progress event is a quick copy & paste frame code just to demonstrate my point:
import flash.display.Loader;
The ProgressEvent is thrown until the big.jpg loading is complete.How could I stop it just after the first progress event?
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ActionScript Code:"");
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Jan 11, 2011
Has there been any word on when the output progress event is being implemented? At the moment flash sockets are useless at uploading anything other than basic text files or maybe images because we are unable to control the amount of data being sent. The way I see the output working at the moment is when trying to send large files, the input buffer becomes flooded and in the process of trying to transmit so much data at the same time, many packets are lost. I tested this by trying to transfer a 570mb AVI to an ftp server. By the time it got there the file was only 37mb. The event would allow us to calculate the network speed of the system doing the uploading and the speed of the server doing the downloading so that the buffer size and intervals can be optimized.
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May 31, 2009
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myLstnr.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, getProgress);
private function getProgress():void
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Aug 9, 2009
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Nov 1, 2009
i have a question to ask about asynchronous key controls This was what i did
and i checked with [URL]...?newspage=6249 and it looked more or less the same, so why is it that when i move my character and when i hold down a key, it just keeps on listerning to that keypress event listener, instead of just executing the other event. So say, i tap left and after which i tap right, it will work just fine, but if i hold left and tap right, the event listerner will still be listening to the left key. So, i was wondering could anyone point me in a direction as to how should i make my code stop listening to an event as soon as another event has been dispatched?
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Jun 4, 2010
I have an SWF movie (1375 frames) and created a progress bar (248px wide) with a slider that moves according to the movie progress. I'm doing that next way:Calculating the distance for the slider to be moved each frame (248 / 1375) On each ENTER_FRAME moving the slider for the calculated distance The problem is - the movie ends far before the slider reaches the end of the progress bar.
I'm thinking that the distance (Step 1) is is somehow ends floored by Flash and the actual distance it moves the slider is smaller than required. That's why the movie ends, but the timeline control just passed the 2/3 of its way. My question is - is there any solution for the problem? Or any other way to go, if it's a wrong one?
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Mar 2, 2011
I have a progress bar inside a repeater and therefore I will need to use getRepeaterItem to set it's progress as suggested in this question.
How can I do that such that the value of progress may be taken from repMonitor.currentItem.threatLevel?
<mx:Accordion id="monAccordian" includeIn="Monitoring" x="10" y="10" width="554" height="242" change="monAccordianChange()" >
<mx:Repeater id="repMonitor" dataProvider="{monitoringArray}">
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Dec 3, 2009
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = random(5) + 240;
_y = random(5) + 180;
How do I stop this piece of code at a specific frame?
Probably real simple but I have tried to insert stop(); at the specific frame I wanted to stop at but to no avail.
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Jan 14, 2010
I'm programming a simple game for school, and now I get the following error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object actionscript::EnemyFighter/onEnteringFrame()
I think this is because the object that calls this function does not exist anymore (it is removed from the stage). However, I did add an event listener for this and let it remove the ENTER_FRAME event listener. Therefore, this function should not be called anymore...
I tried to give the class a variable 'exists', then setting this to 'false' in the function that is called when the object is removed from stage. Also, this onEnteringFrame function first checks whether this 'exists' variable is true before executing any code... This also didn't solve my problem...
So in the end, it seems like the ENTER_FRAME is always called before the REMOVED_FROM_STAGE event. Is there anyway to turn this around?
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Feb 24, 2012
Let's say you have a guestbook in where you constantly update the data pulled from a .txt file, but when someone posts a comment and press the SUBMIT button, you'd like that the data is updated at that moment to make it display faster, but since an already dispatched event is coming to update the data of your guestbook WITHOUT the newly posted comment, a flicker might occur, so you would then like to stop that data from being transferred to your Flash file and rather dispatch a new event to load new data with your recently posted comment. Or maybe you just want to know how to stop an event from any class, either way, you've come to the right place.
Let's use that guestbook as our example. Instead of using an onEnterFrame to constantly update the data, I'd use LoadVars' onData event to retrieve the data, but when that data has been transferred, dispatch another onData event, and make this keep going in a loop:
ActionScript Code:
function updateGuestbook(){
loadData = new LoadVars();
loadData.onData = function(data){
and then I have this button to submit my comment to the guestbook (keeping it simple):
ActionScript Code:
submit_btn.onRelease = function(){
loadVariablesNum("somefile.php", 0, "POST");
so I call the updateGuestbook function, which will fire another event to load new data, but another event has probably already been fired off already with the old data, and this will cause the guestbook to nudge a bit, flicker, if you know what I mean, because first the old data will load, then right after that, a few milliseconds later, the new data will load, and this will be visible to the eye, and will probably not look good.What you can do, is to stop the previous event, delete it, to stop its data from being received by Flash. To do this, simply use this:
ActionScript Code:
delete loadData.onData;
to delete that event, just as simple as that.
ActionScript Code:
submit_btn.onRelease = function(){
loadVariablesNum("somefile.php", 0, "POST");
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Jul 30, 2011
if you had a parent movieclip, say mc1, and two movieclips inside that, say mc2 and mc3, and you had a color button that changed the color of mc3, how would you stop the button from affecting mc2? to make it clearer, mc3 is a fence section and mc2 is the shadow affect (for realistic looking fence section). when the button is pressed on the stage, the color take both movieclips and turns them into its functions color.
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Aug 30, 2010
I have built a flash movie that is located here: http:[url]......For some reason after the timeline plays through completly (after the "headshots and potfolios" slide) the listener on the "child and family portraits" button stops listening or responding. Why is that? All the other event listeners are behaving themselves except this one? Here is the actionscript:
McChild.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, fl_MouseOverHandler);[code]...........
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Feb 2, 2011
I have a MovieClip which contains 4 Buttons:When the user mouses out of the container, it shoulddisappear:this.resolutions.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,this.resolutionsClose);When the user mouses out of any of the 4 Buttons, the event bubbles up to the container. This is not the expected behavior. How do I stop this propagation when none of the 4 Buttons have mouse out handlers?
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Oct 18, 2011
What is the difference between event.bubbles to false for any event, And Setting event.stopPropagaion() or stopImmidiatePropagation() while handling event? I am using flex4 with as3.
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Feb 2, 2009
This was working just fine, then flash crashed last night, and now the first event listener keeps firing over and over, endlessly... Even if I remove the listener right there in the function being called...
Edit: Argh, somehow, I must have added a second frame to the timeline (which I have hidden because I'm not using it) so flash was looping the 2 frames over and over...
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader()
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML_complete)
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("filename.xml"))
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Jul 31, 2009
I am currently using a mouse move event listener to check the x and y coordinates of the mouse on the stage, but I am wondering how in god's name I can stop this once the function has exited. I am using the even listener inside of a drag and drop function, specifically inside of the drag function, but when I call dragging.stop(), I would also like to remove the event listener.
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Apr 11, 2010
I have music player when the swf starts and loops continuously or until "music off" button is activated. I would like the music to stop when a certain page is called or if that can't be done then when any button of the main menu is selected.
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