IDE :: Playing Different Flash Movies Depending On Time?

Sep 27, 2009

i have a flash movie that has a clock , slideshow and text scroller that plays all day in my resaurant. I want to change it so that it plays a movie with special offers in the mornings, then plays a movie saying we're reopening at 4.15 in the afternoon and then play another movie wit clock/slideshow inteh evening. How can i set my flash code to play these 3 different movies at the specified times automatically.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Quick Time Movies Not Playing Audio

Nov 12, 2009

Using Flash CS3, Actionscript3.0, Player Version 9.0

My video player plays H.264 videos.

But some of my Quick Time movies are not playing audio. Only video is working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Synchronize Movies Depending On User Choice?

May 1, 2011

I have a flash project where I have two movies that are supposed to synchronize, depending on user choices. Most of the time they do, randomly they do not. So I thought perhaps there is something wrong with the code I am using.

on (press){
if(this.movierandom.enabled == false){

What's supposed to happen is, when the button is pressed, movie1 goes to a random frame and plays. If movierandom is not enabled, movie2 is supposed to go to the same frame as movie1 and play. Movie1 and movie2 have the same number of frames. Occasionally, movie2 goes to a different frame.

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Actionscript 3 - Time-Scaling Movies In Flash?

Jan 20, 2010

Time scaling movies in After Effects is easy, but how would I do that in Flash? Example My movie's 60 seconds. I want to play the entire movie in 30 seconds. I want to play the entire movie in 120 seconds. How do I rescale my movie using actionScript 3.0. My movies are probably going to all be the same length and frame rate, if that makes a difference.

Example Preloaders have elements effected by percentage and scale. I want to do this to movie clips, but have a defined total.


progressbar_mc.scaleX = loaded/total;
//Grapefruits example revised
//No errors at runtime, nothing happens?
//instance of "dude"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Animations Depending On What Mc's Are Onstage?

Jan 18, 2011

Im building an interactive courtroom exhibit which has seven thumbnails along the bottom of the screen that can be dragged up to load a larger image of each into three possible positions above. Once in position, an "Assemble" button plays one of five possible animations, depending on what elements have been dragged.

I need to figure out a way to program which animation plays when its elements are onstage and I am stumped Im thinking of using an if-else statement but I dont know how to address the loaded images once they have been put in position.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Animations Depending On What Mc's Are Onstage

Jan 18, 2011

Im building an interactive courtroom exhibit which has seven thumbnails along the bottom of the screen that can be dragged up to load a larger image of each into three possible positions above. Once in position, an "Assemble" button plays one of five possible animations, depending on what elements have been dragged.I need to figure out a way to program which animation plays when its elements are onstage and I am stumped. Im thinking of using an if-else statement but I dont know how to address the loaded images once they have been put in position.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Depending On Time?

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what i want to do is create a site that knows what the time is in your area via your pc clock hopefully and depending on the time puts a different background image up e.g. night time = night picture daytime = sunny daytime pic

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Sky Depending On Time?

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Flash :: Html - Movies In Inactive Browser Tabs Pause Or Don't Execute In Real Time

Apr 7, 2010

I'm noticing some unexpected behavior. Some time in the last few months, a change in either Firefox, the Flash player, or both, has made it so that Flash movies that are in inactive browser tabs no longer execute in real time. They appear to still execute, but only in bursts, and not in a predictable way. This is a problem because I develop a Flash-based (Actionscript 2.0, Flash CS3) multiplayer game that maintains a network connection and allows players to chat, etc.


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Automatically Show Different Images Depending On Time?

Sep 23, 2009

I currently have a slideshow for my restaurant that plays all day, is it possible to have 3 slideshows that will play depenind on the time, lets say slideshow 1 plays fom 12pm-3pm, slideshow 2 plays from 3-4 and then slideshow 3 plays from 4 til 11pm?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control MovieClips Depending On Time

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I download a tutorial to make a digital clock now what I want to do is make my movieclips go to a different frame depending of the hour. I want to make that effect of day/night.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Background Depending Time Of Day On Site

Apr 13, 2009

I'm building a site that will change the background depending time of day. I do want to show the time in the top of my page. What are good codes for showing a time and date in Flash and what would I use to change background depending on if the time is past 7PM or before.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scale Movieclip Depending On Time Elapsed?

Nov 4, 2009

I having a hard time on a small task that I thought was easy to accomplish, but it is taking me longer than expected and not the results I am wanting.I am developing a shooting game. I have a hero that can shoot only so often (once every half second for example). I am trying to scale a MovieClip depending on how much time is left to be able to fire again.

So when the hero shoots the gun, the MovieClip will have a scale of 0. When 250 milliseconds has elapsed, the MovieClip's scale should be at .5, assuming the gun can only shoot every half second.

Can anyone provide code on how to accomplish this? This is what I have to keep track of when the hero can shoot next,


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Playing 2 Movies Simultaneously?

Aug 22, 2009

to load 2 movies simultaniously on the same page but in 2 different HTML layers? see example here: [URL] notice the menu on the bottom of the page. it seems as though thats a seperate movie... (try resizing the browser window to get a better idea...)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing 15 Movies (SWF Files) One After Another

Jul 13, 2009

I have 15 movie clips that play one at a time. When the first one calls the second movie clip there is a short space (black screen) between the two which I have to eliminate. I tried loading the second one half way thru the first movie then tell it to play when the first movie is over, but when I do that you can see a disturbance in the first movies performance when the second one is pre-loaded. Is there a way around this so I can make 15 movies run seamlessly? They are separate .swf files!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Movies And Playing Them Later?

Apr 26, 2005

apologies if this seems like a redundant question... i've been reading through all the turorials and forum threads i can find, and am just confused at to what exactly i need to do next.... my first time trying to use preloaders but am finding i need them in order to make my project run smoothly.... my situation: want to preload 5 swf files into my main movie, and have them at the ready to play when i want them to (either by an onEnterFrame or onPress).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Movies While Others Are Playing?

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Flash - Error Playing A Frame For The Third Time?

Jun 30, 2011

I have a flash file where the first frame contains two buttons, one of which takes the user to the second frame, and the other takes them to the third frame. At each of those frames, various text fields and variables can be manipulated via SimpleButtons. Both Frame 2 and Frame 3 have "back" buttons to take them back to Frame 1.

Currently when the user navigates back to Frame 1 for the second time (thus playing it for a third time), my second button appears to no longer exist, and I receive an error. Both buttons on Frame 1 were placed via the Flash IDE. Why is my button popping out of existence, when it did perfectly fine the previous two times? Below is my code for Frame 1. The "back" buttons simple remove event listeners and then call gotoAndStop(1)

var inited:Boolean;
var cache:SharedObject;
var libsans:Font = new libsansreg();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Date Class To Change Alpha Of Object Depending On Time

Jul 7, 2009

I'm trying (and struggling) to get my head around AS3 and am building a flash webpage. I have 2 layers in the timeline, each containing a movie clip matching the page size with instance names backgroundDay and backgroundNight. What I'm wanting is for the background to change for the day and night, so that from 18:00 to 06:00 the alpha of backgroundDay becomes 0 to show backgroundNight behind.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnPress : Tracing, But Movies Not Playing?

Jul 2, 2007

Here is one of those problems that seems like it should work because it is soo basic in implemintation, but just doesn't....The trace in this code works, but the mcs that I want to play just wont move. I have a stop action on its own keyframe within each movie on frame 1. If I take the stop action out all the mcs will play/loop just fine.All of the code is on an actions layer, then each mc is within its respective container. I even put a test mc on the main level and it doesn't work.This is one of the instances where, teaching yourself flash is great because you learn exactly what you are interested in, however because of the lack of structured or formal training, the basics often escape you.

EDIT : Oh, and because I can usually solve something by tracing everything this case trace has failed to shed light on theissue,

this.buttonContainer.btnSelect.onPress = select;
function select() {

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Javascript :: Detect Time On A Playing Flash Video?

May 13, 2010

I have a video playing on my page. I want to show and hide some div's when the video reaches a certain point. Lets say hide something on 10th second and show it again on 20th second.I can easily do it in HTML5 with video tag and currentTime attribute but for IE I have to create the same functionality and I think with flash based videos (from YouTube or something like that).Is there a way to detect the current time of a video playing on my website, embeded from YouTube, Metacafe or any other video sharing site?I know I could detect it in flash and make it run some JavaScript function but I don't have flash nor have the skills to do it in AS3.

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Flash :: Playing One Sound At A Time In Called From Javascript?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm working on a site, for kids, which has a small avatar in the corner that talks.The avatar is a flash file and the plan is to determine what it says through a mix of javascript and ajax.

Unfortunately when I make the flash file play an Mp3 file through JavaScript, I can't seem to stop the sound.. so when I keep clicking on a link which causes it to talk, I hear the sound repeated x times.

The odd thing is, when I attach the very same code to a button in flash, there seems to be no such limitation. It seems as if it won't store anything in global variables when calling from JavaScript.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make Progress Bar Change Value With Specific Speed Depending On Time Cumulated?

Mar 4, 2012

I have a progress bar as a healthbar in a game. The healthbar regenerates 10 pr millisecond for now because i like the smoothness. But if the delay increases it would take a lot longer to regenerate.

Aren't there any formular to calculate some kind of factor for this? so the lifebar would regenerate within a constant time no matter what. If the delay is 2 seconds it would just make the regen more choppy and if delay is 1 millisecond it would just update more.

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Playing Movies On My Browser Shows Up Error #2044

Feb 25, 2009

What does this mean. I go to see certain movies on certain sites, like news sites and a window pops up showing this error. Both on Firefox and IE[code]...

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Flex :: Animation Player ( Playing Movies That Are Swf Files )?

Jun 9, 2010

i am looking for a flash/flex component that plays movies that are not .flv but .swf with controllers such as fast forward, stop, play and a timeline.I have a flv player which does the same but some movies I don't want to play bitmap movies but vector for quality reasons ( as movieclips )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: From Buttons Playing 2 Movies That Display Text

May 13, 2010

I am creating a website that teaches kids about the about the brain and I am creating a website very familiar to this one, [URL]. I created one flash file and drew the background for where the text will display. Next I created several movie clips for each of the brain parts and I placed an invisible button over each of these movies, e.g., I told the button, "cerebellum_button" to play the movie "cerebellum_mc." which includs text.

I feel that my code is redundant because I am having to create an invisible button for each animated movie clip which plays a movie clips with text. Is there a way that I can centralize all of the text in the project then call it from different buttons? My aim is to have the user roll over the brain part, have it animate, and have it display the text that explains what that brain part does.

cerebellum_button.onRollOver = function(){
} cerebellum_button.onRollOut = function(){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Random Movies From External Files

May 18, 2010

I have gotten my movies to play at random from external files but the links that where coded into the random swf files no longer work. could there be an action script issue? The random swf files are as3 and the player file is as2????

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Jan 13, 2011

I have 2 flash banners (using ActionScript 2) on my web page, how can I make them start playing at the same time, after the page has fully loaded? Both .SWF files are embedded in HTML using the script provided by Adobe on object export. I created both in Flash CS4, but I have very little knowledge of flash. I read about "LocalConnection", but I have no idea how to implement it in flash.

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Flex :: Flash - Getting Exect Time Of Currently Playing Flv Video Stream In VideoPlayer?

Dec 5, 2010

How to get timestamp with milliseconds or better nanoseconds of currently playing video?

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Flash :: Recommend A MP3 Player Supporting Starting Playing From A Specific Time?

Aug 18, 2011

I need a Flash player which can start my mp3 file from a specific time based on the embedding properties or on URL or just anything.

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