Actionscript 3 :: Save A Shape (or Sprite) To A Folder After Creation?
May 10, 2011
I am trying to create a county map of Illinois using x,y coordinates from a shp file. I have the x,y coordinates and the county names saved in a CSV file that I have no problem reading in via ActionScript 3 (and the map looks great), but in order to save time in my future application I would like to save each county shape as a permanent shape in my application and give them labels, i.e. Sprite1 (label='Champaign').
In case this is not possible I am trying an alternate solution: I create a new sprite (var spr:Sprite = new Sprite();) for each county, draw it using, and give it a name ('Champaign') and then 'push' it to a vector of sprites (var xy_sprites:Vector. = new Vector.();). This would be great, but it doesn't work when I try to loop through each sprite in the vector and add an EventListener to that Sprite to pop up the name when you MouseOver any of the counties. Is the Sprite data type not the correct way to go about this or am a missing something about Sprites?
Some of my code to draw the shapes and save in a vector:
function drawXYMap(str:String):Vector.<Sprite> {
var arr:Array = str.split("
var xy_Sprites:Vector.<Sprite> = new Vector.<Sprite>();
Creating an application for a client and figured now is a better time than any to make the jump from as2 to as3. I've read many articles and books to keep up to speed but I get constant errors everytime I add or change something. Its becoming beyond ridiculous and rather than searching another unrelated google result, I thought I'd post something here.
I am completely in the woods here - i have a sprite with a shape drawn in there (there are two different sprites in the example.) At any given point, I need to get the x and y value of the topmost point of the shape. The sprite does rotate so it's going to change at any point as well. I don't even know where to begin here
I usually created a movieclip in flash and assign it to actionscript class(using export for actionscript method in its property panel) that exteds movieclip.but sometimes movieclip is just too heavy for that,is there any possible way to draw a sprite directly in flash(not by code),and control it in actionscript-3
I'm using Flash CS4 on a MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.1.I've added two shape tweens on two layers in my main timeline. The SWF tests fine. All is good.I close the document.I open it up again and the tween shapes are gone and there are only regular frames between the transitional shapes in their respective keyframes.I've already added shape hints, and they are completely restored when I convert the intermediary frames back to shape tweens.Exporting to SWF after restoring the shape tweens works fine.
Closing and then opening the FLA still results in the shape tweens reverting back to regular frames.Exporting an SWF from the newly opened document shows no shape tweening as it is gone from the main timeline.Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
I'm trying to save a file that has several shape tweens. I create the tweens and preview the file and everything works perfectly. However, when I save it and reopen the file, the tweens are gone.
I performed a benchmark test memory consumption by three DisplayObjects - MovieClip, Sprite, and Shape.
Below are results and method used. I just wanted to create instances. Test with adding instnaces to display list showed a slight difference in terms of memory consumption.
Observations: Sprite uses from 16 to 22% with average 18% less memory than MoviClip.
Shape uses from 42 to 55% with average of 46% less memory than MovieClip.
Shape uses from 32 to 42% with average of 35% less memory than Sprite.
I have build a flash form that uses php to save variables to a web folder on my site in a text file. There is a .swf file with dynamic txt fields in the same folder it which pulls the data from the txt file. It doesnt seem to pull it as real time as I would like. sometime just once and not after that.When I update the form the text file saves to the web folder ok, but I have to refresh the link to pull the data in or empty browsing history there a way around anyone can think of so everytime I update the flash form the data come in straight away or after a few seconds.
I wanted to create a flash application like this [URL] but the only difference is I want to save my image into the default folder with different names. I don't need for prompting to save the image but instead it will automatically saved in the default folder when you click the save icon. Here's the link I followed for the sample link above [URL]
I am running Mac OS X, I recently added a shape tween to one of my fla's and I click save, the save bar pops up but when I re-open the file, everything is fine except the shape tween that I added earlier. The shape tween will not save but saves in the swf.
So I'm playing with a project where I want my class to be able to use the functionality of the Graphics class without needing to extend Sprite/Shape. My goal aside, I guess I'm confused as to how it works at all? It's methods don't seem to return anything, and since it's added as a child property of the Sprite/Shape classes , I can't seem to figure out what it's actually doing? It's also one of those classes that can't be instantiated.
At this point, I'm just plain curious. EDIT: I should provide more clear distinction of what I'm looking for as answer. I have read the documentation, but the documentation doesn't account for what AS3 is actually doing. I'm looking for educated guesses about the programatic relationship between Graphics and the the classes that use it.
This is santhosh, I have qury to all is it possible to avoid caching (save) swf files to temporary folder in client system? is there any solution for the same?
I am uploading some photos In flash and Bydefault its saving those files in the folder.But Is there anyway so that i can save them directly in my library of flash instead of using import option?
I'm working on some generative art projects in AS3, and I keep running into problems with the quality limits of bitmaps. They're not scalable or editable the way vectors are. Is there a class or library that I can use to take a Sprite object's graphics and export them into SVG format? Other common vector formats are also acceptable.
Edit: Note that I'm using FlashDevelop and not Adobe Flash CS.
I've managed to draw a custom shape onto a canvas and use that shape as a mask over an image. Is there anyway possible to crop the image and save it out in the custom shape?making whatever is outside the shape transparent? The only image cropping i can find is using rectangles, whereas i need a polygon shape.
I have drawn intersecting lines. The user can click on a region inside the angle formed by the two lines.When the user clicks inside the area, the small region formed by the arc between the two lines showing the angle should change. How can I do that.the region between the intersecting lines is sprite object to dispatch event listener, but the arc is shape object.
i am trying to create a flash movie for my browser page. i am able to import and export the movie just fine, the problem comes after i export the movie. As long as i leave the flash file in the folder it was created in things work great. If i try to move the folder or rename the folder it stops working. It acts like it cant find the flv file i created the flash with. if i rename or move the folder back where it was created things work fine.
i have situation in which i have some library projects, say
, included in my lets say "MainProject" (a web project) placed on directory
, when i build the project it automatically place all the libs .swf in its "E:in-debug" folder, but when i debug or run the project it it gives loading error that
I am creating an autorun exe file. Basically the CD is filled with markering materials. What I need to know is how to get Flash to open a folder on the CD so the viewer can pick from what is in side the folder.
I AM USING AIR FOR ANDROID. I want to get all the jpg's (or Mp3's) in a folder of an external folder ... that will be stored on the users PHONE with included in the APP.
How can I do that from FLASH using Action-script 3?[code]...
I have a db file Resided in Flex Air Bindebug Folder,Here i want to Move/save this db File at another location let say In mydocument/or any Folder, I am not able to do it's programatically.
I am using Flash CS3 and Actionscript 2.0.I want to make a photo.jpg that is in my images folder load into a swf that is in a swf folder. It works fine when I have the photo.jpg in the same folder as the swf. But it does not work when I have the photo.jpg in a different folder. What must I do to the AS2 to make this happen? Here is the path: mcLoader.loadClip("swf/images/photo1.jpg",mcHolder);
How do I import a class that resides outside the root folder of a fla file?
From root I should go back two folders to get the classes I want, which by the way is TweenMax. I don't want to copy these classes to every website's folder.
ActionScript Code: package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Base extends MovieClip { public var baseHP:int = 50; var newRect:Shape = new Shape();
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Shape. 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Shape. What does it mean by "undefined method"? I am somewhat of a newby, so sorry if there are any stupid errors