Flash - Variable Bitrate Streaming With Amazon Cloudfront

Jul 6, 2010

what I need to do to set up variable bit-rate streaming with Amazon Cloudfront. I am not using JWPlayer but have built my own flash player.

What calls to I need to make to Cloudfront and how do I make them? Or is it all handled on the client side?

I am using FMS 3.5.

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Flash :: No TotalTime Property When Streaming Mp3s Over RTMP (Amazon CloudFront)?

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Mar 22, 2011

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Apr 11, 2012

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<object width="600" height="409">
<param name="movie" value="http://fpdownload.adobe.com/strobe/FlashMediaPlayback_101.swf"></param>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Streaming Video Not Adjusting Bitrate

Nov 17, 2010

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Media Server :: Enabling FMS 3.5 Dynamic Streaming/adaptive Bitrate In Captivate?

Feb 25, 2010

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We publish to Flash Player 10, and while FP 10 IS compatible with dynamic streaming, my challenge is Captivate only allows one URI path and one stream name.To deliver dynamic streaming you have to have several files with different encode rates availalbe. But if Captivate only allows one stream name,how do you point it to a stream that finds all the alternative files? I've explored this with 3 different CDNs and they don't know how to do it(Limelight, CDNetworks and Internap)

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Apr 11, 2012

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Jun 26, 2011

Is this a typical 'CDN' policy ? Is this to encourage customers to host only such content that is going to be around for quite a while, and going to see probably a million downloads I started looking at AWS Cloudfront for it's ability stream RTMP media (aka Flash server like behaviour) to host video content. That is to say, I am not too concerned about the "distribution close to client" benefit. However, what surprised me is a clause on the AWS Cloudfront pricing page, that says something like the first 1000 'cancellations' (per month) are free. I interpret 'Cancellation' to the be the act of removal of content that I no longer wish to serve via the CDN. Is that right ?

My requirement is the ability to serve media content (streaming audio, streaming video) which isn't shared with general public or a large audience. It is something like each of these files have a lifetime (or relevance) for only few days (a week or so, at most), and each file will be viewed only by a small handful of people/consumers (e.g. 1 file viewed by an average of 3 people, maximum say 10 people). Also the content's privacy needs to be maintained, so an accidentally shared media URL shouldn't allow an unauthorized person to access it. In this case, is it right to assume that CDN is an overkill, not the right solution ?

I was drawn to AWS CF for it low price (at least, low entry price) for RTMP streaming abilities. What other options could I consider. For me, high availability and round-trip-time are secondary... primary concern being cost, i.e. it needs to be as low as possible. On the question of "how low", I'd say low-enough for developing economies, s.a. in Asia, South America and Africa.

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Professional :: Adjusting Quality Bitrate For Flash Video?

Feb 17, 2011

I just converted a WMV to flash video .flv through the wizard in Flash CS3 Pro. It converted it OK, but made quite a large file.Is it possible to produce a file of lower size and quality.Is there a bit-rate setting somewhere?(We have some people outside the US in developing countries who don't have such a good connection.Whats about the lowest you would go in terms of quality / bitrate?)

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Flex :: Flash - Multi Bitrate Switching Between Live Streams Using The VideoDisplay Component?

Jul 20, 2010

I am passing to the source property of a VideoDisplay component a DynamicStreamingVideoSource object with 3 different dynamic live stream items, described by this XML, for your consideration:

src="rtmp://" bitrate="19200"
src="rtmp://" bitrate="9000"
src="rtmp://" bitrate="3600"

But the player then runs the stream with the lowest bitrate, out of those 3. Wasn't it supposed to go for the stream with the highest bitrate, that is viewable by the end-user? All 3 streams have been individually tested and they are all viewable.

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Flash :: Accessing Private Files From Amazon S3?

Apr 27, 2010

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Apr 24, 2011

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once installed what I'm trying to do is to add a folder for AVChat into /opt/macromedia/fms/applications/ ([URL]). I am assuming that once I do have this instance running, I can move/modify files on the server instance.

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Oct 28, 2011

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Flash :: Code Own Socket Server Or Use Red5/ElectroServer On Amazon EC2?

Apr 17, 2010

I've been thinking for a long time about working on a multiplayer game in Flash. I need updates frequently enough that ajax requests won't work so I need to use a socket server. The system will eventually have enough objects/players that I would consider it an MMO. I would like to set up a scalable system on Amazon's EC2. (Which probably effects my choice of server) This architecture would hopefully allow the game to grow without many changes over time. (Using a domain decomposition technique or something similar)

Heres my internal debate:Should I

a. Code my own socket server in C++ or Java?

b. Use the free and open source Red5 socket server for Flash?

or c. Pay the licensing fees and go for Electroserver?

I consider myself a decent developer, but am at an impasse as to what road to go down. I'm not sure if I, could develop/would need, the features of one of the prepackaged socket servers.

I'm also not sure if the prepackaged servers would work well in an Amazon EC2 environment and take full advantage of its features.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Downloading A File From Amazon S3 From Inside Flash Client

Nov 23, 2009

So to get around Flash security issues, I have a script to upload files to S3 by sending it to a PHP script on my server which then uploads it to S3 with server-side PHP libraries.

Now, I'm looking for a solution to downloading a file from S3 in the same way. I suppose the best way to do it is to somehow make a PHP script that downloads the file from S3, then sends it back to the Flash client?

But the one thing is, I don't want the file to hang around--I'd like to delete it when the process is done. I suppose I can just have the Flash client call another PHP script on the server that deletes the file after the load is finished.

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Flash :: Swf - Using Amazon S3 To Host Videos - Why Does The FlashVar Show No File Extension

Jul 8, 2010

I'm using FlowPlayer to replace an existing FLV player on my site that plays videos from Amazon E3. I have many pages and each should show a different video. For each page, I have a value stored in my CMS that is the "streamName". The stream name corresponds to a flashvars paramenter in the object/embed tags that show the video player:&streamName=my-great-video

On my new player, I'm able to get the video using a URL similar to [URL] How Does Flash (or Amazon???) know to add in the .swf extension? There are several video formats used on the site, and the current player works with them all... But, as I mentioned above, on each page the value store for the video (ex="my-great-video") includes no extension.

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Set Bitrate Of A FlvComponent On Frame?

May 27, 2009

I have several FLVs on a frame, and I want to use AS 3.0 to set the bitrate to different numbers by using actions on different frames.

The instance name of the flv is "demo", and my code currently specifies:

demo.bitrate = 0;

This does not seem to be stopping the download, which is what I am attempting to do. How do you properly script a specific bit rate?

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IDE :: Find Out The Bitrate Of A Song?

Mar 16, 2009

find out the bit rate of a playing song using As2 or 3.

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Media Server :: Streaming Videos From Virtual Location On Flash Streaming Server

Feb 24, 2010

I have a virtual directory (Storage Area Network) in 'C' drive as well as in "webroot" folder in Flash Streaming Server. What do I need to do to make RTMP videos work from SAN directory on Flash Streaming Server. It works fine for http. RTMP from vod -> application folder works fine. I have done a lot of research and found out that we can use virtual directories for streaming videos. I am unable to find steps on how to use it..

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Constroll Video Download Bitrate?

Mar 6, 2009

I have the following problem: I'm developing a portfolio site for myself and publish some video.


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Media Server :: Stream With One Bitrate, Record Another?

Mar 17, 2010

this may be really dumb question, but I haven't figured it out. Is it possible to stream to ustream with lets say 300 bitrate and record 1000 bitrate video to computer

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Flex :: Amazon - Upload From Flex/flash Player In The Browser To S3?

Dec 9, 2009

I want to upload directly to an S3 bucket.I know this can be done in AIR,whether it is actually possible in flex in the browser, or will I have to use some code server side to get this going?

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Silverlight :: Play Mp4 Within Webpage Via Silverlight Or Flash For A URL Hosted On Amazon S3?

Feb 7, 2011

i need a webpage (host on my website) that can play the following mp4 file either via silverlight 4 or flash[URL]..i tried various solution like flowplayer and silverlight but none of them work with the URL above. I can play the file fine using Windows media player or VLC.

For silverlight, i always get AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR exception within MediaFailed event. For flash, via flowplayer, IE page is just blank

Can someone tell me what am i missing? i am very frustrated as I have finished encoding, upload, cataloging my videos and now I am stuck at the last step.

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Professional :: Bitrate Settings In Adobe Media Encoder?

Jul 8, 2009

I have a problem understanding the bitrate settings when trying to encode an FLV for Flash 8 or higher, using two passes. When you choose to use two passes, you are presented with a bunch of different options, including "Minimum Bitrate [%target]", "Maximum Bitrate [%target]", and "Bitrate Variability [%target]". These are not really explained properly in the online manuals I've seen out there. Let's say you want to have a Costant bitrate (CBR) of 900 kbps, and you want to have two encoding passes, what do you set the other sliders to?

The defaults are:
Minimum Bitrate [%target] 80
Maximum Bitrate [%target] 120
Bitrate Variability [%target] 80

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Media Server :: Switching Bitrate Of Live Content?

Sep 14, 2010

is it possible to receive live stream at bitrate lower than  that which video is being recorded with? How to accomplish that? I know  that play2 from NetStream class allows to switch between recorded  videos at different bitrates, but what about live content? I cannot  simply set bandwidth to lower using FMS because i need to be sure that framerate won't be affected, and there are also other simultaneous  streams playing .

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Media Server :: Bandwidth Check (bwCheck) And Bitrate?

Oct 9, 2010

we are using RTMP with Flowplayer with dynamic bitrate switching and I'm a bit confused on the bitrate (kbps) that is called out in the code in order to configure the bandwidth check.  I presume that this is the target bitrate if encoding using ABR or constant.  How about for the rest of us that are using CRF?  My understanding is that CRF is the way to go now for H264 (don't want to hijack the thread to a CRF vs ABR discussion).  If we are using CRF, can we guess on the target bitrate that is called out in the bwcheck plugin?

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