Preloader Skipped When Simulate Download?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm using Flash CS5 with AS2. However, there's this project I'm working on right now. When I simulate a download, the preloader is somehow skipped. I'm staring at a blank screen for a minute instead of a preloader and then the main menu pops up. You just see the preloader for one single frame.

Now the code for my preloader is really the standard code:
Actionscript Code:
stop();onEnterFrame = function(){
p = getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal();
percent_txt.text = String(Math.round(100*p)) + " %";
if(p == 1){ nextFrame();
delete onEnterFrame;

I have some code on frames 2 and 3, but I tried to see what would happen if I left it out, and the same thing occurs regardless of there being code on frames 2 and 3. All I can really tell you that may mean something is the file size is 2.9 MB. Why Flash Player doesn't just display the preloader, especially since I've never encountered this before.

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I looked through numerous forums and I am not using an components that are exported to the first frame -- at least that I know of. Has anyone experienced the same issue?


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CS3 Digital Artifact In Simulate Download?

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I'm declaring that there MUST be a bug in importing of XML files to Flash 8 and I will NEVER use it again in this version of Flash.For the third time I have completely re-written the entire code of this movie. And once again, just like the other 2 times, when I run the movie in "Test Movie" all 32 of my text files load and trace perfectly. When I switch to "Simulate Download" a raft of "undefined" text error messages appear when I click on the text field links.There is only one movie running. All variables are declared globally at the beginning of the movie. A preoloader (debugged and verified to be working perfectly) loads all images and XML text and CSS before proceeding. All text is loaded into a single text field dynamically.There is never a problem with undefined images - only text.

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One last time and then I abandon this idea of importing XML files forever

I have attached a sample .fla file plus folders with the other files in the Variables not found only on "simulate download" post if you want to try running it.

There are 42 XML text files and 42 buttons on stage. In 'Test Movie' all 42 external XML files load perfectly every time - switch to 'Simulate Download' and keep clicking. It won't take long to "break it" and an 'undefined' will appear. But if you keep clicking, the same text will be defined on the next time around - so this isn't simply a case of the array not being created properly.

This is the frame in the preloader that creates the array that holds the XML files - it loops until they are all loaded - the counter is set and incremented in the other preloader frames:

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
//loops back to load all text


'textNum' will never fail to show the number clicked when 'undefined' appears - but 'textForStage' which is the actual text in the array will show 'undefined' in the output window.

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Mar 17, 2010

I made a preloader for this movie: [URL]. But when I simulate a download, it goes straight from 0% to 100% and the bar goes from nothing to filling only half of the screen. I'm using Flash CS3. Here's the code for the Preloader.fla file:

var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("movie.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var nPercent:Number;
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, preLoad);
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fileLoaded);
[Code] .....

The graphic for the preloader is made up of two parts. background_mc is the light blue background for the progress bar and bar_mc is the dark bar that's supposed to fill it up.

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How can I command the pre-loader to track the progress of the download?

public function loadImage(filename:String):void
// show the preloader
reloader.visible = true;


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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at MethodInfo-7()
at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()[code].........

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Timeline Sound Isn't Skipped?

Dec 24, 2009

To make a preloader work on frame 1 I can't use 'export to first frame' on a library sound file. This would mess up my preloader. So I deselected that option and instead dragged the sound file (with 'export for actionscript' still selected) to frame 2. Frame 1 would include the preloader part but for testing purposes I just placed gotoAndPlay(3) there. This would immediately skip frame 2 (with the sound file) and continue from frame 3. Frame 3 would later be the start for the main movie. But for now I just placed this code:
var my_sound:Sound = new Sound(); my_sound.attachSound("soundfile.mp3"); my_sound.start(); Testing the movie I found out that the sound played twice on top of each other. So I replaced above code with comment lines:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound In Frame 2 Not Getting Skipped?

Dec 25, 2009

I've imported a sound into the library. Normally it would have to have 'export for actionscript' and 'export in first frame' selected to make attachSound work. When using a preloader however, I would have to deselect the 'export in first frame' option, otherwise the preloader would start as from 60% or something. So I deselected that one and instead dragged the sound file to the stage between the preloader on frame 1 and the main movie as from frame 3.

When the preloader is finished it would use gotoAndPlay(3) the skip frame 2 with the sound in it. Because the sound file isn't using 'export in first frame' but is included in frame 2, it is not playing, but loaded nevertheless. That way later on as from frame 3 I still could use attachSound. I've tested it with attached file, but it isn't working like expected. In frame 1 (which would be the preloader bit), I just used gotoAndPlay(3).

Frame 2 is the keyframe with the sound dragged on stage. This should be skipped by frame 1. Frame 3 has some comment lines so isn't doing anything yet (just placed some typical attachSound lines, but with comment slashes). Now, although frame 1 is skipping frame 2 and the soundfile isn't using 'export in first frame', the sound is playing nevertheless? How is this possible?

To make it more weird: if I shift these 3 frames to the right, let's say frame 2, 3, and 4, it is working like expected and the sound isn't playing because a gotoAndPlay(4) is skipping frame 3? Why the sound is playing when it is skipped with a gotoAndPlay(3) in the first frame? I know how to make it work, but I'm interested in why it doesn't work when the swf starts from frame 1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event.ENTER_FRAME Skipped To The End?

Apr 15, 2009

I am facing a problem where I have a listener listening to Event.ENTER_FRAME:

public function showAnimation():void {
var character:MovieClip = new Character();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does MP3 Stop Streaming Skipped Music?

Aug 12, 2010

Let's say I click next song, it starts loading the next song, then I click next song again before the first song finishes loading. Will the program continue streaming the first song as well as stream the second song?

private function NewSong (plus) {
if (sound.bytesLoaded / sound.bytesTotal < 1) {
sound.close ();
} sound = null;
songtimer.stop ();
songplaying = false;
channel.stop ();
[Code] .....

This is the code that handles when a new song is to be played. I would think that the first few lines of code would close the stream if it's still loading but I'm not sure. When I click next song like say 10 times, it takes a really long time for the song to stop buffering and start playing. The main question still remains: Will it continue loading songs I skipped over?

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Part Of The Animation To Be Skipped When I Click One Specific Button?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a swf file "home" that has a series of animations that are button controled.I want part of the animation to be skipped when I click one specific button, for instance.Most of the time I want frame label:"1 out" to play all the way through to the last frame (20) and on frame (20) there is an action sending it back to frame 1and stopping, but I need to have a button that when hit plays frame label 1: "1 out" and continues to frame (19) and does not utilize the action on frame (20) sending it back to frame (1), or in other words playing through "1 out" and then playing "2 out" which occurs on frame 21 without returning to frame (1).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF Frame Rate Jumps And Skipped Frames

Feb 2, 2009

I seem to be having a very weird issue with AS3/Flash 9.

Let me paint the picture: we have a website that loads in 6 different icon buttons, each with their own animation for rollover/rollout. EVERY flash file and embedded timeline video for the icons is 30FPS. However, flash seems to sometimes make it's own decision on frame rate and suddenly the icons will speed up to what seems like 5x the normal frame rate (for example, running through the rollover animation in .5 seconds instead of 3 seconds.

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Disable Internet Download Manager's Video Download Option From My Youtube Videos?

Nov 23, 2011

I want disable IDM(internet download manager)'s download video option from my youtube videos.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Download A File To The PC Through The Normal Browser Download Manager?

Jul 1, 2010

So I basically have used the fileReference class to allow the user to download a determined file if he wants to.

I use the function and it works well.

However, the file is downloaded and saved to the hard drive using only the flash player. The browser is not aware of the download, and thus, if I want to show the progress of the download I'd have to make some progress bar myself. I know how to do it, but it would become really tedious and take too much UI space.

Isn't there a damn way in Flash to "send" a determined file to the browser so that it prompts the user to download it? It's an image file, so navigateToURL doesn't cut it since it will just display the image, both if I use a new tab or the current one.

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Professional :: Can't Download Flash CS5 With Akamai Download Manager

Jun 16, 2010

I'm working at a company which has high security environment.Akamai Download Manager starts to download a trial Flash CS5. However, it stops quickly and downloads nothing (zero byte).I want to download a trial Flash CS5 without Akamai Download Manager!

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Flash :: Download Multible Files With JavaScript(one Download)?

Feb 22, 2011

I generate a HTML page with VB.Net which stores several pinks to files. These links are formatted with JavaScript looking like the Windows-Explorer with folders and files. The problem: There are only download links for the files, not for Folders. A folder can contain Subfolders ,a List of Files or a combination of both. So if I want to download a folder, I have to click manually on every file-link. I have not the possibility to insert PHP or another Server-side language. my question now is: Is there a client side way to Download them by click on a Folder? I prefer Javascript but If it isn't possible Flash will be ok also.

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Actionscript 3 :: Skip An Optional Parameter And Assign Value To The Parameter After The Skipped One?

Dec 14, 2010

Can we skip an optional parameter and assign value to the parameter after the skipped one?

For example I have a function:

public function Dialog(message:String,title:String="Note",dialogsize:int=99):void

I can easily call the function with a message and a title:


Is there a way to skip the title and just pass in the dialogsize? I've tried it but can't make it work:


Is it possible to skip some optional parameters without using (rest) parameter?

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