ActionScript 3.0 :: When Implement HitTest - All The Objects Stop Flying For 1 Second

Apr 11, 2010

When I implement the hitTest all the objects stop flying. Is it becaus too much is happening and the CPU has to think - I don't think so - my game is so basic. By the way, somewhere along the line I will use loops and arrays but at the moment I know what's going on in my code.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Color Objects That Are Flying Around In Space Game?

Jul 5, 2011

trying to color objects that are flying around in my space game.When I shoot and hit them - the affected enemies shall blink. The graphics are pre-rendered (i.e. there's an rotation array and function where the degrees and their appropriate rotation for the objects are stored / calculated for better performance).

So - my idea was to enhance that rotation function with a functionality for additional coloring; but the colored AND rotated objects shall be stored apart of the normal rotated objects. To accomplish this I made a nested array:in row one there are 360 rotated graphics of one object and in row two there are 360 graphics of a rotated and colored object.

Problem: Coloring works but they are not rotated (always at 0 degrees).

public function createRotationWithColorBlitArrayFromBD(sourceBitmapData:BitmapData, inc:int, offset:int = 0):Array
trace("sourceBitmapData.width=" + sourceBitmapData.width);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Implement A HitTest With A Clip With FT Added?

May 1, 2003

Im 'TRYING' to use your FreeTransform proto from, with the drawing movie ive been making (for the last century lol) namely with lines using the draw api and duped circles (which have textfields inside)..

I think for my requirements I need 2 types of free transform, 1 for transforming lines, the other for transforming circles with text inside. It seems rotation with your FT kills the text inside my circle so I figured I would remove the rotation handles for one style. Also Im after;

1) manual control over FreeTransform as I only want it enabled when a user selects the 'transform' button in the tool bar (disabled otherwise)

-> so I have set 0 for autoRemove, so that I can addFreeTransform to all clips on 'moveComponents' (button clip) "down" event and removeFreeTransform on 'moveComponent's (button clip) "up" (ie not selected). Seem ok/logical?

2)Next I have a canvas, so I need selected elements to swap depths and be dragged BUT only in the canvas area,

-> Im not sure how to implement a hitTest with a clip with FT added?

3)Lastly Ive had an issue with using FT on clips with api drawn lines. It seems that the center cross hair is way up in the top left, and funnily enough the boundary (ie the surround handles bit) manages to perfect wrap itself around the line. Of course because the center cross hair is way up in the top left the rotation and resizing of the line is completely wacky.Anyway here's my 2 FT styles...

//My freetransform style for circles
ftCircleStyle = new FreeTransformStyle([3,0xFF0000,100], [15,0xFFEEAA,100], [null,"s",null,"s",null,"s",null,"s"], true, 0);[code]....

1)The AS you'll find in the timeline of the clip called 'drawArea'.

2)And to run the movie compile the fla and click the blue arrow on 'New' in the menu you see, then a toolbar will appear with a canvas.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] HitTest On Moving Objects?

Jan 22, 2009

I'm making a game where a character moves around a level and stays in the centre of the screen as the background scrolls past. I have created a movie clip of an enemy that moves up and down, and used hitTest to stop my character flying through the enemy and also to deduct a point from the score. However, if my character hits the enemy and stays underneath him, the enemy's movement pushes my character out of the screen, and you can no longer see him.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: HitTest On Multiple Objects?

Jun 29, 2009

Im trying to make a small game. Could someone take a look at the CS4 and CS3 fla files attached and tell me how to make the game reset when the red circle touches the block boxes.

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Flash - HitTest With Objects From Two Arrays?

Feb 2, 2012

Basically what I'm looking to do is hitTest bullets inside an array (spawn via addChild -> pushed into an array) with another array containing ships (spawn via addChild -> pushed into an array as well).At the moment I have:

function moveEnemyLarge():void{
var target2:EnemyLarge;
for(var i2:int=0;i2<enemyShipArray.length;i2++){


.. and a near identical function for the bullets (using variables: i, target).What is the easiest way for me to hitTest the objects within my bullet array with the objects in my ship array. Putting "target" in the PLACEHOLDER slot doesn't work, and from what I've seen some people will shove the one for() inside of the other.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest On Multiple Objects?

Jul 1, 2009

I have many black boxes fallling down and i want the game to reset when the black boxes touch my red circle. I used this code for my boxes:

ActionScript Code:
myInterval = setInterval(addbox1,500);
function addbox1() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using HitTest Function With Several Objects?

Apr 16, 2007

I want to make a hitTest functions that detects if a object is hitting any of several objects. Is there a way to do this? I thought I could do this with a array and for loop. But I think that will use to much CPU when this is loaded every frame. Is there any other way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A For Loop With Hittest Objects

Apr 19, 2012

I'm trying to get something quite simple to work, but can't figure out what's happening here. I have five identical MCs (Bat characters), and the user can drag a bottle to feed them.

There is a hittest object (called WormEat) inside the bat's head. When the bottle, which is attached to the cursor touches the bat's head, it toggles to frame 2 of the bottle, which should play an animation of the liquid going down to empty.

This code is all working fine, except that when the code toggles to frame 2 of the bottle, it remains static. The animated Movie Clip doesn't play.

If not, perhaps a Switch statement could work, but I'm not sure how to use that method with Hittest..

var DragArray:Array = [Bat1, Bat2, Bat3, Bat4, Bat5];
for (var i:int = 0; i < DragArray.length; i++) {
DragArray[i].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, CollisionWorm);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 - Use One HitTest For Multiple Objects?

Jul 28, 2010

I'll try to make my question pretty short and simple.


So what I'm trying to do is make the character stop when it runs into something. I can do that, but it will only work for one "block" movieclip I put on the stage. What can I do to make this work for multiple "blocks"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie With Several Objects - HitTest Repeating

Oct 25, 2010

I have several objects in a separate movie and want to perform a hitTest with them and my other object 'knexman' which is noted below in the script. Basically what's happening is that when I trace the output of the hitTest, it increments about 5 or 6 at a time with each enemy collision running into the knexman object. All I want to do is when objects run into the 'knexman', to increment and trace it by one. Once I get it to increment by one I can accurately conditionalize how many lives are left etc.

onClipEvent (load) {
function reset(){
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTest -- RemoveChild Multipal Objects?

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basically im trying  this code code:

var cur:curFlap = new curFlap  ;
var con:cont = new cont  ;;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTest Fast Moving Objects?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm just curious how you'd hitTestObject a fast moving object? The problem I'm having is that my bullet seems to skip over large areas depending on the speed. Since the speed of my bullet is 40 pixels per millisecond (I think), it seems to only appear on the stage in instances that are 40 pixels apart, so I cannot hitTest in between those instances.

Here's an image of the bullet patturn as I hold down the shoot button. It just looks like this, unchanging. I won't be able to hit the yellow object ever.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Uses HitTest To Determine Whether The Two Objects Collide With Each Other

Mar 24, 2004

I am trying to create a program using random motion of two movie clips and uses hitTest to determine whether the two objects collide with each other. I've gotten hitTest to work with the original movie clips, but when the user loads more movie clips (via a button and duplicateMovieClip):


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ActionScript 1/2 :: HitTest Trying To Stop Something Moving?

Jun 13, 2010

ok here is the scene



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Sound On Hittest

Jun 30, 2011

when the game starts im playing a simple song, and when my character falls, the sound should stop playing.[code]if ( player_mc.fall_mc.visible && player_mc.fall_mc.currentFrame == player_mc.fall_mc.totalFrames )// here when player falls, it plays a falling sound, but the main song wont stop, and when i restart the level, the main song starts again over the current playing song.[code]

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Flash8 HitTest Works Wierd With Rotating Objects?

Dec 29, 2009

How would i make hitTest work better with a rotating object(AS2). Becase i have a circle and it if gets near the rotating object (actually pretty far away) it starts the script,(new x and y)

I think thats the rotation script, becuase i took a break for like 4 days becuase it was irritating.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fail Hittest Collision Using Multiple Arraylist Objects

Jan 4, 2011

I'm actually working on a multiple collision detection in actionscript 3.0, using pixel collision for a game for my assignment, where an enemy patrols around and searching for the hero. So, i draw a line between the enemy and the hero, to check whether there's some collision happened between those two. if the line colllides with an obstacle such as wall, door, etc. enemy will not be able to see the hero. When i tried a single line collision with a wall (one object only) it works perfectly.

But here's the problem. For the multiple objects collision (several walls and doors included), i added those objects in an arraylist, When i used for loop to check the collision between the line and those objects in the arraylist, none seems to react , except the first object in the arraylist or index 0.

Is there any simpler way to do the multiple collision detection?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating The HitTest - Passing The Objects Name As A Parameter Through A Global Function

Jun 16, 2004

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Flames While Spaceship Is Flying?

Aug 10, 2010

Im trying to add flames while my spaceship is flying. When forward button is pressed the flame appears from the center of the ship and when the right or left button is pressed the flame appears from the right or left side of the ship, I tried to use gotoAndStop, but it only shows frame by the last pressed button, if I press two keys at same time I see only one flame. What should I do to see two frames at the same time?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animate A Rocket Flying?

Aug 16, 2010

I am trying to animate a rocket flying. I know there is a way you can use the line tool/ pen tool to draw the path in which you want the rocket to go?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Papervision 3D Plane Flying?

Jul 22, 2011

I am having trouble getting a spaceship to fly through space in 3 dimensions. I was wondering if anyone knows of like some good example source code for 3D plane flying movement?

Or if someone could point me in the right direction for the Trigonometry equations,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Do Effect Like Flying In Space

Mar 3, 2009

[URL]. When u click one of the icons there you will see they are floating very smoothly how to do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Both Objects From Dragging?

Jun 11, 2010

I've been searching various sites and forums for a solution to this, but have so far found none, so I was hoping to ask for some advice on the subject.Basically I have a movieclip of a photoframe, and I'd like it so when the user clicks the edge of the frame, they can drag it around, while clicking the photo inside the frame will open a new window and show the photo in full view.Originally I thought I could accomplish this simply by using:(Note: Framemc is the main movieclip, with another mc called "Photo" inside which is the picture)[code]But this leads to an odd problem: When dragging the frame it works fine, but the user can also drag the "photomc" around too (like, the frame stays in place and doesnt move with it), thus removing it from the frame.Is there a way to tell the code to move only certain parts of the mc and not others?

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IDE :: How To Stop Objects Looping In Flash CS4

Jan 22, 2010

How to stop objects looping in Flash CS4? I have created logo with motion tween. But all my objects are animating continuously. I want each object animate only once then stop animating.

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ActionScript 3 :: Object Flying Around And Shooting - Rotation Values?

Apr 6, 2012

I got an object (called tempEnemy) which is flying around and shooting. The problem is that I can't keep the value tempEnemy.rotateTo positive, i.e. It shall be between 0 and 359 degrees. Currently rotateTo ranges from:
rotateTo < 0 (bug) && rotateTo > 0 && rotateTo > 359 (bug).
tempEnemy.dX = tempEnemy.destX - tempEnemy.x;
tempEnemy.dY = tempEnemy.destY - tempEnemy.y;

//I added 180 because my tempEnemy object was looking and shooting to the wrong direction
tempEnemy.rotateTo = (toDegrees(getRadians(tempEnemy.dX, tempEnemy.dY))) + 180;
if (tempEnemy.rotateTo > tempEnemy.frame + 180) tempEnemy.rotateTo -= 360;
if (tempEnemy.rotateTo < tempEnemy.frame - 180) tempEnemy.rotateTo += 360;
tempEnemy.incFrame = int((tempEnemy.rotateTo - tempEnemy.frame) / tempEnemy.rotateSpeed);

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Actionscript 3 :: Create A Flying Tile 3D Transition Just Via Classes?

Feb 14, 2012

I have been looking all over the internet for a tutorial to which will show me how to re-create this effect on images.[url]...

I dont want to install these 3rd party components, because the project I am working on at present, may in future need to be edited by other designers/developers.

Is there anyway to do this just via scripting?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Effect With Flying Letters To Form Word

Nov 22, 2010

I have a client who has seen an effect where letters fly around and then come together to form words like this: [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Papervision - Flying Zoom In Camera Function Example?

Apr 13, 2011

How should I code/setup a camera animation where the camera zooms in on an animation (just cubes) and when it reaches the appropriate view the animation starts?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Object Flying Around Using Random Movement?

Jun 11, 2005

Trying to create an object flying around using random movement. Instead of a straight line bounce-off-the-wall movement, I'm trying to get it to move in a curved path like a bee flying around.

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