Professional :: Inserting Bones In The Middle Of An Armature?

Mar 24, 2010

I've been trying to figure out how to add a bone in the middle of an armature.  Currently I have a bone from the neck to the shoulder, but would like to add an bone in between the neck and shoulder.  Does anyone know how to insert the bone without having to reconstruct the entire branch?

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Professional :: Copy Bones/armature To New Movieclip?

Jan 1, 2010

I am working on a character that I will animate with bones. I painted the parts (left them as vector shapes), kept them all separate from each other on different layers and not touching. Added bones to each part. Flash made the armature layers each time. This is all inside a movie clip.I now want to copy and paste each part with bones/armature into a new movie clip so I can make mini animations, like a walk cycle, for example with out having to keep redoing all of my work. Somehow - I did this once.

I selected, copied, switched into the empty movieclip pasted it and there is was - armature layer, bones with object. All there. Moves fine When I tried to do it with the next part on a new layer, it just copied the vector shape with no bones. It is making me crazy. How do I copy and paste or duplicate an armature? I did it once, so I can be done...I included screen shots of the parts and the new movie clip - the body went with the bones (automatically made an armature layer when pasting) the leg did not.Attachments:creen shot 2010-01-01 at 2.51.20 PM.png (38.1 K)

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Professional :: Way To Control Bones In Swf?

Feb 25, 2011

In Flash cs5, can i publish a bone structure, and control it in the swf?

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Professional :: Copy The Armature Layer?

Apr 15, 2010

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Professional :: Armature And Color Transform Bug?

Aug 18, 2010

I have movie clip with name "MC_ADOBE_IDIOTS" inside armature.In code: i do find this MovieClip and trying to set the color transform.After setting color transform to MovieClip "MC_ADOBE_IDIOTS" armature stops working and becomes static.

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Professional :: Can't Copy An Armature Layer In CS5?

Dec 12, 2011

This has been a complaint since CS4. Maybe you finally fixed it in CS5.5? I'm in CS5, and cannot copy a group of layers with the "copy frames" option as I would with any other layer(s). So a bone tool animation I've done on the main timeline cannot be copied and turned into a mc symbol. A simple, basic process. I can export my MC and import, then it comes in as stills, increases file size, not editable. I'm sure the answer is "plan ahead." The answer should be, "Of course you can do that, that's always been a normal method of working in Flash." Flash is dieing as a web tool, and falling short as an animation tool.

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I did not get any trining on it. (I hope I did not ask too complicated of a question there.)

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Aug 18, 2010

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I'd like to know what is the best way for me to create a bones structure on a simple stickman. I've tried various ways but cannot get the hang of it and I'm usually stuck with unable to add a limb or something other, below is a simple representation of my stickman. I want all joints on the body to be movable, including both feet and the head. I just don't know where to start. My best so far was attempting to start at the hips and move up to the neck and then the head second but that didn't work out.

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[URL] I just watched a tutorial where they apply bnes to deform a "bitmap" image. Their image didn't distort like my image. Why is this happening. I imported an image then I "selected "break apart" and then I added bones to it. When I move the bones it makes the image distort, but in this tutorial here the image doesn't distort. What is wrong?

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Professional :: Using The Bones Tool With Imported Art - Body Is Highlighted But I Can't Connect The Other Objects?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a game design project that I have to animate characters for. The Bone tool in Flash seems like the perfect tool for the job!Here's my problem: I can draw things in Flash and rig them with the Bone tool and animate them fine. However, I'm much more comfortable with Illustrator. But whenever I try to bring in external artwork, I get lots of errors.Create (solid color, single object) body parts as layers in Illustrator. Import Illy file to stage in Flash. Drag bone tool across body. Body is highlighted but I can't connect the other objects. I realize the Armature is only above the body layer and all the other layers are on top. Drag Armature layer to top. Still no luck. The bone just doesn't care about the other objects.Should I make all the elements into MovieClips? That hasn't worked when I've tried it. Should I import differently? Should I make the entire character into a movieclip and then rig the instance on the stage?
I'll be exporting it to PNGs at the end, so I don't need it to be robust down the line.I get other errors with other importing methods too, but I can't recall them ("Can't connect...something" when using a PSD).

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Jun 21, 2010

I have been trying to insert flash file but I keep getting error messages that:
Not Found
The requested URL /annimations/Snow.html was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I firstly publish flash into both swf and http files. Then, I opened view source of the http file and pasted the code onto the dreamwaever file.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" width="700" height="500" id="Snow" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
<param name="movie" value="Snow.swf" />
[Code] .....

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Aug 13, 2010

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All images included have "Allow Smoothing" checked.

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Dec 16, 2011

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Jan 9, 2011

I want to use tween animation to move 6 or more images onto a stack in the middle of the stage. (I can do this). When all the images are in the stack, I want the images in the stack to disperse to various parts of the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Created An Armature With Name Of Arm

Jan 10, 2011

I've created an armature with the name of Arm, I want this to follow the position of the mouse so the hand follows and the end of the arm stays fixed.[code]1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type fl.ik:IKBone to an unrelated type fl.ik:IKJoint.

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Error When Using The Bones Tool?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm getting the following error every time I use the bones tool:
Plugin tool script error in method mouseUpPlugin tool script error in method deactivate
Version is 10.0.2.

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IDE :: Bones Tool Buggy For Anyone Else?

Nov 10, 2008

I have now tried to animate a human character made of movie clips using the bones tool 3 times from scratch and every time it has gone extremely buggy. I move an arm and other parts of the body randomly move to different positions. I fix one arm then I notice other parts of the body are all screwed up.

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Bones: Change The Color Of An IK Shape?

Sep 17, 2009

an animation created with the Bones tool. I'm using a bone system to deform a shape.In the meantime I decided that the color of the IK shape should be other than the current one. Nonetheless I can't find a way to change its color while maintaining the shape within the armature.

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