Professional :: Symbols Changing In IK Bones Timeline?

Aug 18, 2010

When I close the file (making sure to save) and reopen it. All the frame #'s attributed to the hand symbol revert back to frame 1.Meaning I have to redo every hand pose again and again and again. More importantly when the animation is approved and I send it off, when the client opens it the animation is incomplete.

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Professional :: Bones: Move Poses On The Timeline?

Jun 22, 2010

When animating a bone system armature: how do you move the Pose keyframes on the timeline to tweak the animation and timing?I've tried everything I could think of and it just won't let me move the Pose keyframes forward or backward in time.

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Professional :: Why Don't Symbols Play In The Timeline

Oct 30, 2011

I have limited Flash experience in CS 3 and 4 but I got CS 5 and built an animated movie symbol and I tried everything I could think of but it would not play in the main timeline.To sum it up the animations and tweens work in the symbol but they do not appear in the main timeline.

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Professional :: CS5: Symbols Won't Animate On Main Timeline

Dec 26, 2011

I am using Adobe Flash Professional CS5, and when I preview my flash animation on the main timeline, symbols with animations in them are stuck on their first frames.
How do I make symbols animate on the timeline? I've seen this been done in various tutorials. Is it a glitch perhaps?

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IDE :: Calculate How Long A Symbols Timeline Should Be So It Maches The Main Timeline?

Jul 4, 2009

I'm having some problem with the workflow of flash.I make web banners everyday att my work att it is important to me to have the banners easy structured so I can copy effects, tweens and symbols to a new banner. I have Flash CS3 pro.I always start by making a symbols. And then in the symbols own timeline I make the animation or effect.

The big problem I'm having is when I have the main (scene1) timeline with many frames, and then have symbols on that timeline, with it's own timeline with some frames. The frames in the symbol timeline is okey, but at the main timeline the frames is too short or too long so the animation of the symbol cuts of early or it plays more than one time (too many frames).

How do I calculate how long a symbols timeline should be so It maches the main timeline?What happens to me is that I always have to adjust the symbols timeline and the main timeline, and this I have to do many times.

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Professional :: Embedding Symbols Inside Symbols That Are Runtime Exported

Feb 5, 2010

I'm attempting to use CS4 (PC/Vista, if that matters) to create a SWF file that will basically act as a "library" of commonly used symbols. This SWF would be loaded at runtime by other SWFs, which could then use the symbols within it, including all art and code assets.


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Professional :: Changing Slide Order In Timeline

Nov 8, 2011

I have been shown how to do a very specific task in Flash Pro CS5. I have five slides in my timeline, with buttons that include links to product pages on our website. These five slides comprise a movie, with each slide being displayed for a few seconds and it repeatedly cycles through the five slides in a banner at the top of our home page. In addition there is a navigation bar below my slide images with a play and pause option, plus the five slide numbers so the viewer can navigate from slide to slide manually. I have been asked to change the order of the slides so that slide #5 now becomes slide #1 and slide #1 becomes slide #2, and so on.

I can easily switch the images and links so that the slides are in a different order in my file, but now the navigation bar below does not work. In the Actions panel, the #1 button in the navigation bar still appears to be linked to slide 1, which now has the new images, yet the nav bar does not respond to clicks anymore. How was my nav bar disabled when I switched the images and links around between the slides? and how can I correct this? I know nothing else about Flash except how to replace the images and change the button links in each slide, which I do monthly, as this is the top banner on our website.

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Professional :: Way To Control Bones In Swf?

Feb 25, 2011

In Flash cs5, can i publish a bone structure, and control it in the swf?

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Professional :: Video Sound Won't Stop When Changing Frames On Timeline

Nov 19, 2010

I've been making the transition from AS2 to AS3 for the last week and am making progress. But I'm having a problem that hopefully someone can help me with. I'm using Flash CS5. I have a fairly simple Flash website I'm working on. I have sections on the timeline like Home, About, Photos, Media ... all set up using labels for each of those sections. Everything is working fine but when I go to my Media section where I have a video placed (using the flv component) I'm having a problem as follows:

The video auto plays fine when I go to the Media section but when I attempt to leave the section and go to another the sound of the video doesn't stop. It continues to play when I go to another section and if I go back to the section it starts again. The video is not there when I go to another section which is the part that's confusing me. In AS2 when I did this the video and the sound both stopped because you went to another section on the timeline. Why is the sound of the video not stopping in AS3?

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Professional :: How Does The Bones Tool Work

Dec 26, 2009

I did not get any trining on it. (I hope I did not ask too complicated of a question there.)

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Professional :: Putting Bones To An Image?

Jul 23, 2010

So this is the image i want to add bones to so i can animate it... but any way i convert or anything i still cant add the bone,, the bone just dissapears when i drag it.

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Professional :: Copy Bones/armature To New Movieclip?

Jan 1, 2010

I am working on a character that I will animate with bones. I painted the parts (left them as vector shapes), kept them all separate from each other on different layers and not touching. Added bones to each part. Flash made the armature layers each time. This is all inside a movie clip.I now want to copy and paste each part with bones/armature into a new movie clip so I can make mini animations, like a walk cycle, for example with out having to keep redoing all of my work. Somehow - I did this once.

I selected, copied, switched into the empty movieclip pasted it and there is was - armature layer, bones with object. All there. Moves fine When I tried to do it with the next part on a new layer, it just copied the vector shape with no bones. It is making me crazy. How do I copy and paste or duplicate an armature? I did it once, so I can be done...I included screen shots of the parts and the new movie clip - the body went with the bones (automatically made an armature layer when pasting) the leg did not.Attachments:creen shot 2010-01-01 at 2.51.20 PM.png (38.1 K)

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Professional :: Inserting Bones In The Middle Of An Armature?

Mar 24, 2010

I've been trying to figure out how to add a bone in the middle of an armature.  Currently I have a bone from the neck to the shoulder, but would like to add an bone in between the neck and shoulder.  Does anyone know how to insert the bone without having to reconstruct the entire branch?

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Professional :: Create A Bones Structure For 2d Charactor?

Sep 30, 2010

I'd like to know what is the best way for me to create a bones structure on a simple stickman. I've tried various ways but cannot get the hang of it and I'm usually stuck with unable to add a limb or something other, below is a simple representation of my stickman. I want all joints on the body to be movable, including both feet and the head. I just don't know where to start. My best so far was attempting to start at the hips and move up to the neck and then the head second but that didn't work out.

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Oct 28, 2011

[URL] I just watched a tutorial where they apply bnes to deform a "bitmap" image. Their image didn't distort like my image. Why is this happening. I imported an image then I "selected "break apart" and then I added bones to it. When I move the bones it makes the image distort, but in this tutorial here the image doesn't distort. What is wrong?

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Professional :: Using The Bones Tool With Imported Art - Body Is Highlighted But I Can't Connect The Other Objects?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a game design project that I have to animate characters for. The Bone tool in Flash seems like the perfect tool for the job!Here's my problem: I can draw things in Flash and rig them with the Bone tool and animate them fine. However, I'm much more comfortable with Illustrator. But whenever I try to bring in external artwork, I get lots of errors.Create (solid color, single object) body parts as layers in Illustrator. Import Illy file to stage in Flash. Drag bone tool across body. Body is highlighted but I can't connect the other objects. I realize the Armature is only above the body layer and all the other layers are on top. Drag Armature layer to top. Still no luck. The bone just doesn't care about the other objects.Should I make all the elements into MovieClips? That hasn't worked when I've tried it. Should I import differently? Should I make the entire character into a movieclip and then rig the instance on the stage?
I'll be exporting it to PNGs at the end, so I don't need it to be robust down the line.I get other errors with other importing methods too, but I can't recall them ("Can't connect...something" when using a PSD).

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Combine Symbols In Timeline?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm new user which is trying to developing simple game..I'm using template to create the game..I just wondering how to insert the symbols within existing timeline..meaning that, i'm trying to create new layer and convert it to symbol but I didn't how to combine it with existing timeline.

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Flash :: Reference Symbols On The Main Timeline?

Apr 8, 2010

this is one of those upsurdly basic questions for which google does not work. I have usually dispatched events from my classes and dealt with the user interface in the document class. But now i want to separate all the UI in a separate class, accessible by other classes. have added it as a child to the main/document class, but how do i reference the main class without going through parent.parent shananigans?dit. one more thing i remembered. Some of my UI elements are not programatically is the code i have. i get possibly undefined property error.

package rpflash.ui {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Move Multiple Symbols (w/buttons) In Separate Timeline?

Jul 2, 2009

how to move an object built from multiple symbols (including movie clips with interactivity) in a timeline other than the root? I tried putting them all in another symbol, but then the interactivity was lost.
On a boad scope, what I'm trying to do is animate a "digital multimeter" out of the way when not in use, and vise versa.

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Symbols Edit Item In All Frames Of A Timeline Layer In Flash CS5

Sep 27, 2010

I'm confused as to how Flash CS5 treats symbol instances across different frames in a given layer; If I add an object to a layer, and then add a keyframe to the existing frame set, are there now two instances of the object, one for each frame? When I change the color of the instance in the first key frame, the second keyframes instance stays the same. Is there anyway to edit across all frames? Paste across all frames?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display List - Tracing All Symbols On Stage In Timeline

Jun 23, 2009

I am having some kind of issue with the display list? I have a function that goes through various frames of my timeline and then traces all the symbols on the stage..
ActionScript Code:
for (var pm = 0; pm < this.numChildren; pm++) {
var child = this.getChildAt(pm);

What I am noticing is that it will return everything until it runs into a symbol that does not exist on every frame.. as soon as it does encounter a symbol that does not exist on all frames of the main time line it spits out -
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at 3_Migration_Standard_Nav_v2_fla::MainTimeline/pMovie()

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Professional :: Symbols In CS5.5 When Using CS5 Doc

Feb 21, 2012

When I open a document in Flash CS5.5 that was created in CS5, for some reason the buttons appear invisible when the document is published.

Buttons are also appearing invisible when they have been brought in from the library of another CS5.5 file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Slider To Move After A Movie Clip Symbols Instead Of Button Symbols?

Oct 29, 2008

I used this tut to create a menu. [URL] And my question is; Can I make the slider to move after a movie clip symbols instead of button symbols? That way my menu would be animated.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS5 IDE - Symbols And Nested Symbols And The Difference Between Graphics And Movie Clips And Scoping

Oct 26, 2010

I'm working through a book called Foundation Game Design with Flash, and I'm finding the Flash IDE confusing. I've been programming for several years, so working with AS3 directly is far easier than trying to understand symbols and nested symbols and the difference between graphics and movie clips and scoping issues and all that -- when tied into the IDE.

How many of you who are making games in AS3 also use the Flash IDE? Can anyone recommend a resource that is AS3 heavy and Flash IDE light? I don't care how much time I may or may not save by using things like the timeline, I just want to understand what I'm using.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Linking / Attaching And Connecting Symbols With Other Symbols

Feb 13, 2012

Is there any way to do that, well bone tool is for AS3 only.. so how would you connect symbols with other symbols?

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Professional :: Bringing Layers Into Symbols?

Aug 18, 2010

making characters at the following link:
The animator said that he has created two symbols: one for the body, and another symbol inside the body symbol for the head.What I don't understand is how he translated the layers over into the head symbol.  When I click on the head symbol, all of the layers disappear and I cannot edit an object individually within a layer.

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Professional :: When Inside Symbols Everything Else Fades

Sep 6, 2010

when I enter a symbol by default everything around that is not part of that symbol becomes faded - is there a way to disable this?

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Professional :: Specifying Length That Symbols Display?

Oct 9, 2010

In CS5, I want to create a simple series of still images that display in the Timeline for about 5 seconds each. Is there an easy way to do either of the following:
1. Change the Timeline to display in seconds instead of frames?
2. Specify how long something should appear prior to the next symbol showing up in the Timeline?

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Professional :: Copying Symbols From One Library To Another?

Dec 19, 2010

I have an .fla I created a while ago. In it is a movie clip in my library which I now want to use in a new .fla. This movie clip is reliant however on an image which is also in the library. I have tried selected both the image and movie clip, copy them, and paste them into my new library, but this doesnt work. I have tried cutting... I have tried duplicating and copying the duplicate. Nothing seems to work. Is there anyway of getting a symbol from one library into another?

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Professional :: Symbols Not Following Motion Guide?

Mar 2, 2011

i am using CS4 on a PC, and I have created my motion guide layers as I normally do, created a path, but when I scrub the playhead, the symbol just goes from point A to point B without follwing my guide. Also they are not snapping to the guide. I have not done a motion guide in a while, what am I missing here. Also where is the pallete to turn on object orienting?

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