ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Script To Edit Sound Files?
Feb 7, 2011
A wav or mp3 file will be taped or various. Is there any script to edit these files in batch ie: to Trim the beginnings ie: no sound parts. Or would I have to use a sound editor. As I say I don't want to do it manually. This sounds like a stupid use but it's important as I have children taping themselves and can't use a 3 party product to edit. Perhaps AIR has something in an API.
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Aug 19, 2010
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[My fla has 2 layers, one for this AS, and one for the buttons... within the symbol section, I have two layers, one for the button common BG, and two frames in the button layer, one for play (triangle) and one for stop (square). They are saved as a movie clip.]
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If I use Publish Setting and choose a different folder for the .swf and .html file that Flash CS3 will be generating then the audio/sound will not work when open the .html file in a browser. However, if I choose to the "Publish" option or "Publish Setting" but choose the same folder for the .html and .swf folder then the sound will work when opening the .html file inside a browser.[code]
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Jan 6, 2011
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This happens both when I import to the stage and import to the library. Please if you know anything about this issue please help otherwise the whole flash program is useless for me.
Also I found online that installing quicktime fixes the issue. It didn't work for me, I've reinstalled quicktime 3 times to make sure.
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Dec 2, 2011
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Nov 26, 2008
can we play audio "swf" files along with mp3 files in as3?
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Jun 7, 2011
I had imported some sound files into an fla (CS5) and then i accidentally deleted the files.So those sounds are present as symbols in the fla. How do i export/extract those files from the symbols?
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Sep 17, 2010
I am working on a Flash / AS3 project which has several audio tracks and starts off with an intro track. When the user clicks a button a window opens and the audio track changes, the new audio track continuously loops until the user closes the window. When the window is closed the audio track switches to a default audio track which is similar to the intro track. The problem I am having is that when the user clicks on the button and the window opens, the audio track plays as expected, but when it reaches the end, it doesn't loop, instead the intro track starts to play instead (and loop I assume).
Here is the code I am working with:
package {
I included trace statements to track what the value of "music" is doing. It appears that when the function repeat() occurs, "music" always seems to default to the intro music "audio/track-intro.mp3".
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Nov 21, 2002
I've am trying to create a sound control to control the sound of an imported FLV file. The problem is like this. I recorded a video using a video camera and than using the iMovie, I've converted the movie to QuickTime format. Than I use Sorenson Squeeze for Flash MX to compress the video. I manage to compress the files into FLV format and than imported it to my Flash file. Now I want to add a sound control to the movie to control the volume.
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May 7, 2009
From the Sound Class information, it says to use the SoundMixer Class to handle embedded Sound Files. I have two sound files embedded, that I have setup in 2 separate layers, starting at frame one in the main timeline. I needed to do this so I could see the wave files, and coordinate text with the waves. I do not want to load these files into the .swf file at runtime using URLRequest. How do I get a handle on those as they exist, to make each controllable by separate volume and mute controls for each sound?
This will be a challenging question, because, "it can't be done" doesn't work for me. I managed to create a way to use an external classfile to control the main timeline, the ROOT timeline, without having to create a sub movie to root. I can use my component to call play(); as though it were in code in a frame. But it isn't, it's in an external classfile. I passed root to the classfile and told the classfile to think of it as a movieclip - that put the handle on it. I tried similar way with root as a Sound, but that isn't detailed enough - I need to get a handle on the frame that contains the embedded sound file. I embedded, attached it, using the properties view for the frame.
I've attached, or whatever you want to call it, these sound files to a frame, and this frame is or should be attached to the layer I've created. So, under the assumption that the ROOT has everything attached to it in some manner (it is after all the foundation for the COM), the stage of the root contains the visual components, so ROOT has to have the layer objects attached to it, which should have the frame objects attached to the layers. I have two layers that each have a .wav file attached to frame one. Somehow Flash keeps track of that - I want to know how Flash does it so I can read what flash reads.
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Jun 14, 2009
I am trying to import a swf I made that contains streaming sound. When I place it on the time line and press cntr enter my animation plays but with no audio. I see the symbols from the swf and the swf inside my library. When I open the swf file inside my project it is broken down frame by frame with no audio. I can add audio back into my movie clip so I know that movie clips can support streaming audio. But I would rather not have to do this.
I'm very new to flash so I am hoping there is something big that I am missing.In addition to my previous question: I need to embed a lot of objects over and over in this project I am working on. Each object will have controls for play back of itself. Is there some reason I cannot do this?
View 6 Replies
Jul 28, 2009
I am trying to put a few songs on a website, not as an .mp3 player, I just want to be able to assign individual buttons to control them.ow, and it works great. I would like to now how to add more and assign them to their own buttons seperate from the other songs.This is the code I have for one song
var url:String = "";var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);var sound:Sound = new Sound();sound.load(urlRequest);var sc:SoundChannelvar startTime:uint=0;
View 5 Replies
Sep 28, 2009
I imported 26 .mp3 files into my library, and linked their classes via AS3 to 26 instances of buttons.
My file size went from about 2MB before I imported them to about 1.6 GB after I imported them. Each of the files is only about 2-3 MB.
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Feb 26, 2011
Is there any simple way you can access a very short sound file in flash without having to play it in an flv player. its just a ding sound to play when the user hits a button in the presentation.Also is it possible to access an external pic file and then convert it in to a symbol to be used within my presentation.I just don't want to store these files to keep my main swf small.
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Feb 24, 2011
I loaded a flv into a uiloader. I have 4 buttons which load different projects in. A quiz, an animation and a video. Works great apart from when you click the buttons either the flv sound remains or if you click the flv button I have multiple instances of the audio. The main file AS3 is
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