ActionScript 3.0 :: Class - Keep Track Of The Currently Selected Tab In UI Navigation
Jul 31, 2009
I hope this isn't faux pas, but I'm making the transition from AS2 to AS3 and was wondering if I'm on the right track with this class. One question in particular I have is, I'm storing a reference (I think it's just a reference and not a copy) of "curTab" in order to keep track of the currently selected tab in this UI navigation. Is this using unnecessary memory and is there a better way to do this?
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Feb 16, 2009
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menu.menu_buttons.about_us.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, about_us_onClick);
function about_us_onClick(event:MouseEvent):void
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var m = 0;
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// This is an array, a list of the buttons used. var myButtons = [this.myButton_1, this.myButton_2, this.myButton_3, this.myButton_4]; // Loops on all buttons from the first to the last one for (var i=0; i<myButtons.length; i++) { // When the mouse rolls over this menu option... reduce size just a bit. // NOTICE: I'm not taking into consideration the problem of having the hit area going down and "moving" the // mouse area and out of the button (possible rollover flicking). This is just a simple example afterall.
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import fl.controls.TileList; import; import flash.display.Sprite; import;
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Apr 9, 2010
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Mar 19, 2009
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Apr 25, 2009
I'm trying to make a "next track" button. "T" is meant to be track number, and every time they click this button, I wanted "T" to increase by one until T>4 where I need it to go back to T=1 (I've only got 4 tracks). Then, I want, depending on what "T" equals, for it to start playing Track"T" and stop playing previous track. I also want the track playing to be looping continuously. At the moment, everything is muted, until I press the button; where it then plays all four tracks at once. I also have a problem with the mute button, but I've got a strong feeling both are of the same reason. I think my problem is that it does not know what "T" equals to begin with so it accepts all if statements; playing all tracks. But I'm new to Flash (my second project) so I'm not sure.
on (release){
T =T+1
if (T>4){
} if (T = 1){
_root.snd1.start(0, 100);
[Code] .....
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Nov 12, 2009
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stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mousePosition);
// I use this to track readings.
function mousePosition(event:MouseEvent) {
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Mar 30, 2010
I'm trying to dynamically create buttons that will change accordingly to the matching array vars. So far, the only part that isn't working is the mouse down event. The trace just goes nuts and I'm kinda confuse here.[code]...
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Aug 3, 2011
what am I doing wrong here? The getchildByName value stays null, therefore it is not removing the movieclip.
var myMC:MovieClip;
function track(e:MouseEvent):void {
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Sep 20, 2009
I am using an array with a pIndex value of 0:
this.pArray = ["1.swf", "2.swf", "3.swf", "4.swf"];
this.pIndex = 0;is pressed, the array number increases by 1:
MovieClip.prototype.changeImage = function(d) {
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Jun 13, 2010
I am using an addChild() method to place an intro MovieClip into a website. It has a short ten second musical track. I also have a skip intro button on the stage which does a removChild(). I keep trying to write code that will also stop the sound, which continues to play. I tried loading the sound separately and used the channel.stop(); So far nothing is working. It seems like I've been here before.
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Sep 11, 2010
so in Macromedia Flash, how do i stop a music Track in macromedia Flash halfway through when its playing?
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Sep 17, 2010
I have a quiz created in Flex using Spark forms, with a series of questions which are a group of radio buttons. When the user clicks "next", I get the value of the selected radio button in the group. What I need to do is keep track of these values; at the end of the quiz I will need to see which value was chosen the most. So if the user mostly picked the questions with a "3" value, I can display a summary based on that, e.g. "You mostly chose type 3 answers". I was thinking about having an int variable for every choice (there are 5), and incrementing the appropriate variable when the user clicks "next", as in
private function enterScore(i:int):void {
switch (i){
case 1:
But this seems unwieldy. I also will need to compare the 5 tallies for which one was chosen the most...
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Mar 9, 2011
I am using CS4.What I want to do is gather input from a user, and each time they click on a certain button, in this case the YES button, I would like a number added to the var such as score++. This way, I can use a case statement at the end to direct the user to the right product.However, my code does not work,
var score:Number = 0;
var score_txt:TextField = new TextField();
score_txt.x = 150;
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