ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Reference Movieclips Inside External .swf?
Nov 30, 2009
i am able to successfully load a .swf into a movieclip called GameLevel, but now i am unsure how to reference the objects that are named within.for example, in the .swf i have an instance of my character named Hero, but i don't know how to reference him. the following code would usually return the correct movieclip:
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How can i reference variables inside of movieclips
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and lasty... how do i access a variable inside a class from within a movieclip?
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Mar 31, 2010
I've been programming with AS2 for a few years and I just made the switch to AS3. I'm hoping there is an easy solution to this problem. I have a class 'Actor' (extends MovieClip) that needs to hitTestPoint on a nested MovieClip 'root.World.walls' in a function moveRight(). The line of code looks like this: ...while (MovieClip(root).World.walls.hitTestPoint(pnt.x, pnt.y, true)) {... But I keep getting various errors when I try different solutions.
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Sep 17, 2005
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Jul 7, 2011
My code is an external .as file. Google provides this code on their demo, which contains the this keyword:
Notice that I have 4 calls to console.log. The first 3 fire, but after the new GATracker statement, the 4th does not fire. I have a feeling that I'm overriding the entire package with the object created from new GATracker when I should be passing a different context. I believe the correct context I should pass is whatever this defaults to when not inside of a package/external file, I assume it references the main stage object.
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Nov 17, 2010
I am currently working with a contractor company that is hosting a flex based website. They are putting the swf files that I have developed into their flex site. The issue that I am having is that within my swf file I need to reference the stage. I do this by "MovieClip(parent).stage"... I do not use the keyword "root", I just reference my swf's root through however many "parent"s i need. It works fine when I publish on my own, outside of their flex site. When it is used in the flex site, they are getting an error that they cannot reference the stage/ stage is null. It is vital that I am able to reference the stage of my swf.
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Dec 8, 2009
I have done this same thing in ActionScript 3, but am not familiar with ActionScript 2, which I am forced to use for this project. I am loading products into a SWF via XML and attempting to add a click event to each dynamically-created movieclip. Simply tracing the text from a node in XML will do for now. I'd like to assign a property called "desc" or "description" to each movieclip and have it trace that property's value when clicked. Here is the relevant portion of my code as it stands:
ActionScript Code:
var iXML:XML = new XML();
iXML.ignoreWhite = true;
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Sep 19, 2011
So I am trying to access a variable that is defined within my parent code from a class which has been called from my parent code. I am using this:Code:TileCode(parent).game_quests.add_quest(0);to try to access the game_quests variable (which is defined within TileCode). However, for some reason it is not picking that up. It is working for other variables which I have called and ran in a similar fashion
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Sep 15, 2010
Printing an MC is easy enough. But I am having trouble printing an MC which has multiple MCs inside of it. They just don't get printed.
I am trying to avoid printAsBitmap.
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Oct 30, 2007
why does a MC inside another MC have different _x and _y values than the main timeline?What I am trying to do right now is animate a MC inside another MC then get the main MC holding everything to move where that new MC ended animating at (it's part of a game I'm making.)
I know it's confusing but Flash shows the cursors current X and Y in the info panel, which is the same as the main timeline. Yet inside the movieclip, an x of 76 and a y of 277 on the timeline is -195 and -30.9 (respectively) inside the MC.How do I fix it so I can get the _x and _y values to match up so I can tell the main MC to reposition itself to the new X and Y (of the inside MC)
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Mar 27, 2008
I have a movieclip called mapWindow, inside mapWindow are dynamically created movieclips of various sizes. The movieclips inside the mapWindow don't take up the entire space of the mapWindow and thus I use a startDrag on the mapWindow upon detection of a mouse press. The problem is, I don't want the start drag to start if the mouse is detected over any of the child movieclips inside mapWindow.
I have a few ideas of how to proceed, but I'm not sure how to reference all child movieclips of a particular movieclip - or something along those lines.
It would be easy to use the hittest function if I knew how to reference all the movieclips I need to, but alas...
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Jan 21, 2009
I have a series of moviclips named "item0","item1", etc. What is the best way to loop through the clips to assign some listeners? It would look something like this:
for (var j:Number = 0; j < helpArr.length; j++) {
item[j].buttonMode = true;
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Jun 4, 2010
I'm a Graphic Designer but I'm an expert on book layouts, digital printing and other printed material no making a basic action script.
I'm trying to reproduce a site, just to learn on the process. Original Site (link)
The issue that I have I'm unable to call a MC inside another one.
Main Time Line (Scene 1) and My Library
Intro Movie Time Line
The arrow is pointing were my action script is located
Scene1 --> IntroMovie
I'm not able to call the element properly.
// Button BTN_ser Over function
function BTN_serOver(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Dec 24, 2006
I have a "about.swf" file that loads a CSS file and formats some dynamic HTML text. On its own, it works fine...but when it gets loaded into my "Main.swf", it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Is there a bug that doesn't let you load CSS with external .swf's?My style sheet and index file holding the "Main.swf" are all on the root level of my site. The "Main.swf" has a "holder_mc" clip that I load the "about.swf" into which has the CSS formatting. When loaded into "Main.swf", it doesn't work.
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Oct 18, 2011
Probably because I just think wrong again in as3. Here's the point: I made a document class called main. In this document class I create 2 Movieclips and add them to the stage, by simply using addChild(). Here's the point. Those two movieclips can't reach each other. If I do trace(ground) in the main it works, but copying the same line into the player class doesn't work. They should be on the same "layer" right, not inside an other MovieClip (or root). What does the addChild in the document class do exactly? On which layer are the MovieClips put?
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Sep 14, 2007
how is the best way to reference to the Instances.
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Nov 5, 2009
Let's say I have a movieclip in my SWF's library, and its linkage is set to "MyClip" and it's set to export.
I can add it to the stage by saying "addChild (new MyClip as MovieClip)"
Now let's say I load a SWF as a loader object, and that loaded SWF has a similarly linked movieclip. How do I reference the linked movieclip in the loaded SWF?
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Jun 6, 2010
am trying to get a movieclip in one class to stay at the same x and y value of a movieclip in another class. the arm is meant to stay on the player's mc in .here is the code.
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Nov 2, 2010
I'm trying to add a DataGrid inside a spark TitleWindow and for some reason its not showing up correctly.When I put the same code in the main mxml, it comes up correctly. The exact same code shows up weird in the TitleWindow.
<mx:DataGrid x="10" y="51" width="535" height="215" id="musicianGrid">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="First Name" dataField="firstName" width="90"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Last Name" dataField="lastName" width="90"/>
Within the titlewindow it looks like this In the main mxml it looks like this There is no change in the code...
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Nov 28, 2010
i want to use a variable(text) to refrence a movieclips instance name
function InventoryShow(event:Event):void
var SC:URLVariables = new URLVariables(;
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Jul 21, 2009
I've looked all over the web, including this forum and can't seem to find a solution to my problem. I have the following:A main movie (root) that loads external swf files as needed. These external swf files have movieclips within them I want to reference. So I have the following code in the main movie (root).[code]Everything up to the point of tracing through the loaded movieclip works fine. When the movie is tested, it does not seem to want to trace through all child information of the loaded movieclip.Essentially I'm doing this to see what is inside the loaded movieclips (though I know 'cause I can look at the fla file); however I need actionscript to be able to see into the loaded movieclips so that I can adjust another movieclip within the loaded movieclip as necessary.
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Aug 17, 2011
I modified an Adobe Flash CS5 sample to create a swf with a preloader. In my FLA I've two stopped frames:In the first frame I only put this code (and a textfield showing percentage):[code]When I test the Adobe sample (it has no main class on frame 2, only a large image) anything works fine, but when I compile the modified version I get strange errors. In the Main class constructor I reference three movieclips, eg. this way: myClip.alpha=0, but it seems now Flash can't see them anymore (they are null). Why?
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Jan 12, 2011
How do I pass values by reference inside a for each construct in AS3? Basically, I want something equivalent to the following code in PHP:
foreach ($array as &$v) {
$v = $v + 1;
This would allow me to change all elements of the collection $array through a single loop.
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Nov 12, 2011
I'm using Flex 4.5, and I have imported a custom class I wrote into the main MXML file.
Inside the class file, I want to be able to create a TitleWindow using the PopUpManager like this:
package classes {
import components.*; // My custom components
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
This is because this isn't pointing at WindowedApplication. How do I make the first parameter in .createPopUp() point to the WindowedApplication?
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Feb 17, 2009
I am loading an swf file into an EmptyMovieClip container called "container" using loadClip. I cant figure out how to reference the different instances inside the loaded swf.[code]...
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Nov 5, 2009
In simple example, I have a class called RedSquare that extends a Sprite. I need to have it in a central position of the stage. I do not know if importing definition of Stage class to RedSquare changes anything, but in the constructor of the class i could write [code]...
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Aug 6, 2010
Is there a good way to dynamically reference a class that is created inside of another class?
Say, for instance, I have a main class called "Country", and from that class, I am creating individual "State" classes. So the Country class is creating State classes named "Texas", "Ohio", and "Iowa". And each State class has a value called Capital. [code]...
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Dec 13, 2010
I'm making a sidescroller for school and im trying to get my hit test working.
I'm having trouble because I'm not sure how to properly reference an movie clip that i added in my game engine (zombie_mc), to a seperate class for my bullets the code for adding my zombie to the stage
if (zombieTime < zombieLimit)
//if time hasn't reached the limit, then just increment
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May 1, 2007
I have a movie clip that has a few layers and a button on one of the layers. on the button I have this code:
Now, this mc is on the Main timeline and has an istance name "home_btn". I have a sliding menu type navagation going on and have some code for the "home_btn" on the main timeline:
home_btn.onRelease = function(){
WHen I try to use the code on the maintime line and the code on the button inside the mc--it ofcourse doesn't work. How can I reference the rollover/out actions on the inside of the mc from the main timeline?
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