Flex :: Google Webmaster Tools Lists Zero Keywords?

Dec 22, 2010

I've got a Flex 3 website. Unfortunately, Google Webmaster Tools lists zero keywords for my site. My site's been up for about a month. I submitted a sitemap. I've put a description and keywords metatags in the HTML wrapper.Any advise on what else I should do? Does anyone have a Flex 3 site for which Google Webmaster Tools lists keywords?

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Flex :: Dynamic Filtering (like Google's Or Google Finance)

Jun 21, 2010

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Complexity Of ItemRenderers In Lists

May 14, 2008

I'm building fairly simple item renderers, in fact, here's the code for one of them...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"


It's a really simple renderer that has an image and some text sitting next to it, or just the text if no image is in that item's data provider. There is also some basic rollover, rollout and click functionality...

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<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" id="list">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Browser Window Size - Put A Movieclip With Tools At The Bottom Of The Window In The Center With Tools Icons

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Flex :: Override Default Handling Of Editable Lists?

Aug 5, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:List xmlns:mx="[URL]"
enabled="true" width="100%" height="100%"
[Code] .....

For some reason this doesn't work: if a row is being edited, the first 'up' (or down) keypress ends the edit and moves the bar. Further up or down keypresses have no effect, but if you click somewhere near the list it does start working. This makes me think it is a focus issue. Weirdly, if you hit escape the edit finishes and you can move up and down correctly. If the 'callLater' line is uncommented to try and make the list retain focus, the bar initially moves in the direction of the keypress but then moves back again and re-edits the original line!

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Multiple Spark Lists With Scrolling Synced?

Apr 10, 2012

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Aug 17, 2010

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import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


The list sizes remain static when items are added.

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How can I have both lists resize automatically to display all children?

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Jun 16, 2010

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Java :: Data Modeling Tools And Techniques For Flex Web App?

Jun 21, 2009

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ORM for the Java backend (Eclipse persistence package)
Automatic mapping from XML to Action Script, using XML schema and the classes in mx.rpc.xml, as described here.
Now, what I'd really like to do is define the objects once (I already have them in XSD) and have tools set up class stubs for the whole chain. What can I use?

I've already heard of (but not evaluated):
XMLBeans to generate Java classes from XML Schema
Granite DS to generate AS classes from Java classes

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Nov 6, 2011

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Apr 12, 2011

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In Eclipse --> Windows --> Preferences --Java --> Installed JREs, it's pointing to here:

eclipse-host-distro, C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash Builder Plug-ineclipse-host-distro

Am I not working with a full JRE?

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Flex :: Tools For Profiling AS3 - Timing Functions To Find Bottlenecks?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm working with Flashpunk to make games using Flex and FlashDevelop (highly recommended, amazing lib and IDE). Since performance varies so much from system to system, I want to find where slowdowns are occurring and only fix those bits. Flashdevelop has a built in tool called Profiler, but it only shows the number of objects and the memory they are using, not the execution time. Grant Skinner wrote a great tool called PerformanceTest, but it seems suited to writing very specific optimization comparisons, not automatically profiling your code.

What I'm trying to find is a tool that will automatically analyze the program while it's running and tell me which functions are taking the longest to execute. I've heard that CS5 has this built in, but I'm wondering if there are any alternatives.

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Flex :: Filtering Data Lists And "Next Video" Button Function

Jun 19, 2010

filtering one list when an "Artist" is selected in the other..

I also want to play the next video when the "Next Video" button is selected..

Here is a link to an example with a few videos.. [URL]

View source is enabled so feel free to grab the code..

how to build this app step by step using Flash Catalyst and Flash BUilder..

Anyhow, I'm not just taking, I plan on giving back in a major way..

So if the "evangalists" aren't too busy with their datagrids showing the true power and ease of use that the Adobe Framework is capable of..

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Flex :: Use Existing Tools To Facilitate Process Of Changing Data On Server Using DataGrid?

Aug 18, 2009

It is very simple to retrieve data from a database and display it inside a DataGrid. However, what are the current practices to push the changes in the DataGrid back to the database? One can achieve this by inserting a lot of meta information, however, it is very tedious and not reusable.

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Professional :: Different Keywords In Scripts?

Jan 14, 2010

is there some specific functionality difference between essentially the same mouse events end result.For example I notice some use "MOUSE_DOWN", others "onRelease", some use "buttonDown"  and still others just "CLICK". All seem to work identically, but there has to be a reason why there are so many.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search PDF For Keywords?

Nov 15, 2010

i have a system where a user opens different PDF documents by typing say 123, and the system puts in number + '.pdf' This works fine. I was wondering if it was possible for users to type keywords and open all PDFs with that work?

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Flex :: How Does One Implement The Google Maps 3D API (or Similar) For Flex With A Local Map Cache

Aug 17, 2010

I am writing a Flex application for use on a private intranet with no external Internet access. I want to use Google's 3D Maps Flex API, but it must be connected to the internet to download map tiles on demand.

Is there a way to locally cache the 3D map tiles and data so that I can run this app without an internet connection? And if not, is there a 3D GIS that supports Flex integration and allows for a local map cache?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does Flash Generate Keywords

Jan 10, 2010

i made a flash website and used flash to generate the html. in the html i put in keywords, description in the meta tags. but for some reason google is showing something else?

is it possible the description etc. is coming from somewhere inside flash that i cant see?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keywords Zooming In And Out On Different Places

May 31, 2009

I have 23 keywords in an XML file. In an area of 1600px by 500px there should be zooming in and out (for about 5,6,7 sec which depends on the number of letters) 10 keywords, randomly chosen from the XML file. Each keyword may appear in different spots in the area, it doesn't matter.
how to fix this zooming in and out keywords?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Search For Keywords In An XML File?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm currently searching for ways to count the number of pre-defined keywords in an XML file. An example would be trying to find how many times "war" is mentioned in a news networks RSS feed <title></title> and adding it to a variable.
I've found a few custom AS3 XML class files out there but nothing I've been able to adapt.I'm at the point of considering just taking the title of these news stories converting them all to strings and searching them that way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Selecting Xml Items By Keywords

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to build a portfolio gallery.I have it set up so that the user gets all my portfolio items to start with and then at the top right there is a comboBox that allows the user to select "programs", "code" and "clients" this changes the left vertical tileList to only show icons of the programs or of codes etc.I'm trying to get it so the user clicks on one of the program icons or whatnot and it then limits the thumbnails in the tileList on the bottom of my widget.The thumbnails come from a xml document that has the images and then <keywords>.Inside this node is a list of the programs and codes used.I tried using indexOf and then a if statement to check if indexOf was -1.But that didn't work.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Search An XML File For Keywords?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm currently searching for ways to count the number of pre-defined keywords in an XML file. An example would be trying to find how many times "war" is mentioned in a news networks RSS feed and adding it to a variable. I've found a few custom AS3 XML class files out there but nothing I've been able to adapt. I'm at the point of considering just taking the title of these news stories converting them all to strings and searching them that way...

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Find Keywords In A Loaded XML?

Sep 22, 2009

I have a question that's been daunting me for quite a while. I've found a way to do this (kind of bootleg) however I'm wondering a way of better executing this.Scenario:I'm loading an external XML file, with numerous items. Each item has it's own 'description' tag. What I'm trying to figure out is how can I more properly execute this:- Find multiple keywords in all loaded items, if I find any of the selected keywords how can I fire off a separate function to my project (Example: If I find the word "hamburger" in one of the lets say, 54 loaded entries, how can I tell my flash project "if you find "hamburger", hamburgers = 1). Same thing goes if I find "hamburger" within 4 xml items, and "hotdogs" in 12 of the entries making flash know hamburgers = 4 and hotdogs = 12.

My predicament really is on ruling out numerous incorrect amounts. Example, If one xml item has hamburger three times, and another xml item has hamburger only once, getting only one valid "hamburger hit" (that was cleaver terminology, wasn't it? ) instead of three hits for that one xml item.So, I'm trying to let flash know, if you notice "hamburger" once, and only once in an xml item, stop counting the hamburgers, and the item's hamburger value is only 1. If the item has no keywords (example, hamburgers, hotdogs, watermelons, soda, blah blah, (lets say a total of 30 keywords) ) do nothing and do not count the item and move to the next for keyword function searching.

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