Actionscript 3 :: Get A Path (a Sequence Of Points) From The Flash IDE Into Code?
Feb 12, 2012
Is there any easy way to get a path (a sequence of points) from the flash IDE into actionscript code?for example if you want to draw an outline for a gameworld that you want to use as collision object and now in AS3 you'd like to get the vertices of that path you drew.
what i did so far was to create a lot of dummy movieclips, place them on the vertices of the drawin path and call them "dummy01","dummy02","dummy03" and so on, and then in AS i iterated over the children and rebuilt the path that way
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Aug 11, 2009
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Nov 9, 2011
the same class is passed to the mxmlc compiler in SWF library as a symbol linkage class and again in a source-path. But the compiler uses the definition from the source-path so creating new instance of that class won't create new instance of the library symbol. How do I tell the compiler to prefer the definition linked to the symbol (the one dfrom SWC)?
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import flash.display.Sprite;
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var conf:Object = new Object();
var ldr:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
ldr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, geoLoader, false, 0, true);
ldr.load(new URLRequest("[URL]"));
function geoLoader (e:Event):void {
[Code] .....
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Dec 9, 2009
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Jun 13, 2011
I am using:
Win7 32bit
2GB RAM, Intel Core 2 Duo 2Ghz
Flash CS5
and I have this problem: i am currently trying to create a 720p movie consisting of 738 single JPG pictures; 6 frames/second. Each picture has 204 KB, all the pictures together add up to 226 MB.Yet still, Flash is crashing (due to memory overload?) once I have loaded like 100 pictures of my sequence... I loaded 90 pictures and tried exporting it as a small AVI-movie, but even that made Flash crash. I checked the Windows task manager, and I saw that even with only 90 pictures loaded, Flash already takes up 1,6 GB of my RAM.Is there a way making Flash save those pictures not on the memory, but on the disk, in a temporary folder or something? I wouldn't care if it takes way longer.
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Jun 1, 2004
I am using this code to get the months off of the users computer and it then highlights what ever day it is, also it is dynamic. However what if I would like to call up a just july or just november. I know how to make arrows that get the next month in the sequence but my question is could I change the script to just get a month of my choosing?
aMonths = new Array();
aMonths[0] = "January";
aMonths[1] = "February";
aMonths[2] = "March";
aMonths[3] = "April";
[Code] .....
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Jan 12, 2011
As stupid as my question might sound, i have spent the last 2 weeks reading oop books; but could use some guidance. I have a flash project that is basically a supped up slide show. On the stage i have the following: main_mc (instance name = images_mc) = movieclip which holds "pictures" ui1 (instance name = ui1_mc) = user interface that allows user to draw on picture (when drawing is enabled) ui2 (instance name = ui2_mc) = activates invisible hit areas (buttons) on select pics, when hit area is clicked, we jump to another pic in the main_mc.
I accomplished all of this on the timeline, but am updating the code to OOP. I am having A HELL OF A TIME trying to figure out how to store references to the instances (images_mc etc..), so i can control them from varying class files. I have found it is easy to control the instances from the documentclass, but not from unrelated class files. Example: images_mc.stop(); works in document class; but ovieclip(Parent).images_mc.stop() doesn't seem to work from any class file.(ui2 class file for example);
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Jan 22, 2011
I'm looking for a workaround to the "AdSense does not let you choose only images but no flash" issue. I'm rather a newbie to JS, but is there any way for one script to prevent other scripts embedded in a site from detecting the presence of the flash plugin? Even if it doesn't work with AdSense, it would be nice to know if there's a hack to do this that might work in other settings.By the way, I suppose I wouldn't care if it failed to work on IE or obsolete browser versions.
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Mar 27, 2011
Got to the point where the hole in my AS3 knowledge is getting large!Realising I have confusion about the relationship of:Body of code on first frame of AS3 file.(Which I have so far used to create instances of library objects using addchild and make calls to class code).Is this code called the document code? What do people call it?Numerous classes linked together by extending each other etc.Library objects (usually graphical objects)Should it be done differently? have the following problems due to lack of understanding:Addchild complicated from a class but straight forward in main body code.Cant call functions on the main body code from classes, because class code does not know the main body code exists?
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Aug 25, 2004
What library/API or even a program for converting flash code into html 5 code automatically do you recommend me?
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May 12, 2009
way to load an image sequnce to flash in as3, so that the sequence remains in order, on a timeline.
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Feb 2, 2010
Very often I see on the web many flash websites very amazing for their animation in flash. For example, in monster template you can see the paper's animation like that: http:[url].... Watch the BEST DESIGN STUDIO animation... These animations aren't made with flash, but with a software from which to export a swf file that contains a sequence of shapes.What is it? It seems to work in 3d, but the objects moved are always planes and not 3d models.
(39.4 K)
test.swf (42.1 K)
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Sep 17, 2010
I am creating this "drawing application", where the user can click "preview" and it will take what they made, draw a bitmap, and then I want to split that bitmap into left and right images. I create the first bitmap, encode it as a jpeg, and then use that to cut the left and right out using copypixels. I then reform the images together with a space inbetween in one canvas, and draw that canvas. Everything works fine up there.
When I go to encode the new bitmap, and then offer it to save out, the saved image is blank. I have tested everything up to that point and it all works fine. I see the images on screen, I can save out the first bitmap fine.. but the second one is always blank.
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Feb 23, 2011
I am loading an array of movie clips and adding them to the stage with flash as3, but the problem is that the movie clips are added to the stage as soon as they finish loading, and not in order of there position in the array, so the order on screen appears messed up. How do I ensure that they are added to the stage in the same order that their references exist in the URL?
Here is my code:
var currentLoaded:int = 0;
function loadThumbs(){
for (var i in project_array){
var thumbLoader:Loader = new Loader();
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