Starting/streaming/loading/playing Large SWF Video Files?

Jul 28, 2009

I have recently "inherited" several websites that feature 1 to 10 minute video animations in SWF formatOne of my challenges is to get these files to appear or play in a timely manner so that the viewer does not loss interest as it is loading. My questions will start with file size.reduce or minimize the size of published SWF files while still maintaining high quality video output? Second, how about this business of preloading.I don't really understand that term but my thinking is that if a large movie could be loading while another, shorter, movie is playing, or a graphic displaying, that this could be useful in my case. Lastly, how about streaming in general. Are there ways to optimally use a given download speed to efficiently stream SWF video?

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The video loads fine. However, because it is such a large video, there is a delay. Can I PRELOAD the video during the main movie's Preloader?

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Many people are having problems getting the entire video to load. The loading progress bar will increase quite quickly at first, but then it will either slow down to a crawl or will stop completely. If the progress bar stops increasing before the video has fully loaded, it will not continue no matter how long you wait. Reloading the page does help.
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Media Server :: Recording And Playing Back Streaming Audio And Video?

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"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object MinRecord/stopRecord()"

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[Code] .....

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Flash :: Optimize Loading Of Hd .flv Video With Large Size

Apr 2, 2011

There is a simple html page with intro video (.mp4 file). Video frame size is 1280*1024 (I need video to be as large as page up to 1280 px).

With such quality settings video file size is:

.mp4 = 42 mb (HD 1690*1080)
.flv = 32 mb (1280*1024, 25 fps)

For video playing I used as3 sample script (because there must be only playpause, replay, mute buttons with custom styles), like that

var strSource:String = "video.flv";
// create a new net connection, add event listener and connect
// to null because we don't have a media server


The problem is that I can't find a way to play it smoothly. It's loading in very annoying way, video is interrupted after each few seconds of playing.

I understand that the main problem is large video file size and hd quality, but may be there is some way to largely decrease .flv size or handle playback in more friendly way?

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I have looked into this, and cannot find any answers. Does anyone know of a way to enable this random seeking in Flash files without policy requests or an RTMP server installed at the destination?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Streaming Video Flash Media Server, SMIL Files?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a video player working just fine with one video, steaming and using dynamic stream switching on a flash media server.Now I want to have more videos.I want to start using SMIL files for the dynamic switching list for each video.If you do not know what a SMIL file is you probably can not help.
Anyway how do I point to a SMIl file instead of just listing the is how I do my list at the moment
var dsi:DynamicStreamItem = new DynamicStreamItem();dsi.addStream( "mp4:GeneralReel_512x375_BR300_CBR_A96_Prog_1KFPS.f4v", 300 );dsi.addStream( "mp4:GeneralReel_512x375_BR600_CBR_A96_Prog_1KFPS.f4v", 600 );dsi.addStream(


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Files Are Not Playing Progressively Off The Host Server?

Jul 6, 2009

My video files are not playing progressively off the host server. They do in simulate download: Here's the code for one simple module that plays 3 different f4v's on radio buttons. In theory they should stream progressively in a flvplayback instance called qualtestplayer when a radio button is pushed. But they fully download before starting to play.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Streaming LoadSound From Starting Immediately?

Nov 9, 2010

I have an AS2 file where I want to load an external sound, but not have it start until the play button is pushed. It is a large file so I want it to load streaming, but can't figure out how to keep the streaming true without having it start immediately. Here is the code:

this.createEmptyMovieClip("craigTalks_mc", 10);
craigTalks = new Sound(craigTalks_mc);
craigTalks.loadSound("mp3/Craig_BP.mp3", true);[code]....

I have three audio files using the same code that I want the user to be able ot toggle on and off. When I set the loadSound isStreaming variable to false, it works perfectly, but at true, all three files start at once, and the pause doesn't work! However if I keep it at false, once I load it to the website it doesn't work, I believe because it is taking too long for the audio files to load.

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Streaming Audio / Loading Audio Into Swf First / Then Playing It?

Jan 28, 2012

I think it is loading the whole audio first into the swf, but I would like to get confirmation from someone more knowledgible.[code]I want it to stream the audio when the button is clicked only so that 100 of these swf will not slow down a whole webpage from loading.[code]I only start getting concerned when I noticed that on FF and Chrome, the page loads really quick but when I open the page in IE, it takes a very long time for the page to appear.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Retaining Order Of Files Loaded Externally From Large XML Files

Jul 18, 2006

I was messing around with some old examples, and I ran into an unfinished example where several 30k-100k XML files are loaded and stored as a string into an Array. The code looks basically like:[code]Basically, when I trace the 'this', the order of the files that are loaded is off. Out of about 10 tries, about 3 times the order is perfect. The remaining 7 times, the order is a bit off. Does anybody have a suggestion on how to ensure the files are loaded prior to the next file being loaded? I tried placing a while loop that basically delays the clock for a few milliseconds, and that didn't work either. Besides, that is not really a good solution to arbitrarily waste clock cycles.

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Show The Loading Indicator That Appears While Playing A Flv Video Online?

May 3, 2009

I want to show the loading indicator that appears while playing an flv video online.. like the indicator of the downloaded part of movie that appears on


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IDE :: Loop To Keep Playing Regardless Of The Timeline Stopping And Starting

Apr 29, 2009

i just want my loop to keep playing regardless of the timeline stopping and starting. is this possible?

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Actionscript 3 :: Streaming Large Amounts Of Data From Flash?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm currently working on a project where I generate a large amount of audio data to be stored on a users machine.

It works fine for small amounts of data but as the memory usage grows the flash application begins to struggle and eventually dies.

I've been thinking about possible ways to overcome this problem and I was thinking instead of storing all the data in memory (sometimes up to 100mb) a possible solution may be to stream the data to a server (44100 float numbers per second) as it is is being generated then once the accumulation of data has ended sending it back to the client.

1) can you see any problem with this idea and if so could you offer a better alternative?
2) could you reccommend a good server technology to achieve this?

Edit 1

To add more detail.

I am generating audio on the client using the sound.extract method. As the audio is being sent to the speaker I also send it to a byte array.

Once the user has hit a stop button I prepend a wav header to the audio data in the bytearray and allow the user to download a wav of the audio they have just being listening to.

Ideally I didnt want to impose a limit of how much data the user could save. This may not be possible.Storing all this audio data in memory was causing severe performance problems in flash. I don't know of any way to incrementally store this data on the client machines so I was thinking a solution may be to incrementally stream the data to a server somewhere to reduce the memory load.

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Flash :: Why Does Youtube Show The Loading Icon Even When It Has Loaded Enough Video To Start Playing

Feb 3, 2010

I mean youtube or any other streaming video site, but I've seen it on Youtube. There are times that the loaded bar shows that more than enough video stream has been loaded so the player could play it but it suddenly pauses and shows the loading icon?

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Flash :: Video Swf Loading Files Through Php From Mysql Database

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to create a video that loads the videos stred in a directory, depenant on the users id etc.To do this, I am using php. However, I cannot then get the php to convert to xml within the actionscript:[code]It works with a normal xml file just not php

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Flash - Playing A MPEG Movie, Starting And Ending In Specific Places?

Aug 26, 2010

I've compiled an MTS video into MP4 format using FFMPEG. The video is 2 minutes long.

I want to be able to play the video back but start at 0:15 seconds and end at 0:45 seconds. Effectively I want the playback software to only show 30 seconds of playback available. The software must be a Flash-based application for integration into HTML.

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