ActionScript 3.0 :: Continue In Same Function After Loading?

Sep 12, 2010

I load something, I do something with it, then I can load something again, then I do something with it, etc .... I create many functions for this flow of events, is there a way to stay in 1 function?What i want:

public function Main(){
var result1 = load('file1.php');


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Function - Finish Loading Then Continue

Jul 2, 2008

In a buttons code, how would I say finish loading, then play. Here is what I have:
btn.onRelease = function(){
//finish loading code goes here

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaders Continue Loading Same Swf Over And Over?

Feb 13, 2009

I have 5 loaders on a frame, each loads an external .swf on enter_frame. Everything works great, but the problem is that after this frame, the movie gets really bogged down and slow.

After running through debug, it looks like the loaders are loading the .swfs over and over again, so I end up with multiple child .swfs in each one, which I am guessing is the reason things start running slow. I am obviously missing the script to tell the loader to only load once, then stop loading.

Here's the code:

brandsOne.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, brandsLoader1);
brandsTwo.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, brandsLoader2);
brandsThree.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, brandsLoader3);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Start Playing At 25% And Continue Loading As It Plays?

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I know this is probably a easy change but i can't seem to figure it out.I want the code below to start playing at 25% and continue loading as it plays,
Frame 1 AS:
bytestotal = getBytesTotal();

_root.bytesloaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Current / Loaded Movieclip To Continue Playing Until It Reaches The End Of The Clip Before Loading The Next

Jan 14, 2008

I have a number of menu buttons (home, about, contact, etc). Each button loads a new/different movieclip onto the scene. Each movieclip when loaded plays up to frame 25 and stops. When I click on any of the menu buttons, I want the current/loaded movieclip to continue playing until it reaches the end of the clip before loading the next. I tried this actionscript with no luck!


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ActionScript 2.0 :: The Button And The Movie Clip Draggable And The Button Continue To Function?

Oct 25, 2004

Why is it that when i have button in a movie clip and that movie clip is a draggable object the button becomes inactive? How can i have both the button and the movie clip draggable and the button continue to function. below is the script i have for the draggable movie clip, which has the button contained within that:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music To Continue Playing But The GetURL Function Seems To Stop The Music

Dec 13, 2005

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Flash To Detect User's Bandwidth / Depending Size Of Bandwidth / Stop Loading / Continue With Load?

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Is there a way for flash to detect a user's bandwidth, and depending the size of bandwidth, stop loading, or continue with the load? Now that I'm thinking about it, this would probably be a javascript detection script and if the bandwidth is high, load .swf, if not load a .jpg?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading While Loading Function?

Oct 26, 2007

Ive got a menu on top of my page which has a few buttons. On each button press, I have a standard "_root.pages.gotoAndStop(frame#);" and also a function call which loads a different picture into the background. So, the page appears, and a loader shows "LOADING BACKGROUND" and then once its loaded it fades in overtop of whatever picture was there.roblem is...if I click the buttons fast (before the background loaded), the pages work fine, but since the background didnt fully load, the correct background for each page seems to get confused and isnt right.Here's the function that loads the back pictures...

var fadespeed = 5;
function load_pic(myLoad, myNum:Number) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Music Continue Through Frames?

Apr 24, 2009

My problem is that whenever I switch frames the music in my flash project restarts and overlaps and sounds incredibly crappy.Is there any way I can make it so that my music opens on my first frame and continues playing through all subsequent frames?

import;var channel:SoundChannel;var soundisplaying:Boolean = false;var pausePosition:int = 0var sound:Sound = new acoust();channel =;
playbut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playsound);stopbut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopsound);function [code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine When A Php Script Has Run Then Continue In It?

Sep 13, 2010

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(i suppose I could just add the rest of the a.s. into a later frame but that sounds like a method when all else fails)

Here's how it works in detail:

1. someone clicks on the "oil" button which means they want to view all the images in the "oil" gallery.

2. A php script creates an xml that includes only the oil images (that''s the variable it must receive from Flash "oil").

3. The php script finishes its job before a.s. script continues

Here's how I started but I'm not even sure what type of "event" is used to listen for a finished php script or where to put the variable parameter[code]...

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Flash Loop Error Want To Continue

Dec 7, 2010

I have a flash loop with a function inside (nothing special, just looks through some text files on hard drive). However, some of the files don't satisfy, this is expected and the program throws an error as expected. No surprises there.But! I would like it to move on to the next text file when it finds a bad text file. Instead, it just stops everything.[code]

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Mar 2, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Mouseover To Continue While Looping?

Oct 5, 2009

I have a listener that responds to a MOUSE_OVER by starting a function (a rotation on a symbol).I have the containing movieclip looping continuously but the rotation stops when the second looping begins and I want it to continue, as the mouse is still over the object.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Music Continue Through Frames

Apr 25, 2009

I have been looking for a solution to my problem for 3 days and after finding almost nothing on the subject I've decided to seek help in this forum. My problem is that whenever I switch frames the music in my flash project restarts and overlaps and sounds incredibly crappy. Is there any way I can make it so that my music opens on my first frame and continues playing through all subsequent frames?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continue Timeline After Stop?

Dec 4, 2004

how to do more AS than tweens.I have this script on my MC on frame one

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
speed = 17;
this._x -= speed;

i have a MC moving across the stage, i tried stopping it with a delete onenterFrame but it will jump and not stop.. my second quesiton is, after i get it to stop, how do i continue the timeline and not repeat frame one,

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IDE :: Continue Movie Clip After Rollover?

Nov 24, 2009

I am working on doing a clickable menu in flash cs4 and i have made my movie clips that animate each menu item on rollover (I did this by putting the movie clip into the "over" state inside the button which resides on my main scene)When I test it that all works fine each movie clip plays on rollover. But when I roll off the button it cuts the animation short.

What I want it to do is continue the movie clip after I take my mouse off the button and hold in that end frame until I have rolled over another button. But still I want it to play through the movie clip if I roll off one button and onto another. So if someone rolls over all the menu buttons they each play all the way through but will disappear after end frame and only the last button that i have rolled over will remain at last frame of its animation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Continue Movie Clip After Rollover?

Nov 24, 2009

So I am working on doing a clickable menu in flash cs4 and i have made my movie clips that animate each menu item on rollover (I did this by putting the movie clip into the "over" state inside the button which resides on my main scene)

When I test it that all works fine each movie clip plays on rollover. But when I roll off the button it cuts the animation short.

What I want it to do is continue the movie clip after I take my mouse off the button and hold in that end frame until I have rolled over another button. But still I want it to play through the movie clip if I roll off one button and onto another. So if someone rolls over all the menu buttons they each play all the way through but will disappear after end frame and only the last button that i have rolled over will remain at last frame of its animation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload Loader And Continue On Timeline?

Apr 28, 2009

I have used the loader class to play an external .swf file. When it is finished I need to stop it and continue to the next frame in the timeline of the original movie. I can load it and unload it, but how to I unload it after it has played and continue to frame 2 of the timeline?
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();myLoader.x = 150;myLoader.y = 75;
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("movie.swf"));addChild(myLoader);
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,onComplete) ; 
function onComplete(e:Event):void{    myLoader.unload(); this.gotoAndPlay(2);}
With this code, it skips the loaded movie and goes straight to frame 2.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Timeline Continue When All Movieclips Are Visible?

Feb 23, 2010

I am looking to have the timeline continue (gotoAndPlay basically) when the movieclips in the frame are visible.I'm trying to make a simple game where the user clicks differences and they (movieclips) are made visible in a table of discovered differences.When these movieclips are visible, the timeline should continue to the congratulatory frame.I was given the following code:

if(mc1._visible && mc2._visible && mc3._visible && mc4._visible){

I have replaced 'mc1' .etc with the instance names of the table entries recording what differences have been found. However, I don't know where to put this script (i assume it's on the frame where the movieclips become visible when differences are clicked). In addition, what do i replace 'somemovieclip' with?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making Banner To Continue When Go To Next Page?

May 21, 2010

I created a banner with 9 in and out fading pictures. Also the navigation buttons are located in this banner. When I click on the navigation buttons in the banner and the next page is loaded, the banner starts playing at picture 1 again. Same goes for the navigation outside the banner. Is it possible to make the banner continue when you go to the nexte page? So when I click on a button while picture nmbr3 is showing and I get the next page it still is on picture nmbr 3 and not starting at picture nmbr 1 again.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make The For Loop Continue Only After _root?

Sep 28, 2010

for (i = 0; i < _root.myArray.length; i++)        {                _root.searchAndDestroy();        }
how do i make the for loop continue only after _root.searchAndDestroy(); has finished it's task?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop A Section 5 Times And Then Continue?

Oct 15, 2010

I've been looking at other posts and trying to cobble this together, but am lost.I have a movie I need to play from frames 1-45 five times then continue from frame 50 to frame 70 and stop.on frame one I have the following script (in a layer for actions)

if (numberOfTimesToLoop<3) { gotoAndPlay(1); numberOfTimesToLoop++; } else { gotoAndPlay(50); } [code]....

this doesn't work, and I've tried many variations.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Continue Use Of The First Swf Load - Only Works In IE ... Not Other Browswers

May 20, 2011

I have a swf banner that is resident on every page. It loads the first time when the home page is loaded. However, it keeps reloading everytime I change pages. I do not want it to do so. I want it to just continue use of the first swf load. I used the following code to solve my problem and it works great in IE, but not in Safari, Firefox or Chrome. modify or whatever so that the reloading of the swf is stopped in other browsers. code entered in frame 1 of AS layer

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Professional :: MovieClip Count And Continue Feed?

Sep 26, 2011

I have an application that contains a group of images (movieSymbols) on stage. (like chairs)  I can drag these chairs all over the page.
1) Can I have ONLY one chair on stage and drag the same chair in multiple locations so that now I will have 10 chairs on stage?
2) If the above is possible, is there a way to set a counter that will show 10 chairs are on stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Continue Through For Loop When 1st Condition Is Null?

Nov 9, 2011

I'm wrestling with an issue right now and I'm hoping for some help, and more so, I'm hoping I can explain my problem. With the thought of a "fill in the blank/drag and drop/string replacement" interaction, here's how my swf works:
I have a various movie clips that can be dropped on various movie clips.When one movie clip is dropped on another, the corresponding __#__ within myTitle.text will be replaced with a string that is related to the movie clip that was just dropped: i.e. myTitle.text becomes 'This is the most annoying [thing]...'Per that example I just mentioned, in the code below, my for loop searches for __1__ and moves the hTarg movie clips accordingly.Once a __1__ is replaced with the associated string I mentioned, the indexOf the __1__ becomes null because it no longer exists in the string, and the following startRect(s) below also become null. 
So, my question is: How do I continue to loop through my for loop if the first index is null? I hope this makes sense, and I'm hoping someone can ituit what I'm trying to do based of my lousy explanation. If more clarification is needed, let me know and I will do my best to further explain.


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Flash :: Delay Frame For X Seconds Then Continue?

Mar 16, 2010

i have a very simple animation in flash CS4. My image travels from point X to point Y over 90 frames.I would like the image to stop at frame 45 for a few seconds, before continuing.

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Pause On Keyframe Then Continue Playing After A Set Of Time?

May 24, 2011

How to pause on a keyframe for five seconds in flash then continue playing?[code]...

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Flex :: Hold And Continue FOR - LOOP From The Same Spot?

Sep 6, 2011

I got a for/foreach loop the calls a function inside of it. The prolem is that the function being-called doesnt fininsh it's job before the loop goes over again/ Here is my code:


As you can see i want to add an item (notfriend) in MYFRIENDS unction, "notfriend" is defined inside the loop, but by the time "MYFRIENDS" function finish loading the item already changes to the next item even though i was originally refering to the previous item. Is there a way to maybe hold the FORloop until "myfriends" function finish loading.

I wanted to use Eventlistener on "myfriends" function , but then what do i do to stophold the loop? all i know is BREAK-which destroyes the FOR-LOOP and CONTINUE-which continue the loop from the next iterate.

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