Actionscript 3.0 :: Variable Doesn't Change Right?

Jan 7, 2010

in Document Class action script file I have the following variable

Code: Select allvar ballPointRight = new BallPointRight(ball,xDir,padScreen);

And then in BallPointRight action script file which is linked with BallPointRight movie clip I have the following code

Code: Select allpackage {
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]...

So the line xDir = -1; doesn't change variable located in Document Class action script file even if if sentence is true... Is it maybe because it's number?

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function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""));


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Nov 28, 2010

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Nov 5, 2005

I have a movieclip and I load a png file into it. then I want to put an onRelease on it and this won't work.. my cursor doesn't even change into a hand... Am I missing somthing here?


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Oct 8, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Movieclips With MoveN Variable Doesn't Work

Aug 2, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable Reaches 0 GotoAndPlay Frame 4 - Doesn't Work

Jul 12, 2009

When a variable reaches 0 gotoAndPlay frame 4

ActionScript Code:
//Variable Name: ammo
if(_root.ammo = 0;

Doesn't work maybe?

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I using the SSP component, and I scripted a custom event for clicking on loaded images to go to the next image.This is working very fine except for that the hand-cursor won't show up on roll-over on the image.I'd like this to happen, but dont't know how to.This is ths scrip I use now:

listenerObject = new Object();
listenerObject.onImageClick = function(eventObject):Void {


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Jan 29, 2011

I recently made simple changes to a class file and a document class when I run on my PC it works when I upload to my host godaddy it doesn't reflect any change. I've tried several different browsers making sure to clear cache first but no change the only thing I can think of is that the server is caching some of the files. Do they do that? If so is there a script I can run to refresh the server cache?

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