Professional :: Stop Loop In Flash CS5?

Apr 25, 2011

WordPress site as an .swf with all the appropriate files loaded in the same directory. My client would like two things to occur in the animation: 1. The animation should stop after first time it runs and not play again. 2. Further, the animation should remain stopped throughout the duration of the visitors session so that when they view other pages they don't have to see the animation reloaded with each new page they visit. So far I'm unable to even get the animation to even stop on the first page load, despite having taken the following steps: 1. Created an "Actions" layer dedicated solely to actions.2. Placed the "Stop" Action Code in the last from of the aforementioned "Actions" layer. 3. I'm using Action Script 3.0 with a Flash Player 10 installed in my browser.

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onClipEvent (load) {
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onClipEvent (load) {
easeMove = function (xpos, ypos) { _x += (xpos-_x)/5;_y += (ypos-_y)/5;}; = function() {


The same thing happens on mac computers when published to 6 using the flash 7 player

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Is there a way to have a stop(); apply only to one (or more) layer(s)?

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I've got a simple function that works towards a lesson progress bar.

onEnterFrame = function () {
progTotal = Math.round (_root._totalframes);
progCurrent = Math.round (_root._currentframe);
progPercent = (progCurrent/300);

Works like a champ, but as I traced it I noticed this occurs about 15 times a second (15fps).

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Professional :: Stop Loading The Flash File?

Jun 21, 2010

i want the .SWF file to be opened but not donwloaded until a button is pressed but don't know ho to do that..on frame 1 i have an object (movieclip) that consists of a logo with a blur effect.. after 1-2 seconds the blur effect goes away and you can see the logo. the logo itself is a button that send's the user to the next frame in the main scene.on frame 2 of the main scene i have a preloader that shows the percentage of the loaded page and a progress bar .. everything works great

the problem is that when you open the swf it starts downloading the hole flash site and when you press enter the site is already loaded and you can't see the progress bar of the preloader..i want only the 1 frame of the main scene to be loded, then i want i to stop loading (downloading) the SWF file until enter is pressed.when enter is pressed i want the flash site to be loaded and so you can see the preloader in action..can i put some code on the action layer on the 1 frame that stops loading the movie (the first frame is loaded and the blur effect of the logo plays).and another code on the second frame (where the preloader is visible) that starts the donwloading again?

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Professional :: Flash 8 Links Stop Working?

Aug 31, 2010

I use Flash 8.I'm making this very simple Nav Box where on certain links open in a new window/tab. Those links work great.But most of the links are set to open in the same window that the Nav Box is on. When saving the SWF and HTML, the links work great.
The problem comes when I place it on other pages/sites. The "Self" links never work. Here are samples.

Neither page nor link in the Nav Box requires a Iframe nor anything "special" to work.Here are to version of the AS2 code I've tried (Using the Day Of Victory Ministries link as a sample)
on (release) {getURL("");
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------


Unless I'm mistaken, the way flash works, it matters not which server it is on so long as it's directory is public. This enables the flash to be placed on any page (via it's root link / Embedding code) and still have it's buttons work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop() Stuck In Loop

Mar 25, 2010

im trying to make a website in flash andd everytime it just cycles through all 4 pages in a loop. if i redo the entire site it will work if i test it but as soon as i go to file save as and save it as a new name it goes back to looping and cannot be fixed unless i redo it again. i have 4 layers and the first frame in layer "action" has stop(); as the first line. the syntax is correct and i get zero errors. [URL]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader To Stop (and Not Loop)?

Jun 24, 2010

I have created an animation with a number of layers - some have movie clips and some are frame by frame animation. It's 60 frames long and loops. When I put a preloader in at the beginning and put a stop action on it the stop action stops all the frame by frame animation. How do I get just the preloader to stop (and not loop)?

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Actionscript 3 :: Stop And Start A For Loop?

Feb 6, 2011

I'm pulling an xml and using a for loop to create a thumb list. This list is going to be quite long but I only 25 thumbs to be loaded at a time, so that the next 25 is only loaded when a user hits a button. I know how to set up a for loop in a function, but I can't quite figure out how to break up a loop where it would stop and start. I was thinking I would call the function each time a button is pressed and the loop would pick up where it left off with the next 25.

I thought maybe I could substite other variables into the for(); but everything I've tried breaks it. I tried pulling the var i:int = 0; out of the for so the function could set the i, but I guess I'm not clear on exactly how the for loop works.

What I'm doing:

function loadarticleHeadlines():void
for (var i:int = 0; i < egarticleXml.articlelist.articleitem.length(); i++)


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