Flex :: Hold And Continue FOR - LOOP From The Same Spot?

Sep 6, 2011

I got a for/foreach loop the calls a function inside of it. The prolem is that the function being-called doesnt fininsh it's job before the loop goes over again/ Here is my code:


As you can see i want to add an item (notfriend) in MYFRIENDS unction, "notfriend" is defined inside the loop, but by the time "MYFRIENDS" function finish loading the item already changes to the next item even though i was originally refering to the previous item. Is there a way to maybe hold the FORloop until "myfriends" function finish loading.

I wanted to use Eventlistener on "myfriends" function , but then what do i do to stophold the loop? all i know is BREAK-which destroyes the FOR-LOOP and CONTINUE-which continue the loop from the next iterate.

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Nov 9, 2011

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I have a various movie clips that can be dropped on various movie clips.When one movie clip is dropped on another, the corresponding __#__ within myTitle.text will be replaced with a string that is related to the movie clip that was just dropped: i.e. myTitle.text becomes 'This is the most annoying [thing]...'Per that example I just mentioned, in the code below, my for loop searches for __1__ and moves the hTarg movie clips accordingly.Once a __1__ is replaced with the associated string I mentioned, the indexOf the __1__ becomes null because it no longer exists in the string, and the following startRect(s) below also become null. 
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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval - Loop Then Pause / Continue

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createEmptyMovieClip("menu", 10);
function createMenus() {
aMenu = new Array();
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for (i=0; i<aMenu.length; i++) {
menu.createEmptyMovieClip("menu"+i, 100+i);
menu["menu"+i]._x = i*100;
menu["menu"+i]._y = 100;

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if (numberOfTimesToLoop<5) {
} else {


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Dec 28, 2009

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package {
public interface Hiddable {
function hideApp(value:Number):void;[code]....

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Creating Pulsating Spot That Looks Like Red Light

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Determine The X/y Coords Of A Spot On The Stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving MovieClips From One Spot To Another

Dec 16, 2011

I know how to move movieclips from one spot to another with a click of a button. I want to go further. After a few seconds, that movieclip will move again to another spot. So, with one click, my movieclip will move to one spot, and then after a few seconds will move to another spot.

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Flash :: Multiple Movieclips All Go To The Same Spot?

Mar 7, 2011

So I'm trying to shoot multiple bullets out of my body and it all works except I have an odd problem of just one bullet showing up and updating to set position for the new ones.
I have a move able player thats supposed to shoot and I test this code by moving the player and shooting. Im taking it step by step in creating this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reapears In Some Random Spot?

Mar 2, 2010

Its for a turtle and it works perfectly.. Except that when it hits my wall, it reapears in some random spot lol. Anyone know how to fix this?PS: this code has other random stuff, but try to find the problem.

hitSquare._visible = false
var players:Array;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hot Spot With Popup Text

Apr 29, 2010

I'm working on a flash movie(?) where I would like to place some hot spots on a image and with mouse over that display an info text. It got to be dynamical since I load location and text from a xml file. But I don't know where to start. Should I use SimpleButton for the hot spot and let the mouseover display a TextField with the info text?

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