ActionScript 3.0 :: LineTo Drawing Circles?
Jan 31, 2010
I have been working on a drawing "game" in my spare time (which is limited). This is probably a common question, if so I appologize. By the way, I do not have the code here, it is on my other computer. Anyway, I was using the lineTo method and a timer listener to fire the addition of each new line segment, if that makes sense. The problem is that when you try to draw an arc quickly, it looks terrible. It draws straight lines. I tried adjusting the timer, which helps a bit but still not great. I looked at the curveTo but could not figure out a logical way to get the achor coordinates. I did some research online and found some that use addChild with bitmaps. I would rather use lines. Has anyone tackled this before?
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Here is my code
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(circ0_mc, "_x", Strong.easeOut, circ0_mc._x, 0, 2,
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var childArray:Array = new Array(sC0,sC1,sC2,sC3);
var curChild = 0;
function drawLines(){
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var sw = stage.stageWidth;
var sh = stage.stageHeight;
var cr = 6; //circle radius
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import flash.utils.Timer;
// creates a new hundred-second Timer, ticks every 250 milliseconds
var faster_minuteTimer:Timer = new Timer(250, 6);
// designates listeners for the interval and completion events
[Code] .....
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May 12, 2005
anyone know of any tutorials or any codes on how to randomly animate circles moving around inside a bigger circles? the small circles will have a collision effect on each other and on rollover of each individual circle, the name of it will come out in the bottom.. so the big circle will act as a wall preventing them from coming out.. yeah, by the way i have attched the file so more or less u will understand wat im saying.
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Feb 19, 2007
Download the attached file and test it. Wait a few seconds, maybe 10-20 sec, and then se the a bug appear. It looks nice, but why? I was just playing around with lineTo and then i saw this... What do you think ?
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Sep 19, 2009
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I read somewhere of a technique where you use the bitmap data class to draw on a stage-sized bitmap.(I've never programmed the bitmap data class before).
Here is the code:
code: var lineX:Number = 100; var lineY:Number = 100;
var deltaX:Number = 10; var deltaY:Number = 10;
var lineDrawing:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
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Apr 22, 2010
here I added some source code, but it is not loading the imge
ActionScript Code:
graphics.moveTo(100, 100);
graphics.lineTo(120, 50);
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Jun 17, 2010
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Apr 22, 2010
here I added some source code, but it is not loading the imge
graphics.moveTo(100, 100); graphics.lineTo(120, 50); graphics.lineTo(200, 50); graphics.lineTo(220, 100);
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Aug 10, 2010
I am trying to add a sound to the LineTo() method. Inside a function I draw the Line and immediately call the Sound file. Here is the code, Is this right ? (jus giving the function here )
function leaderRT(e:MouseEvent){
if(flag) {
graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xCC00FF);
I want the sound to be played until the line is drawn. Wat modification has to be done ? Also when I execute the above file I get the Stream error ?
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Apr 30, 2005
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this.onLoad = function() {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("empty_mc", this);
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Nov 9, 2010
i've tried to simulate a pencil tool, for drawing above a imagem, but the drawing is below the picture. How fix it?
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Jul 22, 2009
Basically I've got a reasonably complex drawing object in a fla and I want to reproduce it in a class definition using the drawing api. However obviously this is a tedious task, so is there some trick or automated method of doing this?
Last time I needed to do this it was a drawing of an arrow and I ended up writing down x,y,width,height values for everything but this one has curves in it which I don't have experience with drawing anyway.
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Sep 28, 2010
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Feb 21, 2012
I'm extremely new to flash programming, and suddenly my teacher give me assignment to make a flash about mirror reflection line. Here is my as code to draw a simple line after following some tutorial online.
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Feb 27, 2010
I have a rectangle drawn
line1.lineStyle(4, 0x000000);
line1.moveTo(_root.point1._x, _root.point1._y);
line1.lineTo(_root.point2._x, _root.point2._y);
line1.lineTo(_root.point3._x, _root.point3._y);
line1.lineTo(_root.point4._x, _root.point4._y);
line1.lineTo(_root.point1._x, _root.point1._y);
After the rectangle is drawn I have a button that inactivates the points. I can now change the alpha of the rectangle but not the color. Is there a way to change the color of the rectangle line1? I have tried with
But it doesn't work.
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Sep 17, 2009
using pencil tool inside flash i can create stippled line style, well, im using graphics.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY) to create a drawing API but i need use some in this line a style like stippled stroke, or if is possible use stroke ( and how ) to make the same line using stippled style?
How to custom this line?
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Nov 16, 2011
how would i target a section of a graphic of lineTo and make jsut that section not visible
here is my current code..
private function drawLaser():void
i want to target the section between draggableVector2 and draggableVector3 and make that section not visble... and i wanat this to be inside of a hittest for whenever the line hits an "obstical"
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