Professional :: Possible To Chop Up Sound In Flash?
Sep 23, 2011
I am making an animated music video, so I have one song playing throughout my piece. First thing I did was the animatic/storyboard---the whole video sketched out with the song. Now I am chopping it into scenes for character animation. I selected all the keyframes---including those in the song track---and pasted them into new, separate Flash projects. Problem is, the song plays from the beginning in every scene (and in fact I can't get it to stop). I think I understand why this happens -- it's using what I have in the library, and it's the whole song that is in the library. So, do I have to conclude the worst case scenario: that I have to chop up the song outside Flash (which would be error-prone, in terms of precision of timing)? Or is there another way to do this in Flash?
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To test you can place the following code in a blank as2 file.
var personalMessage:String = "You got this far so we reckon that you could be curious enough to learn a little more, we�ll contact you shortly to answer any questions you may have.";
_root.myArray = new Array();
_root.myArray = personalMessage.split("");
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does anybody know why it isn't working? is it because i don't have the latest media players that flash uses? if so do you know which media player i should have? or is it something else?
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Mar 29, 2011
When I tried to import music to flash animations I have created, I received error message that: One or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them.
The platform: Mac AA audio file Encoded with iTunes 10.1.2, Quick Time 7.6.6
Is it because of the audio file format that music cannot be imported? If so, how can i convert it to the compatible format?
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Jun 28, 2011
Once you have read through the story and then go back along the timelone to previous pages all sfx that have previously been played will continuously start playing again (overlapping etc) even though SoundMixer.stopAll() gets called when ever you hit the back/next buttons. It seems to only be a problem with sound that is embedded in a movie clip that is 2 or more children deep. I have voice over that is just 1 movie clip deep and there is no issues with this. It only happens when playing through iPad/iPhone, the swf itself plays fine on my mac I have a work around of throwing all sfx in a mc on the main timeline and then referencing that but its not ideal and can see this causing more issues later down the track.
Ps. All mc's/animations are timeline based and all sounds are set to streaming.
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Jan 12, 2009
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Jul 29, 2011
I have made a 5 min animation with stream sound. Its playing perfectly in PC. But in mac, its not playing. Stream sound starts from frame 60. So mac plays the swf plays till 60 frame, after that it pauses. I tried importing different sound format (wav, aif, mp3) and tried with all sound export setting but the problem remain same; its playing only till 60.When i removed the sound, it played till end. Even with event sound, it plays till end. But with stream sound, the problem. The problem is only in mac; in pc its perfect.I am using VMware Mac OS x leopard in window xp for testing purpose.
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Jan 28, 2010
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Feb 13, 2012
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Jun 30, 2011
I have imported my wav files to my library added them to the down state of my buttons and when I test the file I get (Sound has no valid device sound path although exporting device sounds was requested in the export settings. This sound will be ignored.) I have been surching for an answer but as of yet have found none.
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Jun 12, 2010
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Jun 1, 2011
I have an MP3 file in Flash 5.5 that I have edited in the properties panel of the frame where the sound is...I basically cut a couple seconds off the beginning by editing the timeline. It plays fine when I'm in Flash, but when I publish the movie, the sound is published unedited.
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Aug 1, 2011
Flash is not in my toolset, but I am an old Director jock and have spent some hours dipping my head into the Flash manual. I suppose that makes me a promising beginner-level poster. I'm working in CS5.
I need to make a simple Flash-based sound player for a website for a newly-released novel ( I want the user to click on what appears to be an icon (or image), which kicks open a simple controller and starts playing a sound file (a radio interview, which I will probably export using Flash's voice compression). Nothing fancy. Just want the visitor to hear the sound and be able to apply simple controls (stop/start/rewind/volume).
I can learn ActionScript, I suppose, since I used to dream in Lingo, but my life would be a lot simpler if I could just publish a controller without having to roll my own. I'd like to think there's a magic button somewhere that can do this, but I haven't found it yet.
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Dec 1, 2010
I have created a SWF file that plays/stops sound. The SWF file works great when previewed in Flash CS4, but does not work when inserted in the HTML file.Here are the 2 files that are automatically generated when I INSERT>MEDIA>SWF in Dreamweaver CS4:
Here is the ActionScript3 that I am using in the Flash file:
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Jan 31, 2012
Is there any AS3 library or code-snippet that can create altered versions of a Sound object on-the-fly (at runtime)? Either based on:
An existing Sound object; A ByteArray object;
For example, say you have a "dry" sound of a gun-shot. You could:
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Mar 14, 2011
I have a project that requires me to display the waveform for a uploaded sound. The sound is always an MP3, most of the time 22.05 kHz mono, with speech only. The project are written with Flex/ActionScript 3. It's meant to run in the browser, but might also consider converting to AIR if that can help.
All examples I've found and looked at for generating a wave, are either doing some visualization in real time as the sound is playing, or, the most promising, as3soundeditorlib, keeps the wave already generated, but does it very slowly, seemingly using as long time as playing through the audio would've taken.Is there any way to generate the wave faster than real time?
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