CS5 :: Create A Poster Frame In Flash Professional?

Mar 28, 2011

I´m using a trial version of Fl Professional CS5 and I´m new to it. I am trying to create a poster frame for my video to upload but when I try to select the scene by using the preview parameter it is not editable and neither is cuePoints. I am referring to the component parameters panel. The default says "none". I can tick/untick the other options - autoplay, isLive etc. I´ve been playing around with it for hours without any luck.

Also, is there a way that I can add a "view in full screen" option to the video I want to upload?

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Professional :: Setting A Poster Frame In The Flv Playback Component?

Jul 19, 2010

I just spent 2 hours scouring the web for the answer. All I'm seeing is a whole lot of "how do you do it" and a lot of "do a google search for it'. I found a tutorial for CS4 that looked promising yet when I tried it in CS5 the damned Preview attribute (or whatever) just sits there looking at me. You're supposed to be able to click on it and choose a frame.  I click and double click and nothing happens.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Poster Frame For Flash Video?

May 21, 2008

I'm a complete newbie to actionscript and don't really have a clue. However by following an online tutorial in Flash 8 I managed to create a custom FLV player you can see it here [url]... I want to create a poster frame similar to YouTube so that the user clicks to start the video, however I only found how to do this using actionscript 3.0 not 2.0 which I programmed my player in.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Poster Frame In A Flash 8 Video Player

Sep 6, 2009

I want to make a poster frame (a simple jpg)to display before the FLV video plays.So first the user to click the play button or on this poster frame.The code below does exactly what I need, but it is in Flash CS4.How could I do the same with Flash 8 Pro (ActionScript 2.0)?


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Professional :: Make A "poster Frame" Button On FLV Video?

Dec 21, 2011

There used to be a way, in AS 2 to put the FLVPlayback component on frame 2, a poster frame JPG on frame 1 and some actionscript in frame one sayingwhen the user clicks on the JPG, Play.This would move the timeline playhead to the FLV, hide the JPG, play the video - very simple.NOW - after not touching Flash (v11.5 Mac) for a year - I need to do the same thing in AS3.

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Actionscript 3 :: Add A Poster Frame To A Loaded Video?

Feb 16, 2012

Im building application where users can upload flv's with the fileReference. When a user press upload the flv is uploaded into a folder and the path stored into the database.

When the user clicks on an other page, he can see a list with all the uploaded movies. But I want to create custom control for the movie so the user can click one to play.

How can I add a 'poster'from the first or a random frame from the FLV?

( There is no option to create a png for each file because when the app is online user can pick there own FLVs to upload. )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setup A Poster Frame For My FLV Player

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying to set up a poster frame for my FLV player. I'm able to get the poster frame do it's job when the video ends. But I'm not able to unload it if it s clicked again or get the play/pause button to switch accordingly.


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Professional :: Create An Application Frame In A Flash Movie?

Feb 15, 2010

A while ago, I created a replacement shell to run as a front end for a cybercafe. It was nothing fancy; just a flash movie that had button links to IE and a few trusted applications.

I'm trying to develop it further now and am wondering two things:
1. Is it possible to send an application to a frame within a movie? For example, have a static movie at the top with links, then when a button is pressed, the menu remains but the application opens below without overlapping. I know I can use HTML and frames but really want to keep it all in one movie/swf.
2. Is it possible to build on the above and have some sort of application lister that will allow you to switch between the two applications you have running. For example, a user may open IE, then open Word. Word has now replaced IE and I want the user to have a simple click button to go back to an existing window rather than open another instance from the menu.

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Professional :: Create A Flash In Game Popup On The Same Frame?

Oct 17, 2010

How do you create a flash in game popup on the same frame?I need to make a popup in flash on the same frame. Basiclly like you reach the frame and randomly (I know how to do random stuff) a popup might appear saying like you got a prize; and I want the stuff in the back to stay the same.

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Flash :: Professional - Create A New Frame Using CS5 On A Mac So Can Add More Pictures To Website?

Jul 30, 2011

I have what I hope is a fairly straight forward question that I hope you can answer if you write code with a Mac or are at least familiar with the process on a Mac? The person I have been working with to create my photography website uses a PC. Here is the problem. I am trying to use my Mac in order to create frames so that I can add 5 more images to a portfolio that presently has 15 images.

The code is in an index.fla file. If I want to create a new frame in the index.fla, let's say LOAD CODE 381 and want to use the same text that is already present in LOAD CODE 380 but with a few edits, I have no trouble going to the Action-Movie Clip and finding LOAD CODE 380 in the left hand column. The problem is, on a Mac, how do I create frame LOAD CODE 381 and then how do I copy and paste the text from LOAD CODE 380 into LOAD CODE 381? It looks like on a PC one can open LOAD CODE 380 in the Action-Movie Clip, highlight the text then right click on the red rectangular box in the timeline. By doing so (on a PC) one sees a drop down menu that gives the option to "copy key frame". What is the equivalent of the "copy key frame" on a Mac? I can see where on the Mac you can go to Edit >copy. Is this the equivalent of "copy key frame" on a PC? If so, once I "copy" the text how do I create the new LOAD CODE 381 so that I can paste the text into the new frame?

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Flash :: IDE - Animation - Create Graphics In Illustrator For Frame By Frame?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a project that involves flash animation- almost movie like. I need some advice on how to do flash animation. I think I'll create the graphics in illustrator. Basically, the storyline is this:

- guy leaves house and walks to car

-starts engine, puts on shades and speeds off

-scenes of downtown chicago (nightlife)

-view license plate

What is the best way to do this? create graphics in illustrator for frame by frame? Should I use after effects? The client doesn't have a high budget so video is out of the question.

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Mar 26, 2010

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Apr 22, 2011

Where can I find step by step instructions for creating next frame and previous frame buttons with Flash CS4? 

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Professional :: Create A Flash Program That Uses It's Own Code To Send And Create Images?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm trying to create a flash program that uses it's own code to send and create images. Each square has a colour and that colour gets added into the array. A black, then grey, then white is:

filecode = ["Bl", "Gr", "Wh"];

That works fine, but when I try to paste it into an Input text box it will only fill in the first part of the array.

filecode = ["Bl,Gr,Wh"];

So the program has NO idea what I want.The only ways I can think of fixing this is by putting in 402 text boxes to suit every box...But every one of them needs a Variable Name.Or by sending the information straight into the array. But this way you are just looking at what you just drew, and that is not at ALL practical.

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Changing A Movie Clips Poster Fame?

Jul 23, 2009

got a movie clip with a fairly complex timeline animation. At the end of the clip I need the entire mc to move and scale to a specific location. Unfortunately, the first frame of the mc (the poster frame) is just solid black, the elements I really need to align are on the last frame of the mc (near frame 435). Is there a way to display an arbitrary frame of a mc on the main timeline for authoring purposes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Preview/poster Image For Flvplayback Component?

Mar 5, 2009

I've been customizing the flvplayback component and have run into a problem. So far I have successfully created a custom skin for the flvplayback component, with a play overlay button,which loads the FLV dynamically from flashvars.I am now trying to load in a static image which appears until the video is played.I've been looking around the internet and in the Adobe forums, but haven't found what I'm looking for.I thought perhaps the Preview min the AS3 flvplayback component would help, but this won't work apparently.

I was thinking myPlayer.source = "image.jpg"; but then how can I change what the source is once someone clicks on the video? I also found fl.video.VideoEvent, but I'm not sure how I can use this to set the image as the source, until someone presses the play button, or until the video is playing (note that I am using an overlay play button which shows up whenever the movie is paused, so once the video starts playing, I would not want the static preview image to come up again...just until someone clicks the any play

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Runtime Poster/Preview Image

May 19, 2009

I cannot find an ActionScript 3 code example anywhere on how to load a PNG file as a flvplayback preview image and add it in at runtime." Assigning the preview property with the string of the PNG file refrence like 'video.preview = "previewimg.png"' does nothing. who to assign in ActionScript 3 a PNG file as preview file.

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Professional :: Create A "replay" Button On The Last Frame Of Movie?

Nov 15, 2011

I want to create a "replay" button on the last frame of my movie but it's not working.
Here's what I did.
1. I created a layer named "Actions" and in my last frame (frame 900) I created a "Stop" action.

2. I then created a button and saved it to my Library.

3. I then created a new layer named "Replay Btn" and created a keyframe in the last frame of the movie (frame 900). I then dragged the button onto the stage so it was in the last keyframe (frame 900) and made it into a button Symbol.

4. In the Properties Inspector I then typed in an "instance" name of "replay".

5. Then in the layer named "Replay Btn" I selected the last frame of my movie (frame 900) and added a keyframe in the same layer as my button. I then opened the "Actions" panel and entered this code.

replay.onRelease = function() {

6. I then did a "Publish Preview" of the movie and got this error:
"Warning 1090: Migration Issue: The onRelease event handler is not triggered automatically by Flash Player at run time in Actionscript 3.0. You must first register this handler for the event using addEventListener ('click', callback_handler) In Actionscript 3.0, code cannot be placed directly on objects. select a frame or use the code snippets panel to apply code to the current selection on stage."
I understand that I must select the layer and "right-click" to add an action instead of selecting the object on the stage, but I guess I'm just not sure how to get the "Replay" button to work in CS5. I've watched a couple of tutorials but they weren't done very well and were really hard to understand. I just want to create a button to replay the movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Script That Will Jump To A Certain Frame When A Movie Cilp Reaches Its Last Frame?

Dec 2, 2009

I need to create a script that will jump to a certain frame in the scene when a movie cilp reaches its last frame. Putting a goto... within the MC itself doesn't work. I assume that I need to create a listener of some sort....I haven't been able to find what I need in any documentation (and I'm even been looking through AS dictionaries going back to Flash 4).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Flash As An Active Picture Frame

Dec 21, 2004

Is it possible to create a flash that works as an active picture frame? That will receive picture name as a parameter and load it into the frame, also can specify some effects on the picture with parameters too. By doing this, we just create a flash at once and use it manytimes with different pictures. We can even let it load frame as a picture file, so we can change frame by some parameters too. It will be good with user who doesn't know flash. And we doesn't need to modify the flash file when they need to update the picture in the frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Frame Label On A Specific Frame?

Aug 6, 2009

if its possible, via AS3, to create a frame label in a movieclip on a specific frame.

Obviously I can do it by manually by setting up labels on the timeline within the target movieclip, but I would rather use an array so I can loop through it, creating a label name on a the specific frame each time?

so for example I would end up with:
myLabelOne on frame 10
myLabelTwo on frame 25
myLabelThree on frame 115

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Search Function And Show The Results By Goin To That Particular Frame Within A Flash File ?

Sep 28, 2003

Is it possible to create a search function and show the results by goin to that particular frame within a flash file ?

The data is not dynamic....and it is not server/web based....

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Jan 6, 2010

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To be clear, I know javascript well enough to copy and paste it correctly and to read what it might supposed to be doing (usualy).

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Dec 7, 2010

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where I should start to create this?

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Professional :: Return To First Frame After Flvplayer Plays Movie On Second Or Third Frame

Mar 24, 2010

I have a opening movieclip that starts playing for my background and then I have two buttons that come up on moues over event, that if clicked on start one of my two longer Movie Clips that I have as progressive download through a flvplayer on Key frame 2 & 3. I have all that working but I want it to go back to the start or keyframe 1 when the clip is done playing so I can use the same opening menu to click on the second movie clip can some one give me any tips on how to get to go back to the start when the movie is done.

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Professional :: Why Isn't The Button Making The Screen Change From Frame To Frame

Jun 15, 2010

I've been following the book "Beggining Flash Programing for Dummies" and I have come up to a part where I create a very simple game.
The script involved in the frames are FRAME here:
btnGoThere.onRelease = function(){   _root.gotoAndStop("there");
} //end event handler
Frame there
btnGoHere.onRelease = function(){    _root.gotoAndStop("here");} // end release
When I test the movie and click the button, the frames don't seem to change.

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Professional :: Making A Frame By Frame Animation To Draw A Character?

Jul 26, 2010

I am making a frame by frame animation, where I draw a character, make a new frame and use the onion skin to slightly move my character. Is there a way to make a certain part faster than others? I made a character prepare to kick someone, but since i was doing it frame by frame it looks slow. So instead of taking out frames and making it look choppy, how do I make a certain part faster or increase its FPS? I tried making a new scene and changing its FPS, but that still changes the overall FPS.

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Professional :: Moving A Mask Frame By Frame With Motion Tweens?

Jul 26, 2011

I making an animation for a preloader.In the animation, a 'line' draws a picuture.There are many lines,and I would like a mask to follow the lines so that it appears that they are being drawn.There are so many that it would be difficult to do this manually by moving a mask frame by frame with motion tweens.

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