ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create 'playtoAndStop' Function

May 3, 2011

I was hoping somone good tell me how to create a "playtoAndStop" function. Essentially, what i want the function to do is play from the current point and stop at a designated frame or label. I do not want to have a stop command in the actions panel to serve as the stop as that would interfere with the functionality that this function is intended to serve. If anyone could provide a solution to this function that should have been included with AS3.

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stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, jumpEvent);
private function jumpEvent(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if(event.keyCode == 17)


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function addNewMC (instanceName:String, mcName:MovieClip)
instanceName:mcName = new mcName;
addNewMC(box, Box);

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<tree name="icons-b demo">
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curr_button = this["button"+i];
curr_button.num = i;


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public function addObjectToWorld(o:IsoObject):void {
// ...code to add it to the world


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var myStr:String = new String( "i wish i were an oscar meyer weiner" );
var myOutput = str_replace(myStr, "i", "we");
// myOutput would now = "we wish we were an oscar meyer weiner"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Button Listener Outside An Instance Function?

May 29, 2010

I have a set of thumbnails in a "gallery" class calling a "feature" class that's presents/displays the associated content.

I'm stuck with a runtime problem where I have a thumbnail button calling a "feature" class. This "feature" class contains a function with an instance of a button listener. So everytime I call this function it creates a duplicate instance of this listener. - BAD

I would like to move this addListener instance out of the function in the "feature" class so it doens't multiply instances every time it's called by the thumbnail.

However, when I take the listener instance and it's function included out of the function in the "feature" class being called it can't access other functions in the "feature" class.

Is there a simple way around this so I can have button listeners in a class but not added every time the containing class is being called? Should I have these buttons in a separate class that just extends from the "feature" class?

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Nov 1, 2011

So I have made this simple interface:

public interface GraphADT{
function addNode(newNode:Node):Boolean;[code]........

Having this setup here is giving me errors, namely:

1144: Interface method addNode in namespace GraphADT is implemented with an incompatible signature in class AdjacancyListGraph.

Upon closer inspection it was apparent that AS3 doesn't like the different parameter types from the different Graph classes newNode:Node from Graph , and newNode:AwareNode from AdjacancyListGraph

However I don't understand why that would be a problem since AwareNode is a subClass of Node.Is there any way I can make my code work, while keeping the integrity of the code?

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Jul 26, 2010

This is hard to describe in a sentence, so i'll write some false code: (with incorrect syntax, of course)[code]...

Is it possible to do something like this, where I pass the name of the data Type that I want it to create and it does it within the function? And I know that with this simple example it isn't necessary to do it this way, but in the full program this would save some time and make the code more efficient.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Mouse Over Event That Call Function After 3 Second?

May 5, 2011

How to create a mouse over event that call a function after 3 second?

I'm trying to create a function where when a mouse go over a sprite, it will count 3 second and call upon another new sprite, when mouse out before 3 second, the new sprite will not be called, how can i do this?

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