Actionscript :: Random - Randomly Distribute Objects On Stage

May 12, 2011

I'm trying to distribute 3 objects randomly on my stage but it's not working. My movie is 800x800.


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var spawnObject:Array = new Array("Object1", "Object2", "Object3");
var randomNumber:Number = Math.round(Math.random() * (spawnObject.length - 1));
if(spawnObject[randomNumber] == "Object1")


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function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;


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var army:Array;
var enemy:Enemy;
function AvoiderGame()


I'm sure it must be a simple error, I can get the logic working when it just traces something on the screen but i can't get it to generate an "enemy"

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Feb 13, 2012

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Here is my code:
package Class {
[Code] .....

This is my Game:
Currently, the bomb and money random appear X, 100 with 15 money and 10 bombs in a screen.
What I want is, how to amend it become money and bomb appear from specific point, after that the money and bomb when hit the wall will bounce back.
An example similar game play with my game is [URL].

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function getXAxis():String


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onClipEvent(load) {

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var cardArray = new Array();
cardArray[1] = "twoC, twoH";
cardArray[2] = "threeC, threeH";


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Apr 15, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomly Place Mc On Stage EXCEPT For One Area?

Jul 3, 2006

I want to load some mcs randomly on the stage, except for a footer area at the bottom of the stage. Is there a way to exclude just a certain part of the stage using something like Math.random()*Stage and then specifying the bottom 300 pixels as off limits?

I'm using the whole stage because the swf is embedded 100% across the browser, so I can't restrict the dimensions.

onClipEvent (load) {
x = this._x=Math.random()*Stage.width;
y = this._y=Math.random()*Stage.height;

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