ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Wildcards - Changing Color Of Buttons With Mouse Events

Mar 20, 2010

I have 30 buttons called thumb01 to thumb30. I have created this functions so when hover over and hover out of the one of the buttons it changes colour. I would like to use this for all my 30 buttons, but I dont want ot write the same code 30 times. Is there a way to for example to use wildcards so I can write thumbxx and address all the buttons.

var col:Color = new Color();
col.setTint(0xFFFFFF, 0.5);
function hooverOver(event:MouseEvent):void {
set1_mc.thumb01_btn.transform.colorTransform = col;
} set1_mc.thumb01_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,hoverOut);
function hooverOut(event:MouseEvent):void {
set1_mc.thumb01_btn.transform.colorTransform= new ColorTransform()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Changing Mouse Events Into Function Calls?

Feb 27, 2003

I have 4 invisible buttons that all do basically the same thing. I am learning how to consolidate my code using functions and I'm stuck on this one. I am using onRollover, on Rollout and onReleases in a frame actionscript. The code is below for 2 of the buttons.

mission_btn.onRollOver =function(){


change these events into a function? or should I just continue with this method for the other buttons?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Color From Different Buttons?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Color On Mouse Over?

Apr 9, 2009

I think I'm really close to getting my multiple choice question to work! Here's what it does:

1) Read my question, possible answers, and correct answer key from XML.

2) Print the question, 4 answers, and 4 radio buttons on the stage.

3) Clicking the submit button on the stage, checks the answer. The user gets feedback based on whether they are right or wrong.

1) When the user mouses over an answer, I want to change the text color.

Currently, only the color of the last answer is changing colors, and it's changing colors if I mouse over any of the answers.

Here's my code:

import fl.controls.RadioButton;
import fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup;
var qLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Color (colour) Using Buttons?

May 19, 2005

I'm trying to make it so when the user clicks a button, it fades from it's current colour to a pre-defined one... simple enough in theory Here's the AS I've got so far:

var startColour = {r:50,g:100,b:250};
var endColour = {r:250,g:0,b:120};


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Changing A Button's Color Via A Mouse Click?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to learn a simple way to code a button's color to change when you click on the button itself. I got the button's alpha to work by doing the following: Create a text field with the word "Preflight" and convert it to a button. Drag the button onto the stage and give it an instance name of "Preflight1". On the first frame of the timeline, insert the following code:

import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
Preflight1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Preflight1Click);


Now when you test the movie, anytime you click the button "Preflight" the button's alpha drops (dims) by 10%. Works perfect and easy. Now, how can I do this exact same thing with the button's color? When you click the button, its color changes to some new color? I've tried colorTransform, but no luck.

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Apr 23, 2008

What I make usually is have an array and set different levels of mouse blocking.


I have the menu, the contents, and lets say something else that appears on top of everything called animation.

mouse_block = new array(false,false,false)

The first false corresponds to the menu, the second to the contents, etc.

So, I check on every clickable mc if their level is false or true.

//do what ever it is suposed to do


My problem is that I need to write that on every movieclip...

Can you point me a way of optimizing this?

I thought of using the prototype, but from what I know you can only create new methods an properties.

Is there a way of modifying the mouse events like onPress or onRollOver?.... or create your own mouse events using those as a starting point?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Class That Moves Buttons With Mouse Events

Jan 27, 2010

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The class will have a variable that stores the original x coordinate and the desired resting coordinate for the button on roll over. on roll over, the script calculates the number of pixels between where it is and the destination, or on roll out, it would calculate the number of pixels from its current position to the original position. Then it would use that number to do the following calculation:

} this.x=destinationX-countPix /*or + count pix depending on weather its moving to the right or left*/
while(count>0) {
this.x+=count /*or -= if moving back*/
/*timer would elapse here*/

So u see, it counts the number of pixels it needs to move, then it counts the number of increments (count) it needs to move between timers for this sort of easing motion. I just don't know how to implement this in actionscript

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Feb 12, 2012

Right now all the sounds (78 of them) on my guitar play using the roll_over event but that doesn't give the user much control over what sound is played.
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for(var i:uint = 0; i < buttonArray.length; i++){
buttonArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, buttonRolledOver);

What i want to do is only play a sound with the roll_over event when the left click is held down.

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i'm doing a school project of mine and i am having trouble doing the changing color objects. here is an axample of the script that i;m using:

on (rollOver) {
var colorful = new Color("_root.shapes");

For this script it does change color, but how do i make it to stay the same color that user selected after going to another scene?

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Apr 23, 2010

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I am in the making of a isometric level editor, and I have about 15 movie clips with more to come. I want to let people change the color of tiles to what they want from a list of colors, so how can I let them change the color of a tile dinamicly with actionscript so that it changes a tile's color while preserving changes of "shadows"? I mean I have let's say a cube and to make it look 3D I need to change each face to make a feeling of 3D and not a flat one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Interactive Coloring Book - Large Blank Box At The Top Of The Color Pallet Isnt Changing Color?

Apr 27, 2009

i have been doing this tutorial http:[url]..but i am stuck on PART 8, i have done everything the tutorial has said so far (although my image and the colors used are different) but the large blank box at the top of the color pallet isnt changing color when i click on any color from the pallet.

Also this tutorial doesnt say what version of flash and actionscript is best suited for this.Currently i am using CS4 & Action Script 2.0 but i don't know if this is correct. below there is a link to the fla. file that Coloring_Book.fla.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Changing Movieclip Color And Text Color?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a movie clip where it contains an instance of text

I able to change the movie clip and text color individually

but when i try to change both at once the text color is same as movie clip color

ActionScript Code:
myColor = new Color(myMovieClip);
myTextColor= new Color(myMovieClip.myText);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Color & HTML Background Color

Jun 18, 2009

So i'm working on this website and I want to be able to switch out the entire color scheme on the website everytime a button is pressed, I've stepped away from flash for awhile and actionscript 3 is new me. Plus I haven't quite found any truely useful stuff on forums yet.
What i can't figure out is when a button is pressed the HTML background color changes to one of 5 preselected colors (that alternate ever time the button is pressed). Then for each background change the text changes too as it is part of a entire new color scheme.
What I've managed so far is to change the color of the background thats within the Flash file. What i did was to make a movie clip that plays to a next frame and stop everytime the button is pressed. Now i just need to also get to change the HTML color and the font colors.
//"homeText" being the name of dynamic text field and "Button" the name of the button and "background" being the movie clip that is the background within the flash file.
Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Button_CLICK);
function Button_CLICK(e:MouseEvent):void{;    homeText.TextFormat(color "0x000000");}
I'm not sure if my code is just sloppy or if i'm completely going the wrong route here.

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Flex :: Color Of Icon When Changing Color Of Button?

Sep 16, 2011

I have a button with an icon. I want to have the button in gray so I change the chromeColor but when I do that, the icon became darker.On the left the button without changing the color, on the right, the gray button with and darker icon.How can I have a gray button without changing the icon color?

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Actionscript 3 :: Iphone - Touch Events Vs Mouse Click Events?

Jan 11, 2012

Just wanted to ask if there is any advantage for either using mouse click event or touch tap events, when writing apps for mobiles or tablets (for the iphone especially)?

I know that both of them should work fine, but in term of performance, is anyone better? Are there any things I should be aware of when choosing either?

By the way am using actionscript3 to implement the app.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mixing Stage Mouse Events And Children Events?

Sep 30, 2009

I have an animation that I want to start when clicking on the flash window. However, I've also have some buttons on the stage. If I add an event listener for MouseEvent.CLICK on the stage, then it 'eats up' the events and the buttons don't work.

I've tried some tricks, by adding some invisible buttons on top of the real ones, and use the MOUSE_OVER event to selectively enable/disable the mouseEnabled flag for the stage, but didn't work because it complains that the property or method doesn't exist (which I find odd).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Changing The Color Of MC Changes The Color Of The Text?

Dec 16, 2009

My buttonMC is build of:

1. shape (a rectangle gray color) converted to MC named = Bar

2. (on top of 1) DynamicText named = buttonText converted to MC named = buttText in order to change the color of the shape I decleard a veriable
cButton = new Color(this.Bar);
I then add actionscript onRollOver
cButton.setRGB(nRed << 16 | nGreen << 8 | nBlue);
but it also changed the color of the text so I added a veriable for the text field
tButton = new Color(this.buttText.buttonText);
tButton.setRGB(0xFFFFFF);but that didnt help

this is bad becuse the text on the screen is unseen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wildcards For Referencing Instance Names?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a series of clips with instance names like box1, box2 etc. Altogether there are about two dozen. Is there any way I can run something like "box#.x = 0" where # would be a wildcard to place all instances starting in "box"?I'd also love to be able to set their y position where box#.y = (#-1)*2. For that I believe I need to do a count function, but I was hoping there was another way. For other reasons I need to be able to control the instance names and not have that be automated in any way.

Is this possible? Searches in these forums as well as Google and a few other places have turned up nothing. It would save me a huge amount of time and work if either of these were possible without having to rework all of my instance names that are already in use.If it's relevant, I'm doing this all in Flash CS4.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Being Dragged Is Blocking The Mouse From Initiation Mouse Events Properly?

Jun 2, 2010

In a project i'm doing I have a custom cursor, using the start drag command and mouse.hide. the issue being that the movieclip being dragged is blocking the mouse from initiation mouse events properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MOUSE_OVER Listener - Animation Is Triggered Both On Mouse Over And Mouse Out Events

Aug 2, 2009

I have a movie clip I am using as a button (instance name btn1) and I added an event listener to it (using the following line): btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, animate1); the function "animate1" triggers some small animation when the mouse is over the movieclip. my problem is that the animation is triggered both on mouse over and mouse out events.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Events Fail To Trigger If Mouse Move Too Fast?

Nov 18, 2009

It has been awhile since I have worked in flash.Right now I am working on something where I would like a panel to disappear when someone mouses off the stage.stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, leaveHandler); It usually works fine but if I move my mouse really fast it doesn't fire. I have also tried the same thing using a custom invisible button that surounds the perimeter of the stage and I have tried ROLL_OVER and MOUSE_OVERand again, if I do it too fast my event doesn't fire (I am using trace)I can't find anything on the net about this - is this typical of flash that if you move your mouse too fast you break it? Do I need to increase my frame rate (I would really rather not because I have perfectly timed animations - I am at 30 frames per second)

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Buttons (Up - Over - Down - Hit) - Button Color Change To A Different Color

Feb 24, 2011

What I am trying to do is to have the button color change to a different color when it is on the page. The color only changes when I roll over it or hit it. Once I am on the page it changes back to the color it is on the up state.

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