Flex :: Running External Tools In Eclipse On Mac OS X?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm using Flash Builder 4 on a mac. I've created a JSFL file for building a few fla's and then testing my main SWF file. I'm trying to run this JSFL file as an external tool from Flash Builder 4 but when I select Adobe Flash CS4.app as the file to run the JSFL Eclipse warns "External tool location specified is not a file."

I have Parallels installed and if I point at a .exe file this warning goes away. Is this a bug? Why can't I use a .app as an external tool in Eclipse?

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Loading configuration file C:Mario's FilesSTFFlex SDKflex_sdk_4.5.1.21328frameworksflex-config.xml
_application_Styles.as(24): col: 38 Error: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before s.[code]....

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Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Indigo Service Release 2
Build id: 20120216-1857

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[url].... was unable to load class com.adobe.flexbuilder.apollo.ui.wizards.flex.FlexApolloProjectWizard.
com/adobe/flexbuilder/editors/common/ui/project/wizards/AbstractFlexProjectWizar d

I have tried re-installing several times, even tried the older eclipse versions.

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Flex :: Does FlexBuilder 3 Work With Eclipse 3.5.1

Dec 5, 2009

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