Flash :: Make .swf File In Adobe
Jun 9, 2010
I didnt even make my .swf file in adobe flash.. i made it (embarrassingly in keynote - and exported the file as a .swf file) ok. i'm working on this file for close to a week - yesterday i noticed the file when exported - was 1.4mb ... and today - when i exported it it was 6.9mb!
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Adobe Flash CS4 -
Index.fla file size: 523 KB
Index.swf file size: 55 KB
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Jul 27, 2009
I'm trying to make a loading bar with Adobe Flash CS4, and have completed all the graphics and labeled them with their appropriate instance names. My problem is that I am completely new to Flash, and have limited knowledge with respect to writing action codes. My plan is to get my loading bar to be never-ending, so that it counts up from 1-99%, then keeps going to 99.01, 99.02, 99.03...etc, never getting to 100%. And then when it reaches 99.99%, it just loops back to the start. Here is a screenshot of my template with the necessary instance names indicated:
I also didn't attach any .swf or .fla file for the script to actually load. So the ofBytes_txt and totalBytes_txt would have to be purely fictional. As as a result, the green loading bar graphic would load relative to ofBytes_txt divided by totalBytes_txt.
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Nov 20, 2011
I've followed the Adobe instrunctions on how to create an app without windows (link).
The gist is that you can do this by hiding or closing the original nativeWindow and creating a new one with theUTILITY or LIGHTWEIGHT property.
Unfortunately, when an application is launched more than once, the new nativeWindow is created again with each launch. This is highly undesirable.
I've tried setting variables with the launch of the application, but it seems like these are not accessible by the new instances of the application. The weird thing is: AIR apps are not supposed to have multiple intances (should be impossible)! And there actually is only one instance according to the windows task manager and the fact that there is only one systemtray icon.
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Aug 13, 2009
Adobe Flash also lets users make interactive Flash quiz. This tutorial will guide you how to create interactive drop-down multiple-choice quiz in Adobe Flash. This short tutorial is just a sample of the workflow you'll use while authoring in Adobe Flash CS4.
Step 1 - Create a new document
a. Choose File > New.
b. In the New Document dialog box, selcet Flash File (ActionScript 2.0) and then Click OK.
Step 2 - Document settings Right-click on the stage, selcet Document Properties, then the Document Properties dialog box appears. It displays the current Stage size setting as 550*400 pixels, and the Background color swatch is set to white. You can change the size and color of the Stage as you want.
Step 3 - Import image to the stage Choose File > Import > Import to Stage, and then select the image you want. You also could click Ctrl+R to import image.
Step 4 - Add the multiple choice question to the Stage
a. Select the Text tool (T).
b. In the Property inspector (Window > Properties), select Static Text type to specify the type of text field, and then input the question " What was Michael's first song to air on MTV? ". You also could set the font size, family and color of the text.
Step 5 - Add ComboBox component
a. Select Window > Components.
b. Double-click ComboBox in the Components panel.
c. Select the component on the Stage, and name the instance name as box in the properties panel.
Step 6 - Add answer options
a. Select Window > Component Inspector. On the Component Inspector, click data, then the Value dialog box appears.
b. Click + to add answer options, and then replace the defaultValue as answer options, here the options are: thriller, billie jean, bad and the way you make me feel. After that, click OK.
c. On the Component Inspector, click labels, then the Value dialog box appears. Please following the same steps above to add the values by adding the + button.
If that's too complicate to you, you could choose some 3rd party quiz makers to make multiple choice quiz for you. Wondershare QuizCreator is such a good Flash quiz maker that help you create multiple Flash quiz with ease.
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Feb 23, 2010
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Dec 22, 2010
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May 27, 2010
I read limited (small - 15 - 500 mb files). I need to be able to put all file bytes into one single bytearray. So I have a function:
public var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
//.... code ....//
But it does not work=( - gives me Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered.
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Nov 25, 2010
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Ideally, I would like to include the executable with the Air app installer and launch the external program together with the Air app.
How do decide which OS specific file to launch?
EDIT: OK, the above wasn't very difficult:
var file:File = File.applicationDirectory;
file = file.resolvePath("src/assets/NativeApps");
if (Capabilities.os.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") > -1) {
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Apr 6, 2011
I'm using MTASC's haXe to compile SWF from AS. Considering I don't have Adobe CS, what are our options to extract the action scripts from any FLA file?
I mean different versions, like CS4, CS5, etc. Converting older versions to CS5
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Dec 13, 2011
I am trying to use the SecureSWF demo to package an Adobe AIR application in order to determine if we should buy the full version of SecureSWF for our project. The AIR file was created with the Flash CS5 authoring tool (not Flex).
However, I have not been able to find clear instructions on how to secure an AIR file using the software. I opened the installer (my_installer.air) in the program and it prompted me to find the adt.jar file; however, searching my system I found about 10 of these, relating to different Adobe programs. I chose the one associated with Flash CS5. I selected my certificate and signed it with the correct password. Right now I am just running in test mode to try to get a working file. However, after running secureSWF on the file, it will not install, giving the error "The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application author."
I have a feeling that this has something to do with either the adt.jar file or the certificate not being signed properly. But I have no idea what to do now and we really need to be able to obfuscate this project.
Has anyone used secureSWF with AIR before? Am I doing this wrong (i.e. should I be using the program with the project's swf file instead?)
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public var prefsFile:File;
[Bindable] public var prefsXML:XML;
public var stream:FileStream;
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Mar 24, 2012
i made a flash air application for android and i need to download file and save to application local directory
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Feb 23, 2010
I hope someone here can help me figure out why my Flash CS4 on a Mac 10.6.2 machine crashes unexpectedly every time I open a file. (I have posted the entire crash log below) The program will open, and even stay open when I choose a .fla file for about 5-10 seconds and then CRASH every time. For what it's worth, all my other design collection programs work fine.I have tried uninstalling and reinstalled the Flash app., but it didn't do anything. I have also tried deleting all preference files and application support files in my user, and the problem persists.Does anyone have any ideas? I have a Flash job to get out and no way to work on it![code]
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Apr 7, 2012
have doing my project in flash cs5.5. But then suddenly my file cannot open it.It appear like this "an error occurred opening file C:....menu.fla" and also "Flash cannot parse this document." "The following JavaScript error(s) occurred:".
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Jul 16, 2009
Has anyone been able to successfully implement a service to serve the required socket policy file to FlashPlayer?I am running the Python implementation of the service provided by Adobe at
and using the following policy file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" secure="false"/>
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm just starting out with my first Adobe Air project (I'm a pure AS3 developer by trade).I'm planning to build an image editor which supports layers. I'm wondering what the best way would be to store an entire project including layer data (images) to a users hard disk.I'm wondering if there is any pros/cons in creating a custom file format for my application. The idea is I will be able to store an entire project in a single file. This will be done by writing meta data to the file's header such as the image dimensions, layer names, layer data offsets etc...I'm trying to be mindful of the issues which might arrise such as maintaining backwards compatibility after adding new project features/meta etc.I guess I'm asking whether people have any advice or experience with creating a custom file format for Adobe Air and if there are any other 'out-of-the-box' solutions to saving 'complex' data to a users hard disk.
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Mar 3, 2012
I published an app to Air 2.5 (.air) from Adobe Flash CS 5 and afterwards also to Air Android (.apk) Since then I receive this error message if I try to publish as .air again:
Error creating files. Icon file is missing.
I tried to delete and recreate the folder and pathes but the error still appears.
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Mar 20, 2011
I am working through an audio player demonstration in the book "Foundation Actionscript 3.0". When I try to publish my AudioDemo_final.FLA file I get the following error, "Adobe Flash CS3 - Error creating flash movie file. Destination directory does not exist. Change your publish settings."The following is displayed in my output panel >> Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Sites/flashcoder.net/FAS3/Audio/AudioDemo%5Ffinal.swf'My file directory is set up like this:AudioDemo_final.flasong1.mp3com.fas3.smc (folder)Main.asSounds.as
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