Flash :: Items On The Pasteboard In CS4?

Nov 7, 2010

I am new to Flash so please bare with me, I have some items that start in my movie and then go onto the pasteboard as well as Items that are on the pasteboard that I do not want to show in my movie, but when I test movie everything is showing including the items on the pasteboard... how can I just make my movie show the stage size and not the extra stuff leaving the stage and on the pasteboard?
Additionally, I have created a series of classic tweens in one layer starting on frame 30 through frame 60.  How can I shrink just those frames and scale the tweens with them so they are proportionate to what I had originally?

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Flash CS4. When I enter a movie clip to edit the timeline the pasteboard turns to the color of the stage. The result: I can't see the edges of my stage. This is only within the MC. And only within one particular MC (I created another one and the pasteboard stayed 4% gray). When I take the content in the bad MC (via copy frames) and move it to the good one, the same thing happens: Pasteboard turns to the color of the stage. I've tried SFT-CTL-ALT double click. No luck. Strangely, this isn't happening in every FLA. I know it must have something to do with the content on that timeline, but what that is I have no idea.

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Attach Code

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[URL].. Game link so far - but not published the point system yet. don't provide to straght forward advice such as "copy this code (code here)" etc
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import fl.controls.TileList;    import fl.data.DataProvider;    import flash.display.Sprite;    import flash.events.Event;
function TileListExample() {            var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider();            var totalEntries:uint = 3;            var i:uint;            for(i=0; i<totalEntries; i++) {                dp.addItem( {  source:getTf(), scaleContent:false}


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on (press) {
startDrag ("");


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Aug 10, 2011

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for(var i:uint = 0;i<OrderModel.getInstance().orders.length; i++){
if (OrderModel.getInstance().orders[i].time == hour){
OrderModel.getInstance().orders.splice(i, 1);[code]....

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Flash 10 :: Remove Unused Library Items For FLA?

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