ActionScript 3 :: Button Symbol In Library With Linkage
Aug 16, 2010
I have a button symbol in the library that has a linkage. When I run my movie, everything works fine. If I go into the properties of that button turn off linkage, then immediately turn it back on with the same settings, then run the movie. I get;
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Phase02_btn.
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Phase02_btn.
Flex complains if I want to create an object from a library symbol with linkage: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method [linkage name]. So to avoid this, I create a class for that symbol, in this case extending BitmapData using Flex's new ActionScript Class feature. Flex create that class for me and the constructor looks like this: public function CustomBitmapData(width:int, height:int, transparent:Boolean=true, fillColor:uint=null)
I have a big tedious project which requires to change all library symbol linkage URL�s (into the same name). Instead of copying/pasting,is there a way to do this at once (using a JSFL perhaps?)
what i want to do is, when certain button is clicked, replace a certain symbol(button) by another symbol(movieclip) stored in the library. i try things like loadmovie("","") to replace the symbol from a external jpg, but some how it does not align even both images are exact dimension. can i replace an image straight from the library?
Library symbol "Card" is linked to class "Card" which extends "MovieClip". Library symbol "Card" contains a card background image.Library symbol "Ace" is linked to class "Ace", which extends class "Card". Library symbol "Ace" contains a TextField with a big letter "A".So we have Ace extends Card which extends MovieClip. Ace therefore extends MovieClip, but does not DIRECTLY extend MovieClip.When I drop an instance of Ace on the stage and compile the clip, all that shows up is the big letter A. However, I expected the background image from Card to be included, since Ace extends Card, and the Card symbol contains the background.It seems like Flash ignores symbol content unless it belongs to the top-level class being instantiated.I think it's LAME that one symbol can't extend another. The IDE could easily draw Card as a non-editable background while I'm editing Ace which extends it, and it should instantiate Card's content and then Ace's content when an Ace is instantiated.
I have a fla with nested swf's. My question is, can I update a swf in the fla library if I have changed it within its own source fla and re exported to the same swf file name. ( as can be done with graphics in Indesign )
currently this is the problem i'm having.i'm exporting a symbol - song1 - from my library to AS ("export for actionscript") and then using it to dynamically create some movieclips (hereafter referred to as MC's) on the stage. each MC contains a text field that is filled by an value in an array....
Code: function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void { songList_XML = new XML(; var songNodes:XMLList = var songTime:XMLList =
Now all this works without a hitch - all the trace statements produce what they are supposed to and the MC's appear on the stage where they are supposed to and with the proper text (song name song time).
BUT - here's what i don't understand - *how do i REFER to the INSTANCES of each clip*?because they are created dynamically they don't have instance names and there is no way to assign them instance names via AS (right?).i tried to use the Display List to access them by assigning each one a name (last line - commented out) and then using the getChildByName() method - for ex. getChildByName("nameSong1"). but that didn't work either... i have a few other ideas but they all seem ridiculously complicated - i believe there's GOT to be a *simple* solution for this but i've checked all the references i have (O'Reilly, AS Bible, and others) and found almost nothing. just the display list trick above which didn't work.
Is there anyway in ActionScript 3.0 to assign instance names to movieclips in the library without assigning linkage id? I said that because I have over 1000 movieclips in the library that I need to be able to manipulate at runtime. I hope I don't have to Right Click -> Linkage... a thousand times to assign the linkage IDs. How can I reference to the library movieclips without having to name 1000 times?
I have just started my first project using AS3.0 and Flash 9 this week.I feel like I know AS3.0 from my flex experience very well, but it is downscaled for Flash 9. Anyway I have looked for this issue in the forums and maybe I am just missing something.I have a class we'll call MyClass which extends Sprite. I have several methods in there that update things like rotation and position based on events it is listening for via the model. I even have a trace statement in the constructor for testing.
Now maybe this is just stupidly obvious but when ever I set a library element to link with the class (i.e. linkage = MyClass), all my script fails to work. If I remove that linkage and work from a purely data perspective it works as expected.I have the project settings to Flash 9 and AS3.0 so that shouldn't be an issue.
So I have 20 buttons on a page..and i want it so that a certain button when i click it.. it starts a sound and cuts off all the other ones that may have been playing...this is my code...
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); }[code].......
..but it doesn't workwhat am i doing wrong?I made sure to enable action script in the linkage library too
right now i have some items in my library that use a base class using the linkage menu item by right clicking on the item in the library.
i want to dynamically populate the movie clips instead of them being already in the library. I know how to create/populate the movieclips by using the loader class, but i am not sure how i assign the base class to each movieclip i create in my .as file
I am starting to create classes instead of using the timeline and I am learning a lot more even if mistakes happen more often. However I have a question about linkage & library. For example let say that I have a ball pic called Ball1.mpg. I copy and past that Ball1.mpg in my folder where the Fla file is as well as the as file. If I want to utilize this Ball1.mpg in my code using Flash do I absolutely need to import into my library and link it and export using linkage? Or can I use the object Ball.1mpg just using actionscript. Of course that implies that I would use an actionscript class not the timeline.
i know flash has problems with preloading files that use linkage... i know it has something to do with 'export in first frame'. because when you have that checked you can preload it because its on the same frame as the preloader... but if i dont have it checked it isnt exported and when i click a button i cant hear anything... how to work around this? how must i preload / link my embedded sound files?
If one uses [Embed] to refer to external graphic assets its easy to instantiate and use them.However, I've got a png in an Fla, with the Class identifier set to "Symbols", Base class is BitmapData.I need to instantiate it like this:
var symbols:BitmapData = new Symbols(1, 1); addChild(new Bitmap(symbols));
Of course the compiler complains about a call to a possibly undefined method Symbols.For a temporary fix I guess i'll put the graphic external to the swf, but for this project it needs to be in the library along with everything else.
I have a movie clip that holds one bitmap image, some simple AS3 to change the image displayed, and a ton of bitmaps I've imported into my library.Currently, I swap the images by changing the bitmapData
holder.bitmapData = new test2(1,1);
but this requires me to check off 'Export for ActionScript' in every symbol. I'd rather not go through every bitmap in the library and do this, is there some way to reference them by their library name?
How do I reference a library movieclip in a class? I couldn't get it to work entering the name of the class in the linkage properties (as2 class name text field). The variable was undefined. I know I'm missing something....what is it?
I have a symbol named picHolder. In symbol properties under linkage, I chose "Export for ActionScript" and "Export in frame 1" and gave it a class name of picHolder.Normally, to instantiate a new instance, I'd say:
Code: var tempPic:picHolder = new picHolder(); and I'd go about my way.
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'ComboBox' was already assigned to the symbol 'ComboBox', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'GUI MC/Combo Boxes/abc', since linkage identifiers must be unique.**Warning** The linkage identifier 'ComboBox' was already assigned to the symbol 'ComboBox', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'GUI MC/Combo Boxes/def', since linkage identifiers must be unique.
Both of my ComboBoxes has the same identifier.I could not change the identifier through the properties tab because it is greyed out.
So i've done SOME work with flash and AS3, right now i'm working on a website for my boss, he bought some template online which has stuff laid out and animated and everything already, now I just have to integrate our content.My issue is this, I've got 2 symbols on the screen, one of which contains alot of buttons that list our services as company, the second symbol contains the content (or descriptions) of those services, which on are separate keyframes.What I'm trying to accomplish is that when you hit the button in "symbol A", it affects the "symbol B" and goes to the corresponding keyframe.For example when I click "button 2" in "symbol A", "symbol B" goes to keyframe 2.Now if they were in the same symbol it would be something like
I have attached a video on a frame of my website in Flash. When I preview the movie the film plays as it should.But when I export the Fla. as a Swf. file it then doesn't have the movie there anymore?It does show this error:
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'FLVPlayback' was already assigned to the symbol 'Video/FLVPlayback', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'FLVPlayback', since linkage identifiers must be unique.
how to go about implementing the link between an "fla symbol" and a class "as" file with AS2.0? i am aware on how to do it by utilizing the linkage property under the library feature or "right click" the perticular item on the stage, but i would want to do it solely with AS2.0.
I'm trying to create a linkage to swap movie clip dynamically. I already create a linkage and after my movie clip symbol actuall say Export: contact_idea. But when I try to attachMovie("contact_idea"). It does nothing. Is there anyway that I can test that the linkage is actuall linked?
I duplicated a "Contact" button, movie clip symbol.Trying to edit the text "contact" in the new button but the text tied to the old button keeps getting changed.I duplicated the text symbol that is tied to original "Contact" button.Tried changing the new button again but the link to the old button is the one being changed.I can't seem to find where to unlink the text symbol attached to the original button and then add the new text symbols the duplicated button.
I have 2 SWF, one of them (let's call it Resources.swf), that contains several symbols (most of them MovieClips) on its library, but, none of them are added into the stage ( the timeline contains only one empty frame),and then, the other swf (Main.swf), where I need to import some of the symbols from the other SWF.I have been looking around, and searching, but all the info that I saw, and tried, imports the symbols from the stage/timeline using things like:[code]If not,do I have modify my Resources.swf to work this out or do I have other alternatives?