Professional :: Swf Won't Load On Web ?

Mar 4, 2011

I converted a mov into flv and imported the flv with playback component. When I publish, I am able to see both (via the swf and the html) from my browser. Once I uploaded the swf and html onto my webserver (both files are stored in the same folder just like how I had it locally), the swf won't display the video.Now, I have a button (when clicked, it skips the playback and go directly to the site) and the button works fine. So, I think it is only limited to the video playback.

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Am successfully using swfaddress and love it.  For the first time though I'm trying to implement it on a site that has a load bar.  The issue is if I use the browser's back button I'll eventually get to a page that just shows the full loadbar and stops.  It is the the page that I have labeled "$/".  If I don't put that label on the first frame then other worse problems occur. [URL]...

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Have installed and re-installed numerous times .. > it keeps confirming "installation successful" Yet, when I look in "Add or Remove Program" while listed there it does NOT display the "size" of the program installation ... and when I attempt to run a video clip it keeps "loading" and never completes the process ...

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Professional :: How To Get A Swf File To Load

Oct 27, 2010

Not sure if this is the place to ask this but I have a swf file embeded in a web page design.Now hers the issue, the client wants to add more photos to it making it even larger.I would prefer not to make it larger but create 2 or 3 swf files that would randomly load when the webpage is refreshed or reloaded.Is there a way to code a random swf loading in HTML?

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Professional :: Load An External SWF From An SWF?

Nov 28, 2010

I have built a flash SWF panel on the home page of this website http:[url].... The panel is working well except for the "Our Sweet Shops Movie" button (bottom left in the panel).When you click on the button, it currently brings up the [url]..... page in a new browser.

I would like the button to load an external SWF file called "shopsMovie.swf" which is exactly 620 pixels wide by 464 pixels high. The external SWF file is already built and working well. I just don't know how to call it from the current SWF.The code I have so far is below.

link1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, link1FirstClicked);
function link1FirstClicked(event:MouseEvent):void

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Professional :: Load SWF After Animation?

Dec 3, 2010

I used one of the template's for a pre-loader which pre-loads 3 SWF's but opens the last one.The last one plays an animation sequence.. now..After the Animation (to stop if from repeating) I place a second KeyFrame stop() but after that I want it to show the 2nd swf pre-loaded.

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Professional :: Link In XML To Load Via AS?

Jul 14, 2011

Just finishing something out and have an XML file that loads info into a Flash file that I'm looking to have a link in. I'm honestly generally pretty much straight up HTML and CSS when it comes to web stuff, but XML seemed to be the way to go in this situation. Just curious how to add a link into the content area here[code]...

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Won't Load Properly

Dec 12, 2009

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I deleted the preference files from my user library and also a file called "Flash 10 mru". That didn't do a thing.
The only change I made yesterday was an upgrade Adobe supplied for Premiere.
I also upgraded to Snow Leopard over the old Leopard, rather than a clean install.
But Flash was working fine on it for a month before yesterday's three dots attack.
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This morning, I uninstalled the old and reinstalled a new copy. Really at a loss as to what to do.
I was thinking of doing a clean install of Snow Leopard on a new hd and starting over. Before I do all that, I was hoping there was an easier fix.


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Professional :: Load New SWF After Previous SWF Has Stopped?

Feb 3, 2010

This is probably a simple thing, that I just cannot find the answer to.Basically I have designed an HTML based website.I want to incorporate a SWF element on the homepage, and am having problems doing so.In order to keep the file size of the swf I will be placing on my homepage to a minimum, I broke it down into a series of shorter scenes, that I plan on dynamically loading into my main file (which will hold all the AS) that will be placed on my site.

This is where I run into the problem.I have no trouble getting the first swf to load into my main file, but what I need to do is get the next swf to load and play after the first is done playing. So I am assuming I will need to find a script to unload the first movie, then load the second, and so on.Im actually not even sure if this is the right way to go about doing this.

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Professional :: Load A Login.swf From Localhost?

Mar 1, 2010

i have realy pain start with af3 when i was fine with of my probleme is i load a login.swf from localhost .
Probleme1. i test on my pc "wamp" then i test on a remote server let call it  "Lamp". my code in main swf (As3.swf)  look a something like this.

var chemin = new URLRequest( "http://localhost/As3_login.swf" ) ;cadre.load ( chemin );cadre.x = 40;cadre.y = 100;addChild(cadre);

what happen is in localhost test everithing does the job but when i upload on my distant server "Lamp"  as3.swf and As3_login.swf,the main swf (As3.swf) don't load the As3_login .swf that is on my distant server "Lamp" .in fact it try load the swf that is on my local "wamp" server (my own hard disk).so if i close my "wamp" what happen is As3.swf from "Lamp" load then it can't load As3_login.swf.seem totaly ilogique to me since when localhost isn't local?

Probleme 2. the code above addChild(cadre) add the As3_login.swf from here all is finel) .now the probleme is i have a button cancel on the As3_login.swf and i want this button remove what we loaded previously(itself then).i tryed a lot of thing to remove a loaded child from the child itself???

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Professional :: Load External Swf As A Different Size?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm using Flash CS3 and AS2.0.I'm using the loadMovie function to load an external swf into an empty movieclip. The problem is that the external swf is bigger than the frame I am loading it into, so I'd like to load it in with specific width/height parameters (basically load it in and scale it down).

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Professional :: Load FLV From Library Into FLVPlayback?

May 10, 2010

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Professional :: Load A Movie , But In Different X,Y Location?

Jun 6, 2010

I have this code for laoding an external SWF :

var holder:Loader = new Loader() holder.load(new URLRequest("animation.swf")) addChild(holder)

However, It loads this animation on the upper left corner. But I need to load it on a specific location, for example 120 px to the right and 70 px from up...

Another thing I need to do, is to load this movie "animation.swf" on a "deeper" layer, because I am creating a border that has to be over the animation... how do I do these two things ?

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Professional :: Load Videos In Flash?

Jun 16, 2010

watch this Flash file I've created that includes a video.
When importing the .flv file of the video into the Flash project, I chose the imbedding method. I realize this increases the size of the overall .swf file when doing so. On the first watch (before the file is cached) it tends to pause while loading and/or jumps. I've tried other methods (like choosing the file has already been deployed to a web server, and play methods such as progressive download from a web server, stream from a Flash video streaming service, and stream from a Flash communication server). When choosing those other methods, the video loads nicely but the audio sounds a bit more distorted while playing. So, at present, I'm using the embed video in SWF and play in timeline option. Does anyone have any other suggestions to improve the video buffer speed, performance and the overall loading and quality of the Flash file? I'm still using Flash Professional 8.

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Professional :: Load Flash Only When Requested?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a SWF that is 7mb and I don't want it to start loading until someone actually clicks on it to play it. I don't want it to load on opening the browser because it slows the page draw too much.The SWF is already set to load and then require a click to begin playing.

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Professional :: Flash - Content Will Not Load In IE7?

Jun 26, 2010

My company standard is IE7I'm charged with developing flv that will auto play on PC from a removable thumb addition it should be able to launch a url.I'm using CS4 Flash and Dreamweaverdeveloping on a Mac.I've used action script 3 to program buttons that start, stop and launch urlI've worked everything out on a works fine in Mac environment. when I try load the html web page on the PC with IE7 the flash content (either a swf or flv embedded using Dreamweaver) does not load.IF I leave the IE specific html in the code IE7 returns a message that flash player needs to update. - IT has installed the latest version of flash player.If the swf file auto loads and plays then Why is that a problem?I've not been able to test the code on any other version of IE

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Flash :: Professional - Banner Does Not Load

Jul 19, 2010

I am posting this because I purchased a package on, and spent 167 dollars on a set of flash components that were suppose to be easy to install and highly customizable. I messaged the creater of this package, snowcat, but he does not reply to my inquiries on why it does not work.

What I thought might be wrong was what I changed in the xml file, so I uploaded the entire folder from stock. the index.html page worked, however as soon as i copied the source code into my page I wanted to to actually play in. It does not even show, when I right-click the area in which it is suppose to be it says "Movie not loaded...".

I literally copied and pasted, there were no changes to the code whatsoever from the working one. After that I continued to try to arrange it the way I wanted it to be anyways, storing the source files in a folder of the site rather than having it in the root of the file. This folder is "index_banner" The developer DID have a posting about that issue on his website which I read four times to make sure that somehow that was not the culprit either.

Below is the code for the page; I am hoping I inadvertantly messed something up because then my 167 dollars is not wasted. But with the lack of support for a supposed "well documented" package it is a little disheartening.


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Professional :: Load .flv File Through Actionscript 3?

Jul 24, 2010

How can I load my .flv movie file into Flash Project using Actionscript 3? I know loading it in my project using the following way...
File> Import > Import a movie..
I would like to know is there a way to do so using Actionscript 3.

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Professional :: Load Up A Buffer Before Start The SWF?

Sep 23, 2010

My video is a bit jerky at the moment at the beginning. Can I somehow have my adobe swf player load up a generously sized buffer before it starts to play, or is that not the issue? Later on in the video, the jerkiness is not an issue.

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Professional :: F4v Won't Load In Firefox The First Time

Nov 7, 2010

I have created a swf movie file that containes the movie playback panel & a f4v video & I have uploaded them to a subfolder on my server.The whole site has a secure connection (https), but the page that i will try to embed the movie will have a regualr connection (http).
The problem arises when i do embed this flash video in a HTML file. in IE & Chrome it works and looks great, But in firefox it doesnt. If i clear my cache (as if i were a new visitor to the site) and enter the page, the movie isn't displayed at shows "done" in the browser loading bar.
After about a minute or so (which i assume is the amount of time it takes to load the full movie), i hit refresh, and the movie appears fully loaded.
The movie is currently embeded in my homepage (via Iframe - for site protocol reasons), and if it wont load immidiatly from the first time a user enters the site, many users will miss the video (and get a blank white box in the middle of the site).[URL]

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Professional :: Load Images In Order?

Jan 31, 2011

I have an image gallery of 6 images on a frame of my timeline. what I want to happen is instead of all images trying to load up at the same time when at that point in the timeline I want the 1st image to process and load then move on to the 2nd image here is how I am loading those images.

location1.loadMovie ("image1.jpg");
location2.loadMovie ("image2.jpg");
location3.loadMovie (image3.jpg");
and so on.
can I edit this code somehow so that the 2nd  through 6th images do not load until image 1st  is fully loaded and so on.

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Professional :: Flash Contents Does Not Load

Feb 24, 2011

I am having problem in loading flash contents. The browser does not load flash content and when i right clic the content area, i receive "Movie not loaded" in the menu.

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Professional :: Possible To Load SWF Files From An SQL Database?

Mar 1, 2011

Allow this binary data to be extracted via a http request to be dynamically loaded inside of a web page.Now the first part was easy. I have all of my swf's uploaded and stored inside of the database. I have code that can make a request for the binary and write it to the response, so far so good. Now this is where I am stuck.I thought I could dynamically load the swf binary data by creating a very basic swf that simply contains a movie clip holder and for now a simple loadMovie statement. My idea being that I can could provide a url for the loadMovie statement that returns the swf binary data. This is where I have ground to a halt.

I can see the call being made from the swf, I can see the data being returned but I cannot get it to render. I remember seeing an article some time agao where someone stated that they had used this method with success but I cannot find now

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Professional :: FLA File Load Black In CS5.5?

Aug 1, 2011

I got a flash file from my friend he uses Macromedia Flash 8, I use CS5.5 (Flash 11.5). When I open the file I get a blank project that looks like something should be there.   Does anybody know how I can fix this. I ask my friend and he can't send anything else other than this cause this is all he has and know of the issue but don't know how to address it.

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Professional :: Load Flash File In IE Over Https?

Mar 19, 2008

My webapp with flash files (fusioncharts that reads XML data)works well in Firefox, but not in Internet Explorer. The problem
isn't that I can't get the XML data (the Pragma and Chach-Control header, when you get a "Error in loading data") because I can load a Excel file with html data. I get a Movie not loaded error instead, like if that IE can't load the swf file.I tested the application on another computer with https on IE and that didn't work, but it do work on regular http in IE.

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