IDE :: Skip To Next In For Loop?
Mar 30, 2010
Is there a way to skip to the next record in a for loop, without executing whats in the for loop? I hade an idea:
for (var i=0;i<testXml.product.length();i++) {
if (testXml.product[i].related != productToRelate) {
Execute some code
The "else" isn't really working in the real code, so I really need a way to skip the record in some case.
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Jun 3, 2008
I have an tree component that is populated via XML. There are branch nodes and child nodes for each branch. This is a user interface for an elearning course. The branch nodes/folders in the tree component are for course sections and the child/leaf nodes for each are the content topics. each have a url attribute with a path to the appropriate content swf. The branch nodes/folders in the tree component do nothing when they are clicked on, as intended.
I also have previous/next buttons. They basically just navigate between leaf nodes. However, if the currently playing topic/leaf node is the first underneath a branch/folder, and I click on the 'previous' button, nothing happens. How can I set this thing to 'skip over' branch nodes? Here is the relevant code (the tree change listener, and the previous/next button event handlers:
var treeClickListener:Object = new Object();
treeClickListener.change = function() {
var item = menu_ctr.selectedItem;
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Jul 18, 2009
I would like to make a button that will skip to and start playing at say frame 30.I can make the button but I just cant get the script to work.
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Jan 16, 2004
lets say when a button is released, it will play from frame 1 to 10 then it will skip the 11th frame then go to the 12th frame btw, the 11th frame has a stop action script on it
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Jul 25, 2009
I am looking for an actionscript that will go to a certain frame in the timeline, play several frames and then jump to another frame in the timeline. Basically, I want to use this on several different buttons that use the same animation sequence to get to another part of the timeline.
The following is a scenario, but not script:
Buttons A and B are on Frame 1. Animation is on Frames 2-20:
When Button A is pressed, go to Frame 2. Play Frames 2-20, then go to Frame 21.
When Button B is pressed, go to Frame 2. Play Frames 2-20, then go to Frame 22.
I am currently doing this in a different way.
Buttons A and B are on Frame 1. Animations for Buttons A and B are the same, but are located on different frames. Animations for Button A would be on Frames 2-20. Animations for Button B would be on Frames 21-39. So...
When Button A is pressed, go to Frame 2. Play Frames 2-20 and stop on Frame 20.
When Button B is pressed, go to Frame 21. Play frames 21-39 and stop on Frame 39.
Do I have to create this extra timeline? Can I just put the animation in a separate movie? How can I play the movie and then connect each button to different parts of the timeline after the movie ends?
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Aug 11, 2009
I'm having trouble with skipping back to frame 1 after having skipped forward to frame 2 using buttons. The button which is suppose to skip back won't work and the errormessage I get after previewing is:
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at page3/frame1()
Here's the code:
galBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickFunction);
function clickFunction(evt:MouseEvent):void {
View 4 Replies
Mar 7, 2011
I've created a preloader.swf that (when loaded) loads an external swf. I would also like to add a skip intro btn, but when I do, the preloader seems to loop over and over (blinking - I know, high tech). This is the preloader code. I have it in the first frame of the preloader.swf:
View 1 Replies
Mar 7, 2011
I've created a preloader.swf that (when loaded) loads an external swf. I would also like to add a skip intro btn, but when I do, the preloader seems to loop over and over (blinking - I know, high tech).
This is the preloader code. I have it in the first frame of the preloader.swf:
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("flash/index.swf");
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
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Jul 8, 2009
I'm making a flash project and I have 10 different videos on it (embedded using FlVPlayback) and all the videos have the same stupid intro. My boss would like me to add a "skip intro" button which would allow you to jump to about 19 seconds in the video.
what I have done so far is insterted a video file without the introduction in a new keyframe and have the "skip intro" button linked to keyframe.the only problem is that if you do not wish to press the skip intro button, it stays up on the screen the entire time, and we would like it to disappear. I've thought about using skipintro.alpha = 0 at a cuePoint located 19 seconds in, but i'm not really sure how that would work.
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Jul 14, 2009
I am editing a .FLA file that has been given to me. I would like to have the movie jump frames (skip frames) to cut out a part of the movie so I do not have to edit the time line. What is the Action Script that I should use?
Right now on the frame I want it to jump from I have
This does not seem to be doing the job.
View 3 Replies
Aug 25, 2009
I have a preloader working fine but having problems integrating a "skip" button (so users can skip opening animation)Each of the code blocks ("//skip it" and "//Preloader" work ok without each other but when I combine them I get;"Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at xyz.fla::MainTimeline/updatePreloader()"I think when the skip buttin is pressed the prelodader code continues to be active???I guess IF skip button is pressed I need to gotoAndPlay (149) and also stop the preloader code but I cannot successfully combine the 2 code blocksHere is the code.
// skip It
orSkip_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipped);
function skipped (evtObj:MouseEvent):void{ trace ("skipped");
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Jul 28, 2011
I have created an animated home page that I have put a "skip intro" button. When the viewer clicks on the skip intro button I want them to go to the end of the animation/homepage. There are three embedded movie clips of test tubes filling (near the end of the main timeline and these testubes are also navigation buttons to the rest of the site). Even though the viewer goes to the end of the main timeline when they click SKIP INTRO, the testtubes fill at this point and the animation loops back to frame 1 and keeps looping. I want viewer to stay at last frame with all testtubes filled and animation complete. I'm guessing it's something in the individual testube clips AS that is causing this or some simple solution that I'm overlooking? I published an html file and when I tested in a browser and DON'T skip the intro animation it goes through the full animation - to end and stops and does not loop.
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Sep 18, 2011
I am created a website, i want to put skip button requirement is mentioned below
The intro should have a "skip" button to skip to the home / index page. At the end of the intro animation it should directly lead to the Home / index page (automatically)Please Help me... i am waiting for valuable feedback
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Feb 7, 2011
I'm creating a flash game which uses time intervals with setInterval and sometimes does heavy calculations. The problem is that on slower machines these calculations can't keep up with the framerate and the movie slows down BUT the timers are unaffected what makes them asynchronous to the movie. Looking back, it was a bad idea to use timers but I can't change it back now. there a way to skip drawing frames?
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Jul 2, 2011
Game I'm making slows to half the speed when there's a ot going on. I'm sure I'll be able to get rid of a lot of that whe I optimize it, but is there some way of telling flash to skip frames when things get slow?
If not, was thinking I might be able to change the speed of the character so when the frame rate drops to half they get twice as fast.
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Dec 14, 2006
I need to make a skip button that stops the track playing and skips to the next track in the php file.
skip_btn.onPress = function(){
} play_btn.onPress = function() {
if (playing == undefined or playing == false) {
if (pause == true) {
pausePos = ((slider_mc.dragMe_btn._x/100)*song.duration)/1000;
[Code] .....
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Mar 26, 2007
I'm actually having problems with some AS code. I have a news ticker successfuly adapted from this site, and it's working okay. But I have to add some features I cannot solve by myself, so I 'm asking some help here. My problem is the following :
By what means can I force the Setinterval to be "skipped" (I'd like to add a fast forward/rewind buttons) with a simple MC ? I know a bit about the clearInterval function, but this leads to an akward behaviour of my flash movie (once skipped, the XML is not read in a chronological order� and so on).
The trick is that I I have differents controls type :
- a simple combo previous/next + play-pause buttons
- 4 areas that lead to a particular node (which works partially)
Instead of posting the whole code here, I attach my source .fla + XML (to be renamed as .xml extension is not recognized in the attachments) for you to see how messy is my code (more than partially adapted from the news_ticker.fla used on the tutorials here)
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Oct 8, 2009
I have working on a client Adobe Air application written in Flex/ActionScript. The app needs to accesse clients' Camera and Microphone. When the client app is launch, the following Adobe security window pops up.
Is there a way to skip this popup for a trustable domain in Flex? or Can we skip this pop for a domain during the Air packaging?
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Apr 27, 2010
Shouldn't the pre-loader skip and jump to the animation if the intended animation loads? Is this tutorial doing that?
I can't tell if that's happening. My animation is very light but it seems to be going through the entire preloader whether or not the animation is fully loaded or not.
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Jul 27, 2010
why does my exported .mov file freeze/skip? I exported a .mov if HD 1280x720 and it freezes/skips. If I convert it to another format it's okay. Is it my video card or am I am not exporting it right? I used the h.264 and compressor quality best.
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Mar 7, 2011
I've created a preloader.swf that (when loaded) loads an external swf. I would also like to add a skip intro btn, but when I do, the preloader seems to loop over and over (blinking - I know, high tech).
This is the preloader code. I have it in the first frame of the preloader.swf:
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("flash/index.swf");var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
View 3 Replies
Mar 25, 2009
I need to create a button that will make a movie clip slide over 24 frames from the current frame the movie is on when the button is clicked. How I can do this with actionscript?
View 7 Replies
Nov 15, 2011
I have a string "4 + x + 5" and i want to change the x to 1x When using a regular expression for x i end up in an endless loop because when the x is changed to 1x, the regular expression finds the x in 1x and applies it to that Is there anyway of making is skip the next character? Here is my code:
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Nov 19, 2011
I have a CSV file that's being imported by users. I'm casting it to a string and splitting it up into an array using the line ending. The issue is, inside the quotes may be a line ending that I need to ignore. The RegExp I'm using to split the string is..
private var _newLine:RegExp = /[
how to ignore line breaks inside of quotes? or.. Find the line breaks inside quotes to use a replace method
String(myCSV).replace( _yourForumRegExp, "");
View 4 Replies
Aug 1, 2010
how to make my "animation" (more of an interactive slideshow) skip forwards and backwards by two frames rather than one.
Each frame's action starts with stop(); and I know how you can implement the Action script to register keystrokes, the problem is I can't get how to jump by 2 rather than 1 frame at a time.
It would be preferable not to have to use gotoAndStop(#); on every 2nd frame as I have over 350+ frames.
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Feb 5, 2011
I have created a preloader for a video intro, with a skip button. This preloader is loaded inside the index.html file.When the user skips the intro video, he is forwarded to another page. This part works great.The problem is that if you ever go back to the index.html file after you skip the intro the flash file recognizes that the video is already downloaded, because it is partially downloaded because it begins to download before the user can press the 'Skip' button. I imagine this has to do with the fact that a partial file with the same name exists in cache.When the user clicks on the 'Skip' button I close the loader that was loading the video file like this:
Is this the problem? I thought that Flash automatically compared files.Is there any way to compare the file in cache on the users computer and have the file either resume or redownload if the file sizes don't correspond?
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Jun 25, 2009
1. "skip intro" is supposed to make the movie skip to frame 505 (this is not a skip to the homepage button)
2. "replay intro" is supposed to replay the intro from frame 1
I thought this should be easy enough even for someone like me without any action scripting experience whatsoever but, alas, I got stuck (after spending some 5 hours scouring tutorials and websites).
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