IDE :: Why Does Auto Format Remove Parentheses

Nov 28, 2009

took me like 20 minutes to get why my code is not functionning... this line: tempRef.x=(limitL-dist-tempRef.width/2)+(tempRef.width+dist)*(i+1); after auto format becomes like this: tempRef.x=limitL-dist-tempRef.width/2+tempRef.width+dist*i+1; that's not the same thing at all...may I know why this is happening?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-Format Still Broken In 5.5

Jun 17, 2011

I have this script path to an XML attribute[code]...

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[MX] 'Unable To Auto Format Code' Message?

Jan 13, 2009

When I click the check mark, message 'The script contains no errors'When I click the Auto format button, message 'This script contains syntax errors, so it cannot be Auto Formatted.ix the errors and try again.'I've never had these two buttons disagree.Code compiles normally and everything works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-format Breaks Code, Does It In CS4?

Feb 26, 2009

I found a reference to CS3 Flash's auto format breaking AS3 code on kirupa back in May 2007 but was surprised to find out that it still breaks code by removing parenthesis.Beforetruescale=Math.pow(8,(1 - i) * scaleit);Aftertruescale=Math.pow(8,1 - i * scaleit);Obviously the results are devastating. Would someone check to see if CS4 Flash's auto format still causes the same error when editing .as file? Might be worth the price of an upgrade if it does NOT mess up the format.

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AS3 :: Professional - Auto-Format Not Recognizing Comments

Dec 12, 2011

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IDE :: Auto Format Is Stopping Code From Working?

May 15, 2009

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import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
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ActionScript 1/2 :: Auto-Format Dynamic Text In Thai?

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Jun 20, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Sound (MP3 Or WAV Format) Auto Silence Added?

Apr 3, 2010

When using sound in flash you can also do this with loading an external sound.
my sound.load(new URLRequest("audio/mysound.wav"));
But when you load an .mp3 file the effect of the sounds keeps playing too late. So I discovered that when you save a audio file to mp3 format there is automatically with any sound editor an insert of 1/2 to 1 second of silence. So i read on the web that this does not happen when you save it to .wav formatBut when saving it to wav format i don't hear the sound in flash anymore, only when i save the wav file, with a compression of MPG,but then there is also silence added automatically. What compression technique you should use when saving it to wav format?

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Actionscript 3 :: Auto-format Variable Declarations In Alphabetical Order?

Nov 21, 2011

While coding, I wondered if a plugin exists that I could highlight a series of variable declarations, hit some special keyboard shortcut and BAM! They would appear in alphabetical order.Is there anything that does this in Flash Builder? Or FlashDevelop even?So it would go from this:

private var _value:Number;
private var _helloWorld:String;
private var _foobar:Boolean;

To this:

private var _foobar:Boolean;
private var _helloWorld:String;
private var _value:Number;

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Flash 10 :: Auto Format - Maths Functions Not Done In Correct Order

Apr 23, 2011

I have some code that looks like this:
ActionScript Code:
level_btn.x = 50 + (i - 1) % 10 * 50;
It sets the x location of my level button. But this is in a for loop (that's what the 'i' is for.) I run it and everything works perfectly, as it should, not a single problem. Then I press the auto format button in the flash actionscript editor. (It's the button that adds all of the ; to the end of each line and other stuff)

Well that changes my code to this:
ActionScript Code:
level_btn.x = 50 + i - 1 % 10 * 50;
thinking it's done me a favour but it hasn't. It's got rid of the brackets so it won't do the maths functions in the correct order. I've tried adding more brackets in places and other stuff but I just don't know how to fix it. It's annoying because every time I press the auto format button I have to add the brackets in again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Auto Format Input Text (Dates And Numbers)?

Aug 26, 2006

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Auto-remove Clip

Dec 22, 2009

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ActionScript Code:
var mc1:mc=new mc();

and in one keyframe of the clip I write :

ActionScript Code:
removeChild(this); //I also tried : removeChild(MovieClip(parent).mc1);

I see my clip on the scene but I get an error when it's time to remove it. What change to make it works?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put A Right Parentheses Somewhere?

Jul 11, 2010

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Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1, Line 69')' expected

I know that my dot syntax grammar is really bad but WHERE on earth does the right parentheses go in the code?

if (minion.x, minion.y hitTestPoint(range.x, range.y, true))

nvm I got it to work after I realized I was using hitTestPoint wrong

should have been minion.hitTestPoint instead

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Professional :: Cannot Check Syntax Or Auto Format & Trace("x"); Outputs Nothing?

Oct 8, 2010

I cannot Check Syntax of AS3 (error sound, not the happy 'ding' syntax checked sound), nor does the IDE Auto Format anything, even valid code. trace("x"); does nothing (except throw the 'error in your syntax' message). There is nothing displayed in the Compiler Errors pane or in the Output pane. Document Classes fail to work and fail to fail, when they are purposely mis-coded. Class files also cannot Check Syntax or Auto Format or output anything with trace("x"). AS2 files behave normally, with all the above items working.
I had the trial version of CS5 running fine. It expired. I bought the Full Version Upgrade which worked fine. Yesterday, the as3 script environment fails to check syntax, fails to auto format and does not send any trace statements to the output window. I have removed the application & re-installed and updated, but nothing has fixed this yet. AS3 code envorinment is seriously messed up. I will update everything tonight.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-ated Text Format ("..." At The End)?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm trying to create a flash RSS reader, mostly for fun and to learn AS3 better.It's fairly small, 150x250 px, so some of the headlines will be too long. When that happens, I want to add three period marks at the end.Example:The headline is "Big hurricane might hit Monday".I want AS3 to format this to "Big hurricane ..."How can this be done?I'm thinking about adding an eventListener that count the number of letters, but how to make it add three dots after say the 20th letter and delete the rest of the text?

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Actionscript :: Remove Auto-play Function From A Flash Videoplayer?

Nov 1, 2011

I have a flash videoplayer that playing automatically when enter the site, it makes the site become slow to load, actually there is button called 'Play Video'. Ican see a code in the action panel in the first frame

Stage.showMenu = false;
import flash.external.*;


I didn't get an idea how to stop the autoplay function..

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Regex :: Matching Parentheses In Flex To Save Life

Sep 3, 2010

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var commandTxt:String = "switchview(adf)";
var switchViewArray:Array = commandTxt.match(new RegExp("switchview(", "i"));

I've tried dozens of things, but I can't seem to get a match the parentheses. What's the catch here?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parentheses Turn Booleans Into Numbers For No Reason

Feb 26, 2010


Results into: Implicit coercion of a value of type Boolean to an unrelated type Number. Why do parentheses turn into Booleans into Numbers? Can't I use bitwise operations?

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AS :: Flash - Parse Regex Found In Parentheses In Replacement String?

Apr 2, 2011

I want to do something like this:"3*4".replace(/([0-9]+)[*]([0-9]+)/g, String(Number("$1") * Number("$2")))And no, i don't want to do that, but something more complex.

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Media Server :: Publish Live Video Feed From Webcam In H.264 Format Non VP6 Format With 3.5.2?

Dec 2, 2009

how to publish live video feed from webcam in h.264 format non VP6 format with FMS 3.5.2 without using Flash Media Live Encoder, and how to set all parametersto have a good quality and smooth video without interruption, i have a server with 50Mbit bandwidth output enough for a publisher and 10 clients meunderstand this thing's been months since I try but the quality ugly

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making An Auto-play/an Auto-resume?

Jan 2, 2009

I'm making an interactive film. At certain points within the film, the viewer has the ability to select from a few options that will direct them to an external video clip (they are flashback scenes). The main story pauses when the user selects a flashback scene and I'm clear on how to achieve this.

However, my issue is that once the flashback scene ends and the external video closes, I'm not sure how the main story will resume. Is it possible for it to auto-play (resume) in some way? My last resort would be to have the viewer select a play button - this is only because I do not want a break in the narrative and want to limit the amount of clicks the viewer has to make.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Format A Textinput To A Currency Format?

Dec 18, 2009

I want to make a textinput where a person can type in a price. I used "restrict" to only allow numbers and decimal. But the person can type in several decimals and create numbers like or 11...11 or 1.11111

i want to restrict the entry to only one use of a decimal and only two numbers after the decimal.

any other way to format a textinput to a currency format?

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Flex :: Format A Number In Indian Format?

Jul 13, 2009

I want to format a number in indian format.

for example,

x= 123456 should be formatted as 1,23,456.

How can i do it in flex?

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Actionscript 3 :: Encode Video From Any Format To .flv Format?

Mar 18, 2012

Is there any library in Action Script that be able to convert any video format to .FLV?

I've been looking for it with no success. I thought that as3 had functions for that purposes but not found.

I want to give the possibility that in my site, users can upload any video, so I need to convert it to a standard and compress it to a fixed resolution.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Array Value - Format The Date Value In Array To Become The Format ?

May 21, 2007

I have series of data which is stored in Array
eg :

Code: dateArray:Array = [["user1","1-5-2007"],["user1","13-5-2007"],["user10","21-5-2007"]];

then I loop the array to search the data I want to return to another problem is how to format the date value in array to become this format before I can make a comparison with this value....

5/21/2007--> this value got from this current date

so the problem is how to convert the value in array from this format

21-5-2007 to this 5/21/2007 for all the values....the data I load from dtbase actually that's why it store that kind of format....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove _level0.instance1 - Remove Level Path Within Variables?

Jan 18, 2007

is being returned once the onrelease event happens. the loadmovie works fine but I want to remove


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