ActionScript 3.0 :: Reset And Start The Timer Whenever The Stage Is Clicked?

Sep 11, 2011

I have a kiosk set up to load external swf's, and to keep them up as long as they are being played with. Once the swf sits for two minutes without being touched it goes back the attract sequence, which leads to the menu, where you pick your swf...

I am having trouble with the timer I have set to restart the program. I have it set up to reset and start the Timer whenever the stage is clicked, which works fine the first time you open the swf. But if you exit the swf, and later it is opened again, it will restart after two minutes whether it is in use or not. Does anyone know what might cause this?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Button Needs To Start Timer And Move To Another Frame?

Apr 24, 2011

I'm trying to broaden my horizons with it and so I'm trying to do an update of a quiz program my employer has. Everything has worked well, except for the timer. The button that starts the game has two options, "study" or "exam"; if the study is selected, there is no countdown, just the score keeper. If the exam option is selected, the timer is show (counting up). But, press "Start" and while the quiz begins, the timer, in either case, does not.

I'm going to post the actionscript for the timer that was already there, as well as the start button. I'm hoping someone can explain how this timer is supposed to work and why it's not; and where the disconnect lies in pressing the start button and making it run.The timer is embedded in a movie clip, with two dynamic text boxes, that are for some have no instance name; and actionscript spread out over several frames.Frame 1:

Minutes = "00";
Seconds = "00";
Centiseconds = "00";


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The document doesn't mention anything about this:[URL]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer Does Not Reset?

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Ik got a game with a timer. When the game is finished you can play it again and the SWF file loads again. Everything is reset exept the timer. A new one starts but the old one is on the background.

The timer is the only code thats on the timeline..

I cant get the timer working in my AS file...

This is the code on the timeline:

Actionscript Code:
var timer:Timer = new Timer(60, 1000); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countdown);timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE,


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import flash.display.MovieClip;


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import flash.utils.Timer;

/*This creates a new timer object, that fires every 1000 milliseconds (each second), and will fire 10 times after it is started, then stop. Next we will create an event listener that will catch the Timer event, and call a function "changeText".*/

var alienTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000,10)
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var secondsLeft:int = 10;[code]................

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the code I have:
[PHP]var timer:Timer = new Timer(5000);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, playSlides);


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function incrementCounter(event:TimerEvent) {            count++;                        var whole_value:int = int(count / 100);            var tenths:int = int(count / 10) % 10;             var hundredths:int = int(count) % 10;                         gamePage.timer_txt.text = whole_value + "." + tenths + "s";        }

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reset And Start Another Game?

Jan 1, 2011

i have spent several days on this and still can't get it to work. The code below is ok, I am playing a bowling game using the keyboard and timer with a text readout of the elapsed time, the bowl moves a set number of pixels on the screen.  whilst in full screen mode I would like to click a start/play button on the screen to start the game and timer again, everything is in frame 1.  Also I would like the game to just accept the keycode 77 and keyboard event (2 events only to move the bowl) and then wait for the start/play button click.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TIMER Time Doubles, It Doesn't Reset?

Mar 5, 2009

Having a little issue here with TIMER, basically I am looking for the timeline to advance 1 frame after 3 seconds, OR on MouseEvent.CLICK advance to next frame (before the 3 seconds it up). Which would then reset the TIMER. So, on CLICK go to next frame, OR wait 3 seconds and go to next frame (while having the TIMER reset both times). So...

Wait 3, (timer resets) wait 3, (timer resets) CLICK, (timer resets) CLICK, (timer resets) CLICK, (timer resets) wait 3, (timer resets)wait 3, (timer resets)CLICK, (timer resets)CLICK... You get the idea.My issue is the timeline, over time the TIMER time doubles, it doesn't reset... I am sure this is pretty basic and I am over thinking.


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Apr 1, 2011

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/////// CODE FOR FRAME 1


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer Will Not Start?

Oct 15, 2011

I need to make a function (number function) repeat, so that the percentage in the progress bar can change over time, I'm currently using the setInterval(), to make the function repeat, but nothing happens.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slideshow With Timer - Once Clicked Timing Off

Jul 18, 2011

I have a AS3 flash slide show that uses the timer method with a wait() function to change slides. So the preloader is on frame one and the first slide is on frame two and the second slide is on frame three and so on. At each slide frame there is a wait(7) statement so that the swf moves ahead to the next frame every seven sec. When I create a nav element that uses the gotoAndPlay function to target each frame.

Everytime the nav is clicked and goes to the corresponding slide the timing of the slides is all messed up. I may be naive but it seems that once the button in the nav is clicked the timer keeps going on the slide the user was on when the nav was clicked. How can I clear the wait() timer on click? When I just add a remove.EventListener to the button the function in the frame is not available to the button though they are both in the same frame.

Below is the wait() I am using in the root stage timeline:
function wait(duration:Number) {
var timer:Timer=new Timer(duration*1000,1);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onWaitTimerComplete);
} function onWaitTimerComplete(e:TimerEvent):void {, onWaitTimerComplete);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize);

Below is the code for the click inside the movieClip button:
b1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick( event:MouseEvent):void

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer Start And Stop ?

May 26, 2009

I have a timer set up like this:
The problem is I cant figure out how to stop it or reset it after it goes to the next frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Start/Stop Timer ?

Feb 13, 2008

I have a .fla where the timeline is controlled by a timer located on frame 1 in a layer named "Actions".Essentially every seven seconds it advances to the next frame by way of the variable nextItem. There are 9 frames, then it loops back to 1. This all works fine.The problem lies in starting and stopping the timer ONLY AFTER the movie has looped back to frame 1. Not only does it not stop on MOUSE_MOVE but then on MOUSE_LEAVE the timer seems to get faster .. or jump through the frames.

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, timerOff);
stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, timerOn);[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Start The Timer Again Without Using Any Events?

May 21, 2010

I got a small problem in timer,i am using timer code in my game,when i reached the 0 timer i need to start the timer again with out using any events how can i do this .please help me in this.I am using following timer code in my game:

var aa:Number;
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000,120);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countdown);[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Start And Stop The Timer Using The Keyboard?

Dec 19, 2010

I would like to run a programme whereby I press a key that starts the timer and then press another key to stop the timer,the delay will be displayed and used to move a object on the stage dependant on the delay.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timer That Start And Stop When Player Won

Oct 26, 2004

I want to start a timer when the game begins that counts up, but doesnt actually display the time during gameplay, but stops when a player has won and the screen goes to the player wins screen. From there I want that time to display in a text variable along with all the other statistics I have generated. The timer will also need a reset function when starting up the game again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Does Timer Event Not Start Function

Dec 28, 2010

I have a function that fades out sound. It works perfectly well, yet the mirror of that which is supposed to fade IN my sounds does not start looping.[code]The issue is that the Fade_in_timer calling VOL_up never starts looping.And the very same code works well when dV is subtracted from setVol.setVol, dV and Vol are global variables defined at the top of my main code. "timers" is an array to keep track of all new timers in case I need to stop them all and remove them.the other fadeout function that works well only differs in the names of the timer and the stop criterion and that setVol is decreased gradually.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing MC Transition From Start When Button Clicked?

Sep 17, 2006

when i click my button the first time my transition MC works fine but when i click it to another button it works fine too.when i click back to the first button it shows not the transition but only the completed transition so i get no animation.[code]

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Flex :: Timer Complete Start Repeat Count

Mar 5, 2011

Just a quick question about the Timer class of Flex 4. I have a timer object with a set repeatCount. At the end of the set number of cycles, the TIMER_COMPLETE event is triggered and the timer.running changes to false. Now I can call the timer.start() function again. My question is that at this stage, does it also set the repeatCount property back to zero. Or does one have to explicitly call the timer.reset() function.

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