Flash - How To Bind Event For MovieClip On Next Frame
Mar 30, 2011
I have flash project (ActionScript 3), which has a several frames. Each frame contains some unique controls (buttons, textInputs, etc) with unique ids. I want to add event listeners to these controls:
I don't know, how to define time, when AddResource will be loaded, after gotoAndStop. I tried to use setTimeout - it works sometimes and makes unwanted delays. So it is bad idea, in my opinion. Each frame has a lot of controls, they might be changed in future - so, I don't want to use this way (Get MovieClip in another frame). If it is possible, I want to keep ActionScript code in *.as files, not on timeline (flash cs5: when I change frames in a movieclip, event listeners pointed to one object in the previous frame are removed).
I want to bind mouse click event of a simple button with z>0, but the area can cause the event of the button is wrong. Much small than the shape I can see in player.I don't know what should be noticed when bind mouse event in 3d? in document class, i wrote:
I have a movieclip that contains two frames, each frame contains a different set of buttons.
it seems that i cannot add the event listeners to buttons that are not in my current viewed frame.
so.. problem one: is there a way to add event listeners to all the elements in the movieclip even if the elements are in a different frame.
problem two: after I added an event listener to some elements in current frame and then I move forward to the next frame and go back to the same frame, all the event listeners are removed and i need to initialize them again. is there a way to resolve the issue without the need to re-initialize the event listeners ?
i've not tried to do anything odd with eventListeners up until now. i have a movieclip with multiple frames that i use AS to attach a textfield to it. problem is i have a eventlistener for when the mouse rollsover the movieclip to go to frame 3 of the movieclip.
what's causing the textfield to suddenly take precedence and how do i stop it. when i trace the evt.target - it is my movieclip.
I just recently been using a lot of prototype javascript stuff, and was wondering there was anything like the "bind" method, for use in AS3. It's proved quite useful to be able to look both at the event.target as well as the class object the handler function might be associated with.
How do you bind an event listener from the controller to the view's elements eg button (click event) to its own handler? Originally I was doing this from the view eg. button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, controller.buttonClick); But now realise this is wrong since reading "each view is only supposed to "know" about the model which it represents, and "know" nothing of the controller"
I have a Movie Clip, and I need to stop the movie when it's reaches a certain frame. To do this, I need to add an event listener that will dispatch when that specific movie clip enters a new frame (as opposed to the whole animation ENTER_FRAME).
I'm developing an app that use swf to load elements and add properties to the loaded swf. I use SWFLoader to load the movie and on the COMPLETE event i move the loaded MovieClip to a specific frame and then list its DisplayList. I've discovered that if i traverse the list soon it's note loaded. [code]...
I want to run a function when a certain movieclip enter a specific frame. The problem is it run the function repeatedly. I only want it to run once each time the movieclip change from one frame to another is there an event Listener that does it ? (can't put the code on each frame of the movieclip to sloppy and long)
Basically all I want to know is if there will be a hit on performance as I dispatch events more frequently, or if this is a trivial task for flash to complete.
i have searched a lot in the net and haven't found what i am looking for so i though asking you nice people out there.im working on a project, in which i need to bind my flash to SQL server data base and i don't know how. what i want to do is: i have this "text area component" / "text input component" on the stage and i want the text written in it passed to a SQL server data base(be saved in the DB table). and also i want to dynamically show content of the database(mainly texts) on the stage(which i think i should use dynamic text for it )
I am drawing a circle on the stage using graphics.drawCircle that rotates around another circle, and I want to have a textfield that sits inside the moving circle and rotates around with it.
I have a form that consists of two data grids and a button. Datagrid 1, "myStaticDataGrid", has values I have added for the user to select from. I want the button's click event to send the current selection of myStaticDataGrid to the second datagrid, "myDataGrid". I have been able to accomplish this if I use a text box and a datagrid but I am having trouble finding the right syntax to grab the selection data from myStaticDataGrid.This is my attempt using the two datagrid approach:
<s:Form id="myForm"> //The values from this grid are determined once the button is clicked. <s:FormItem id="myDataGrid">
I have 3 frames each with a movie clip called map_mc. Each different map_mc have different objects that call the CollisionDetect class. Heres whats happening. objects from frame 1 will start freaking out when I goto frame 2. How do I remove only the event listeners from objects only on frame 1?
I have been trying this.currentFrame but the problem is that all the objects are inside map_mc on the first frame so no matter what it will always be 1. On the other hand MovieClip(root).currentFrame will always give me the current frame but wont tell me what the objects frame is relative to the stage.What I want to do is have something to this effect:MovieClip(root).this.currentFrame would output that this object is on frame 1 and MovieClip(root).currentFrame will tell me that the stage is on frame 2 so I can remove the listeners accordingly.
I have a code in AS3 that works when you rollover it. I need to use the same code but not with an eventlistener for a mouse event but a frame event when the timeline plays the clip
var coordX:Number = shaker_mc.x;var coordY:Number = shaker_mc.y;var timer:Timer = new Timer(10); shaker_mc.buttonMode = false; shaker_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,startShake);shaker_mc.addEventListener(Mous
I have a small flash site made up of a number of pages all on the one timeline.
The query is this. When i release a button i want the timeline to roll on for x frames (fading components out) before going to the frame that button links to (The beginning of the new page).
I have no idea what AS to use for this.
No matter where in the timeline you are, the button should fade out that area and then skip to a new one.
how to bind two variables in AS3, but for a Flash project instead of a Flex project. I found references to binding with Flex, but I assume this should be somehow possible in Flash as well.
In my Flex app I am using a repeater to show a report on my database data. On this report the user can "drill-down" on the data to show more detail. In order to make this easier on the eye I have a header label and then a datagrid within the repeater.Whilst this works perfectly, because the dataprovider for the datagrid comes from an array in the repeaters dataprovider, it is causing the following warning:Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to "report"The warning is for this line:
I'd like to be notified when a MovieClip changes position, regardless of whether the position was changed by my code, or by the built-in drag operations.
I've got a really weird problem that I've boiled down to its fundamentals, and I'm hoping that someone here smarter than I am knows why AS3 would be acting this way. Attached is a ZIP with a few FLAs and .AS files. I'm using Flash CS5. Please bear with me as I explain the situation.
I have a class called TestChildA: package testing { import flash.display.MovieClip;
For some reason, the fact that we're not trying to obtain a TestChildA reference allows the Frame 0 ActionScript in TestChildA.swf to execute properly. TestChildB, on the other hand, continues to fail Frame 0 execution since we're still getting a reference to it.
As we saw in the first version of the INIT handler above, querying the test_str variable out of the loaded content directly without trying to cast it worked fine. Why is it that using 'as' to get a specific reference to the content with the proper class results in the Frame 0 script of that content to fail running? Theoretically, the Frame 0 actions should have already been executed prior to reaching the INIT handler anyway, so it's doubly confusing.
If anyone has a better understanding than I of the ActionScript internals and can explain the reason for this issue,
I want to create an endless loop, 8 items moving in a circular shape. When you roll over of each item, it will stop the moving, and you should be able to click it.
I dont know what should I use, should I use Event.ENTER_FRAME or the circular shape should be in movie clip, so that when there is a mouse over event, it will stop moving?
Oh ya, I code everything in AS3, including the movement, objects etc. Something like a new class