Professional :: Rotating Mc 360 Degrees Using The 3D Rotation Tool
Nov 30, 2010
I'm new to Flash and I'm having trouble rotating my mc 360 degrees using the 3D Rotation Tool. I can rotate it 180 degrees, right side coming forward, but when I attempt to rotate it back to its original position, it doesn't continue the rotation in the same direction (right side coming forward). So instead of apearing to rotate completely, it looks like it rotates half way, stops, and rotates back (left side comes forwards). Probably an easy solution, but as I said, I'm new.
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3. 60 CCW
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[Code] ......
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getting a certain object to rotate by set degrees (my navigation for this project is organized on a wheel--6 sections on the wheel), and I would like to have buttons that tell this object to smoothly rotate by set degrees (intervals of 60 degrees in this case).What I have in mind are 5 buttons that control the rotation:1. 120 deg. ClockWise2. 60 CW3. 60 CCW4. 120 CCW5. 180 CCW
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var shootingstar:Loader = new Loader();
shootingstar.load(new URLRequest(""));
shootingstar.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadingComplete);
var ssd:Sprite = new Sprite();
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when I rotate my avatar. So while "this.rotation = 270" rotates it the correct amount, it registers as being rotated by -90 degrees. Thus, if you type "if(this.rotation == 270)" it won't ever be used.
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public function enteringFrame(evt:Event)
if (elementStatus == 0 || elementStatus == 2)
{// No collision
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var degrees =Math.atan2((clip.y-arrow_clip.y),(clip.x-arrow_clip.x))*(180/Math.PI);
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var degrees = -(Math.atan2(arrow_clip.x-clip.x, arrow_clip.y-clip.y))*(180/Math.PI);
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Code is below:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
rotation1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rotateThePicture);
function rotateThePicture(event:MouseEvent) {
//IMG11_mc.rotation += 180;
var PicRotation:Tween= new Tween(IMG11_mc, "rotation", Strong.easeInOut, 0, 180, 5, true);
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Mar 11, 2010
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Mar 5, 2009
When I try to rotate a movie clip along the x-axis on the default stage size (I'm using a basic rectangle right now), the rotation appears just as I expect it to. It "rolls over" with the perspective even on both sides of the rectangle.
When I try to duplicate this in a movie with different dimensions (320x480) and apply the 3D Rotation Tool, the rectangle skews to the left for some reason. (See attached .fla files)
I've tried changing the registration points on the movie clips, I've tried making new files with the "Adjust 3D Perspective Angle to preserve current stage projection" box checked both on and off, and I've tried repositioning the actual Rotation Tool, but I can't figure out what's wrong. Could it have something to do with the stage resizing?!
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Feb 1, 2010
i'm not quite sure which forum to use, so therefore I post this discussion here. I want to animate an object that is turning 360 degrees around.
It does'nt need any navigation like this example, but it's going to just an animationmovie.This animation is going to be viewed on a widescreen tv. How do I make the animation fit the screen? I'm not sure which resolution the animation must be. I guess this has to match the resolution of the tv. But is it just as simple as changing the flash file settings in 1920 x 1080?
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May 6, 2009
I found that .fla files do not save in Flash CS4 when the Deco tool or Spray Brush tool is selected. Is this a bug? Or is there a workaround to this issue.
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Jul 6, 2009
Working with senocular Transform Tool - How to remove/disable tool for objects Im new to AS3, and i have to use it for my current project. I have used the AS2 Transform tool extensively, but needless to say, the AS3 version works entirely differently.
The way i understand it, the tool applies to and every Sprite , movieclip on stage
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Dec 26, 2009
I did not get any trining on it. (I hope I did not ask too complicated of a question there.)
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Jan 24, 2010
This is a very very basic question.I am able to colour and otherwise manipulate elementary vector objects, such as rectangles. Yes, I know how to use the colour panel and the fil land ink pot tool. However, sometimes I can colour a vector shape drawn with the pen tool and sometimes I cannot. It seems completely random.In detail: select keyframe on an empty layer.I make a triangle with the pen tool, and a small circle shows completion. I get a triangle.This is coloured not for the stroke but for the layer. It seems to exist in two densities - a layer coloured line for drawing, a thicker, same-coloured one after selection.However, neither the ink bottle nor the fill tool do anything. I can set the colour in advance, or after the event, through the colour panel or otherwise, nothing. A gradient fill does not even show the guide lines for the fill tool.
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Mar 13, 2010
Mac OS 10.4.11; Flash CS3.I cannot change the tool any more. It's stuck on the eraser. It doesn't erase anything, but I can't change it to another tool.I uninstalled Flash, preferences and all, and re-installed it, but the problem persists. Interesting is, my customized workspace is still there, even though I had all preferences and anything else that has the name "Flash" deleted.At the same time the computer opens both CD trays when booting up. Never did that before. So I re-installed the OS, but that didn't help either.
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