ActionScript 3.0 :: Relation Between Var Count If And Switch?
Feb 26, 2009
this code from the flash AS3 documentation, i am trying to get familiar using filters, it really helped me a lot, there is one section i did not understand, please see the comments at the end of the code:
var distance:Number = 8;
var angleInDegrees:Number = 225;// opposite of 45 degrees
var colors:Array = [0xFFFFCC, 0xFEFE78, 0x8F8E01];
var alphas:Array = [1, 0, 1];
var ratios:Array = [0, 128, 255];
I've found a simple count up script over on
var count:Number = 0; var maxNum:Number = 1250; var num:Number = 1; this.createTextField("txt", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 100, 50);
This works great for my use, but now I am trying to figure out how to make it count down. I've tried changing everything to opposites like count=1250 and maxNum=0 (I think this would be the minNum instead), count+=num to count-=num, and count>=maxNum to count<=maxNum.
I'm trying to make a volume button for my site and it looks something like this:
- ||||| +
i want the volume bar to start filled and when the user hits the minus button it lowers the volume and when it hit plus it takes the volume up well when I go down and up the volume bars start to get just works when I go down the whole way and after it goes up the whole way, when I change direction on the midle of the path it jumps some bars...
Code: volDown.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menosVol); volUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, maisVol); var cliques:uint = 0 if (cliques == 7){
I have a situation where i have relations like this:A person has one or more addresses.A customer has one or more addresses.Person,customers and addresses are separate tables.I used to do this with the @OneToMany relations.This is giving me problems since our flex client is sending me objects wich are created in the client ad have to be created in the DB.If the client sends me a person and customer which reference to the same address hibernate will create two address objects since the two address object are not the same java objects (not the same pointers).This is a problem which is caused by BlazeDS and Dozer which will create new objects when they are send to the server.So what i would like to have is the address id in the person and customer object without an relation so hibernate does not create the objects. But when i read a person object i would like to fill a transient address object based on the stored address id.
i have a character_mc that moves on mouse click, a logtxt dyanamic text box and a mc named $box. The camera follows the character and when the log and $ boxes are staying put.
I want them to stay on the same point on the stage(meaning I want them to stay at the same place on the camera) I was wondering what i might do for this? I have tried to put them in a movie clip but it doesn't really seam like it worked well so i discarded the idea.
thought I'd posted this but clearly not I created a rectangle and in the centre using the text tool places the number 1 try as I might I cannot find an easy way to centre the number in relation to the rectangle behind it. Is there an easy way? tried the alignment tools but failed
I have 3 swfs which I load into one another- grandChild loaded into child, and child loaded into mainMovie.I am positioning the child to the center of the mainMovie(parent). I also use resizeHandler to make sure the child stays center when stage resizes.When I load the grandChild, I would like to place into on the stage in relation to the mainMovie i.e 100px from the top of the mainMovie.
I tried to write the code in my mainMovie:
But this only place the grandChild on the stage in relation to the child and not the mainMovie.
I have a stack of images that I need to move down when the mouse is above y = 250 and up when the mouse is below y = 250. I have this code, but the problem is I don't know how to add easing.
Today I heared something weird from someone, he said that using Javascript at the front end with Oracle DB that gives high performance than the performance if used Flash(ActionScript) with Oracle, while MySQL have the same performance with any client side scripting. Is that right?, Does client side scripts have anything to do with DBMS ?
I'm building a class at the moment for transforming and scaling content with align, constrain and scaling options.
This is just just fine if the transform center is LEFT or TOP_RIGHT, or what have you, and always within the object bounds, but I haven't yet tackled situations where objects are NOT nicely aligned, or the transform point is outside of the object bounds.
I have some code which moves back and forth through my menu so that it scrolls in relation to where the mouse is on teh screen. The problem is that I cant get it to scroll smoothly and is a little jerky... I want to ass maybe some smoothness or maybe a little lag to it so it just seems more smooth. I have pasted the main code I have so far below.. I am using AS3 at the moment.
The menu works as follows: My stage is 960px wide. On the stage there is a holding MC called container_mc which is 1900px wide. Within this holding MC there are 6 buttons which fill up the entire dimensions of the MC. This container_mc sits on the stage and the sure can click and drag this container about horizontally thus revealing all of the buttons. When they click it opens up a box. When the box is closed the menu comes back. All of this works perfectly.
I am now trying to integrate a movieclip, lets call it markermc that sits underneath the container_mc on the stage. Now, as the menu is dragged i want this markermc to move relative to the container_mc. So if the container_mc is being dragged left, at the same time i want the markermc to move right or if the container_mc is being dragged right then the markermc needs to move left. The reason i want this is because it will give a visual clue as to where you are on the menu. A working example of this can be seen at [url]...
The container_mc's starting X position is 20px on the stage. This is the same starting position for the markermc. The container_mc can be dragged as far as -960px for its X position. When the container_mc is at this point, then the marker MC needs to be at 960px. Basically i am trying to get the markermc to move inversely to the container_mc.[code]...
I want to mask a movie clip with another one, the mask is a dynamic square which expands to the whole scene.Anyway, I wanted to now what is the relation between the layer of the masked movie and the mask itself,(should they be at the same level or not?) I use the above script:
This is a CS4 file so and I have CS5 so if you give me either it will be awesome
I have a movie clip that follows the mouse..
Its not done yet but its gonna be a dog chasing a/the mouse...
I want to have it where the if the mouse is left or right of the following movie clip it shows it walking toward the mouse... so something like
if mouse positions is less the the cursor + 10 (pixels) goto and play frame with dog walking left and one for right up down (I want this to walk till its directly under or over mouse and then laydown or jump only when over or under mouse..
(say its a 20 pixel wide object and 10 on each side will cover the whole thing and not just the exact center pixel, thats what the 10 + movie clip position is for, but Is there a way to tell it to goto and play whatever_frame when mouse is left of any graphic on the sitting dog section??? like the equivalent of onRollLeft or whatever.)
this is the code i have.. its the top statement that doesn't work the bottom 2 do..
I already created the shapes and placed them in the appropriate frames.. you should only need to mess with the actions on the instance "detail" (the dog face in frame 1 of scene 1 in layer "follower" ---- just the actionscript needed for that instance is needed in the reply.. you should not need to chage any of the layers, but if you do just tell me what you did and why.
my fla is to big to upload to this form so im placing it on my website here
Its not done yet but its gonna be a dog chasing a/the mouse. I want to have it where the if the mouse is left or right of the following movie clip it shows it walking toward the mouse... so something like
if mouse positions is less the the cursor + 10 (pixels) goto and play frame with dog walking left
and one for rightup down(I want this to walk till its directly under or over mouse and then laydown or jump only when over or under mouse.. (say its a 20 pixel wide object and 10 on each side will cover the whole thing and not just the exact center pixel, thats what the 10 + movie clip position is for, but Is there a way to tell it to goto and play whatever_frame when mouse is left of any graphic on the sitting dog section???like the equivalent of onRollLeft or whatever.)
I'm having a bit of trouble with this logic. My setup is typical, with a content MC and a handle MC the runs along a track with specified bounds. All I want to do is have the handle height adjust based on content height but in relation to the track height?
I have a frame_mc that get scaled 400 % onPress with a fusekit tween. Now I'll like to anchor a title_mc to the the top edge of the frame_mc without scaling it. How to do that? onEnterframe in the onPress function?
Okay this is always something that's puzzled me. If I create a movieclip, place that clip on the stage, then inside that movieclip, create another movieclip, how does flash determine the coordinates of that second movieclip in relation to the stage. The reason I am asking this, is that I have a large movieclip which contains a number of other smaller movieclips. When a user clicks on one of the smaller movie clips, I need the larger movieclip to move so that the clicked movieclip is now centered on the stage.
I figure that this would be easier to know if I knew how to calculate the distance which the second, smaller movieclip is from the center of the main stage in x and y coordinate values. Am I making any sense? If not I'll try to explain again.
What I'm trying to do is create a program that, depending on 2 variables, multiplies another variable by a static number. Heres the code I have so far:
Im trying to create a program that, depending on 2 variables, multiplies another variable by a static number. A friend suggested I use case/switch instead of if/else statements,which is what I was using before.
when I attach an mc inside another movie clip and then during interaction with the movie change the _x of that parent clip to whatever other value than original location, the _x of the child mc does not change as it regards its position in relation to the parent - moving the parent does not move the child within it how do i find the _x of the child in relation to the _root though as opposed to the relation to its parent?
for some reason the hitTest I have setup in the attached file seems to work in relation with the blue box's that surround objects and not with the actually objects. Anyways I'm pretty sure that it has to do with the border.
i'd like the contents of my swf to re-position itself in relation to the resize of any browser window with easing here's examples of what i.m aiming for only my swf is aligned top left }}} [URL]
Could anybody point me to the right direction on how to do the background for [URL]? Is each of the tiny things seperate movieclips that move with relation to the mouse? I want to understand how it works since it seems to work efficiently and doesn't have any slowdown.
I want a mask to go over some words in relation to the percentage of the file loaded. Below it I want text that says 1%, 2%, 3%, etc. (also in relation to the percentage loaded). But when I test it and click "simulate download," the screen stays white for about 10 seconds then goes to frame 2 where my content starts.?! I get no errors, either. PS: on Flash CS5, is TLF text the same as Dynamic? For "percentage," the only two options are Classic and TLF...
I've been looking for a JSFL command that might do this, but haven't come across anything even remotely similar to what I'm trying to achieve. Perhaps there is another solution besides JSFL that someone might know of.Question: Is there a way that I can select multiple symbols (either in a single frame or across multiple frames) and apply a scale transform that will adhere to each symbol's registration point?
Scenario:In an animation sequence, a movieclip of a tall rectangle is tweened on the timeline using "classic" tween. There are 20keyframes, where the mc changes position and rotation.In a duplicate of that animation sequence, I want to change the height of all instances of the mc in the animation, but keep the position and rotation. The rectangle should stay a rectangle, only shorter.I go to a keyframe, select the mc, and enter the desired scale percentage for the height in the transform pane. Then I repeat this for the other 19 keyframes. Imagine the pain and suffering I go through when this is done for several sequences!
Ideally,I would want to use the "edit multiple frame" mode in the timeline, select all instances of the mc across all 20 keyframes, and apply the height transform to all mcs via JSFL or dark magic.Flash's default behavior transforms multiple objects as a group,so not only will it squash and shear the different mc instances(creating diamonds),it will also shrink the distances between the different positions(changing the path of the tweens).I'm looking for a way to apply the transform so that each instance scales to their own registration point,preserving their position and respective of their rotation.