Professional :: Classic Tween Automatically Ads Symbols In Library (CS5)

May 24, 2011

I have asked this question in another forum but haven't got an answer yet. I have just started using Flash CS5 recently and have a question about  the classic tween. I have noticed that when I make a classic tween Flash  automatically makes symbols out of my grouped objects. I have worked with previous versions and it was sufficient to just group my objects on the stage to make a tween. Is there a way to turn this feature off? I'm an animator and it's very  annoying and messy to make a symbol out of all the objects I want to  animate.
When I add a tween (CS3) I always used the Properties panel and choose "motion" from the tween settings. This way there's no symbols added in the library. Just noticed that there are also tween symbols added if I add a tween  using right Mouse click or via the menu  Insert>Timeline>CreateMotionTween. Never used this before. But I can't seem to see any tween settings on the properties tab anymore in CS5.

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IDE :: CS5 Classic Tween Automatically Ads Symbols In Library

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I'm working on an AS3 project and thought I'd save myself some scripting by using classic tweens in the timeline to transition between filters on movie clips. They look fine when testing, but when I save the project, close, then re-open later, the tweens are gone.

Is this a known bug in CS4, or is there something I'm missing about classic tweens in AS3?

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I tried to compare the swf file size of both.

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addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mo);
function mo (event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Classic Tween Saturation Property Not Animating Like In Total Training Video?

Aug 16, 2011

John Ulliman uses actionScript3 with Flash CS3 and I have Flash CS5 which is the main difference. It appears he uses a classic tween (from CS4 and CS5's perspective).I have a thumbnail which is created as a movie symbol and when I double click on the timeline I have a tween of zero saturation (frame 1) to 100% saturation (frame 10) back to zero saturation frame 20. When I scrub the timeline the classic tween fades up and down correctly. But when I trigger the rollover (and rollout) event from the main timeline which should goto the movie instance called mThumb0.gotoAndPlay(2) starting at frame 2 for ROLL_OVER and Thumb0.gotoAndPlay(11) for the ROLL_OUT event it seems to only change the saturation a little but not touch the saturation filter.

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Jun 21, 2010

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Professional :: Flash CS5 With Classic Text

Jul 26, 2010

I got Flash CS5 a few days ago and tried to compile some of my applications - got strange textfield representation, parts of words were missing. Very simple example to demonstrate something's not working right here:
-C-reate a textfield (classic; static) type "Test". Choose Arial Regular as Font.

-Create an input textfield (classic), choose Arial Bold as Font, embed the font with all glyphs (or subgroup).

-Compile it: Try to type into the input textfield - no cursor (for me at least), nothing shows up.

If you embed the Arial Regular also (which should not be necessary for a static text), the input field does respond but shows Arial Regular instead of Bold.So it seems you cannot use two weights of the same font in one Flash movie?Using TLF it works fine - but I can't switch over yet, some of my customers do still use Player 9.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Extension And Library Symbols

Jan 23, 2008

I've got a question which is primarily an OOP question, but it is specific to AS3 in it's implementation.

I writing an interface which consists of displaying a (circuit) card rack which holds twenty cards of various types. Some of the properties of the cards are common to all cards such as slot number, card type, id, etc. They also behave similar when clicked on, taking you to another view.

It seems to make sense to create an abstract class (Card) that has all the common properties and behavior of all the cards, and then extend that class to create the specific card types, but the problem is that the display objects representing the cards are movie clip symbols in the library.

It boils down to this question: How do I extend a class that is already extending the movie clip class (a symbol in the library)? I know that AS3 doesn't allow it, but I figured someone has probably run in to something like this before.

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Graphic-type Symbols In A Shared Library?

Sep 16, 2009

Does anyone know if it's possible to have Graphic-type symbols in a shared library as it won't let you add an identifier to them? It's ok to use Move Clips but they increase the file size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Library Symbols And Debugging Error

Nov 26, 2010

I'm using Flash CS4 with Win7 and if I create a movieclip symbol in an FLA file such class name such as GreenBox. When I put the following line into my actionscipt 3.0 code, I get the error: "You cannot debug this swf because it does not contain actionscript.The line of code is:vargreenBox:Green Box = new GreenBox();Any ideas what's going on.  Never had these problems with CS3 and Win XP.I did double check to see if I had the debugger version on Flash Player.

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CS4 :: Error - You Must Specify A Unique Class Name That Is Not Associated With Any Library Symbols

Apr 24, 2009

I've started a new cs3 flash file. I've created a few symbols, scattered them about the stage, then gone to start writing my class file. I've created the class fine and i have created an external .as with the same name as the fla file (miniGolf.fla and The problem is that i can't link the fla to the .as. Every time I click the little pencil icon I get an error saying:

"You must specify a unique class name that is not associated with any library symbols"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Garbage Collection Of Library Symbols?

Apr 26, 2010

how Flash handles garbage collection of the library symbols? E.g. If I attach a Bitmap symbol to a MovieClip symbol(drag to the first frame, MovieClip linked to a MovieClipClass) Is the following enough to make the movieclip eligitable for garbage collection?e.g.

ActionScript Code:
var mc:MovieClipClass = new MovieClipClass();
//some time later
mc = null;

I wonder if it will remove the bitmap loaded as well, or at least make it eligitable. I'm loading massive bitmaps, when I create other new MovieClipClass I notice the image loads instantly as oppose to that bit of lag.Or is there a different way to manage the bitmaps for the bitmap symbols?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Library Symbols Load As Larger?

Sep 13, 2010

I've created a few symbols (movie clips) in my library. They are basically "panels" for user input etc. I've sized them carefully and do my best to have them stay within a 320x240 size. But when I load them they come in with larger width and height if there are some objects/symbols/graphics that are invisible or something.

This happens with EVERY library movieclip i've created.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Library Symbols Don't Export In The Right Frame?

Dec 16, 2010

So I added a bitmap to my library in flash CS5, and in its symbol properties I checked "Export for AS" and "Export in Frame 2" (I set Export Classes in Frame: 2 in AS settings.) On the first frame of my main timeline, I have

trace("loaderInfo.bytesTotal: " + loaderInfo.bytesTotal);
trace("loaderInfo.bytesLoaded: " + loaderInfo.bytesLoaded);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Symbols In Library?

Jun 8, 2007

i have got a problem with actionscripting.That is i created 3 tab buttons and each tab buttons has got its symbols.I want to drag and drop them onto the canvas ,using drag and drop,but however when i click the second tab button the first symbol that i drag to the stage dissapears?Anyone knows how to make it stay .Is like a Signage developer for LTA(Land Transport Authority) Designer.

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