Flash :: Simple Javascript To Replace 1 Movie With Another

Nov 9, 2010

We have a site that comprises mainly of an embeded flash object containing navigation controls. All I want is to insert a small .swf movie that will play like an intro scene to the website before the main .swf loads for the site itself. All this means is I want to call up 1 flash object, play it through and then replace it with another once finished. This seems to be a relatively simple desire but after a couple of hours worth of forum-trawling.

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clickIt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, swopHead);
function swopHead(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Website Source:
<li><a href="Rpt_Selection_2.asp?Report=StatusReport/StatusReport.asp">Status Report</a></li>
<li><a href="Rpt_Selection_2.asp?Report=StatusReport/AlarmsAlerts.asp">Alarm History</a></li>
<table class="Header" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
[Code] .....

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Actionscript :: Replace Movie Clip In Flash Animation?

Sep 18, 2010

For example, I've created in Flash CS a movie clip CampfireMC, which contains child movie clip:


FireMC is an animation of flame CampfireMC controls playback of m_fire, for example, last frame of CampfireMC uses action code:


And the question is how to replace (not delete/add, as m_fire.gotoAndStop(m_fire.totalFrames) will not work in this case) FireMC to another animation FireMC2?

I've tried the following trick, but it doesn't work

var campfire:CampfireMC = new CampfireMC();
campfire.m_fire = new FireMC2();

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Actionscript :: Replace Movie Clip In Flash Animation Via Code?

Feb 1, 2006

For example, I've created in Flash CS a movie clip CampfireMC, which contains child movie clip:m_fire:FireMCFireMC is an animation of flameCampfireMC controls playback of m_fire, for example, last frame of CampfireMC uses action code:m_fire.gotoAndStop(m_fire.totalFrames)And the question is how to replace (not delete/add, as m_fire.gotoAndStop(m_fire.totalFrames)will not work in this case) FireMC to another animation FireMC2?I've tried the following trick, but it doesn't work

var campfire:CampfireMC = new CampfireMC();
campfire.m_fire = new FireMC2();


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I tried this way:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="${resource(dir:'flash',file:'movie.swf')}" width="400" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="${resource(dir:'flash',file:'movie.swf')}" />


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Sep 4, 2010

Here is what I have:


Here is the .flv file: [URL]

How do I replace it with a Quicktime movie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Simple MC Slowing Main Movie

Mar 24, 2009

Any way to prevent a simple mc from slowing my main movie. As you will see, I uploaded 2 exact versions of the same movie but the first has an extra mc with a simple rotation of a shape in a 30 frame tween. and on the other that mc is not animated. The rotating mc is the light rays behind the purple spintop. And you will notice on the animated rays version, that the whole movie along with other mc's slow down. Some computers more than others. You'll notice the difference comparing the 2 movies if you wait for the flying gadget to appear.

Here is the link with the 2 examples: [URL]
(The rays_mc is a star shaped graphic symbol in flash vectors, not bitmap)
I've tried rotating the "rays_mc" via:
1. tween with 30 frames
2. Frame by frame with 10 frames
3. Using the _rotate parameter with onEnterFrame
4. I've thought that maybe the gradient fill was causing that slowdown, so I tried a solid fill but it was the same.
And all of them result in the same outcome. I don't understand why such a simple mc slows down the whole thing.

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on (release) {
getURL ("javascript:NewWindow=window.open('popup.htm','ne wWin','width=400,height=300,left=0,top=0,toolbar=N o,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No,resizable=No ,fullscreen=No'); NewWindow.focus(); void(0);");

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Jan 31, 2009

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Nov 6, 2010

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I can trace both newFiles[i] and keywords[i][whatever], but the replace doesn't replace anything. The regex is valid as well. I'm using regexr to test it, and it works perfectly there... but will not for me and I don't know why.

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Jul 22, 2008

how to replace a MC by another one placed in the library.

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Flash :: Javascript - Detecting End Of Movie

Nov 18, 2009

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Jul 7, 2009

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Javascript :: Access Flash Movie From JS Works In FF But Not In IE?

Dec 29, 2009

I am setting up a Flash based MP3 player control (The standalone version of WordPress Standalone Player). I have a situation of multiple windows with players open. One window opens the other, so I have the window.opener property available. When the child window is opened, I want to programmatically mute the audio player in the parent window.

This works in Firefox, but not in IE 7 and 8. I know little about Flash/Javascript interaction and I'm stuck. I am not getting any error messages. To do this, the player SWF object has a setVolume() and close() function. These functions are not defined anywhere in Javascript so I guess that those are provided by the Flash object. This is supported by the following lines I found in the Flash source code of the player:


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Flash :: Embedding & Quicktime Movie Via JavaScript

Jun 11, 2010

I have a JavaScript function that loads a flash movie into a webpage div using swfobject.embedSWF(). I want to be able to, alternatively, load a .mov file into the same div, in the event that this is the file found instead of the .swf. Is there a close equivalent to swfobject.embedSWF for the purposes of embedding a .mov file? If not, what is an efficient route to doing this using JavaScript?

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Play A Flash Movie With JavaScript In Firefox?

Jan 12, 2012

I have found a way to send a play(); command to my Flash movie in IE9 but I can't figure it out in Firefox9. Here is the code I am using that works in IE:

<script language="JavaScript">


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