ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound In Frame 2 Not Getting Skipped?

Dec 25, 2009

I've imported a sound into the library. Normally it would have to have 'export for actionscript' and 'export in first frame' selected to make attachSound work. When using a preloader however, I would have to deselect the 'export in first frame' option, otherwise the preloader would start as from 60% or something. So I deselected that one and instead dragged the sound file to the stage between the preloader on frame 1 and the main movie as from frame 3.

When the preloader is finished it would use gotoAndPlay(3) the skip frame 2 with the sound in it. Because the sound file isn't using 'export in first frame' but is included in frame 2, it is not playing, but loaded nevertheless. That way later on as from frame 3 I still could use attachSound. I've tested it with attached file, but it isn't working like expected. In frame 1 (which would be the preloader bit), I just used gotoAndPlay(3).

Frame 2 is the keyframe with the sound dragged on stage. This should be skipped by frame 1. Frame 3 has some comment lines so isn't doing anything yet (just placed some typical attachSound lines, but with comment slashes). Now, although frame 1 is skipping frame 2 and the soundfile isn't using 'export in first frame', the sound is playing nevertheless? How is this possible?

To make it more weird: if I shift these 3 frames to the right, let's say frame 2, 3, and 4, it is working like expected and the sound isn't playing because a gotoAndPlay(4) is skipping frame 3? Why the sound is playing when it is skipped with a gotoAndPlay(3) in the first frame? I know how to make it work, but I'm interested in why it doesn't work when the swf starts from frame 1.

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Actionscript Code:
stop();onEnterFrame = function(){
p = getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal();
percent_txt.text = String(Math.round(100*p)) + " %";
if(p == 1){ nextFrame();
delete onEnterFrame;

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if (sound.bytesLoaded / sound.bytesTotal < 1) {
sound.close ();
} sound = null;
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[Code] .....

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VO_mobile = new Sound(mobilesound);


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//start of sound section is for sound
var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("FlashFiles/audioFiles/mySoundmp3");
var sound:Sound = new Sound();


The above plays the sound as soon as the .swf file is loaded. But I want to play at certain point in time, say frame number or frame label. I want to be able to put all my action script on frame one (or one location) instead of all over the time line.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing And Stopping Sound On Single Frame

May 20, 2010

I have a couple of sound clips that I'd like to be able to play. I want one clip to play per frame (the frames are timed to a certain length through a set interval action). When I advance to the next frame (either when the timer runs out or I click a button) I want the first frame's clip to stop and the second clip to begin. IE: I have clip A and clip B which correspond to Frame A and Frame B. I go to frame A and clip A plays, I go to Frame B and Clip B plays (Clip A having stopped).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Manage Volume Of More Than One Sound In Flash Per Frame?

Jun 27, 2007

In a code im currently working on, I have 3 sounds that I need to maintain constantly, but It seems flash can only manage 1 sound per frame.

How can I manage the volume of more than one sound in flash per frame?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash To Hold On Frame Till Sound Finishes

Apr 22, 2009

I'd like to know if there's a wait to have flash hold on a frame till a sound finishes playing. I'm guessing that this will require some sort of EventListener but I'm pretty new to AS 3.0 and I'm not sure how to do it. I've searched the forms but cant seem to find anything on how to achieve this either, but I think thats because I'm not sure of the correct terminology.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Sound File From The Library To Play It In One Frame?

Sep 23, 2009

I have a flash file with several frames. In each frame I need to play a sound file.I've added all the sounds to the library and done all the necessary steps to export for actionscript.Here's my code to play the sound in one frame.
var sound1:Sound = new Cal10101();;

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