Flex :: Why Does Matrix Transform Snap Child Back To Top Corner Of Parent
Apr 14, 2011
I'm having trouble with Matrix Transforms in Flex.
I have a Flex Canvas with nothing but an Image in it, like so.
<mx:Image id="img" source="/some/Url" />
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var animMatrix : Matrix = gi.transform.matrix;
TweenMax.to(animMatrix, 1, {
a : m.a,
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Jul 8, 2011
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Dec 29, 2010
I ran into an issue with an app that I have been working on.The application lets a user draw a rectangle, which base class is UIComponent, on an SVG Canvas. The user can rotate, skew, scale,flip horizontal and flip vertical the rectangle. Then they can drop an image into the rectangle.We just cloned the rectangles matrix and applied it to the image and the image would transform the same as the rectangle. Well now we have changed the way the app works.
Now we don't want the image rotated or flipped on the initial drop, and this is where I'm having trouble.I was wondering if there is a way to always find the true top left of any rectangle no matter what kind of matrix is placed on it. I can find the center of the rectangle but when a user flips the rectangle the center point is outside the rectangle.Instead of finding the center I would like to find the topLeft.I have tried several things. Like transform.pixelBounds, but this gives me big numbers like 2200 instead of 400. I have also looked at senocular.com but not sure that I understand it.I just need a dynamic way to always find the top left.
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which if applied, would have no effect, but would be valid (actually not exactly that matrix, but you get the idea). i want to set the values of the matrix and the object should be affected by those values that i set by myself, no scale rotate or any predefined operations. how can i set my own matrix?
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public class MyClass extends Sprite
public function MyClass()
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Code: Select allbM:Matrix = objB.transform.matrix.clone();
It's throwing a 1009. Playing arounf with trace I have come to the point, that the hero in my little game has no transform.matrix (it's null). This is not related to the CollisionClass, i traced it independently of that.
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Jun 29, 2011
I'm working on a project wherein a user can take a snapshot of themselves using their webcam and then edit this image by transforming scale and rotation and save the result.
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Why does it only draw from the top left corner and how can i get set the coordinates to only draw from the area where the captured image is set?
You can view the file as is at: [URL]
And i've zipped the FLA and relevant classes at [URL]
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Jun 29, 2011
Long time since i've been on here. I'm working on a project wherein a user can take a snapshot of themselves using their webcam and then edit this image by transforming scale and rotation and save the result. I've got most of it working, the user can take a snapshot of themselves, transform the object using Senocular's Transform Tool and i'm using .draw() to then save this transformed object. The problem is .draw() is only grabbing data from the top left corner of the stage. It is drawing the transformed object but only from the top left corner. Why does it only draw from the top left corner and how can i get set the coordinates to only draw from the area where the captured image is set?
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Oct 14, 2010
I found the function:
rotateAroundExternalPoint(m:Matrix, x:Number, y:Number, angleDegrees:Number)
to rotate an object around an external point. The top of the object will always point at the center point which is exactly what I want.
It works fine but its possible to rotate it in an oval instead of in a perfect circle...I think it should be something with the angleDegrees Parameter but im not sure what to do with it. I also tried to set up an own matrix but I failed. Any right direction to orbit an object in an oval, and where the top of the object always point at the rotation center?
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Jul 29, 2011
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Jul 29, 2011
I got a Parent Sprite, let's name it SpriteP, which holds inside it two other Sprites. Sprite1 and Sprite2.
When Sprite2 is NOT rotated:
trace(SpriteP.width + ' ' + SpriteP.height); //100 250.
trace(SpriteP.width + ' ' + SpriteP.height); //100 200. -> works, 200 is good.
When Sprite2 is rotated at 90:
And it does! If I remove Sprite2 while NOT being rotated, the height of the parent drops back to normal, 200. But if I rotate Sprite2, the Parent won't update its bounds.
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Jun 22, 2011
my problem is that if i scale, rotate or translate a display object using its transform.matrix i am not getting the value in the display object but the transform is happening like displayObject.scaleX or displayObject.scaleY etc. i get this new transform value using the dislayobject? as i am using a matrix transform manager which actually changing the transform matrix of the display object.
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Feb 5, 2010
[code]All clips are squared.Ok, on the PlayerPlane, there are little soldiers, which have hotkeys. The effect I'm trying to create is I want to position the GameStage so that the currently selected soldier appears in the center of the GameClicker clip.The GameStage is movable by the player (to scan other areas of the map)by holding the CTRL key, so it's easy to kinda lose track of where your players are.I have tried using localTo Global and globalToLocal techniques, but I think I'm lost on the actual math of getting the GameStage to move the correct distance so that the selected soldier is centered to the GameClicker.[code]
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Nov 19, 2010
I have an odd problem in CS4/AS3 with one of my flash files where text is incorrectly rendered if the movieclip containing the text has a 3d matrix transform and quality is set to medium or low. It is easy to reproduce:
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Apr 22, 2004
I have a button inside a MC, and I'm trying to get it so if you pull it out a certain distance, it eases a menu out, but if it's not out far enough it eases back in, the same, but in reverse when trying to close the menu...the code I have seems to work, but it opens when you click it first, without dragging it past the point where it has to be to fully open.. the code it this:
_root.dragMenu.dragBut.onPress = function() {
startDrag(this._parent, false, 645, 370, 720, 370);
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Oct 21, 2007
Have a look here: [URL].. those are 5 MCs attached to a container MC. Mouse over and out for a bit and you'll see the problem. If you roll over a square and then out before it completes the tween, and then over again the alpha will fade to 20% as it should but then pop back to the initial value of 100%.
Does anyone understand why this is happening? Has anyone come up with a solution?
If you mouse "through" one of the squares and then wait 5 seconds (the duration of the out tween) and then mouse over the same square it will not pop back to 100%. If you however mouseover quicker it will pop. This leads me to believe there is some sort of timer running even though the tween is not.
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Nov 17, 2004
I made it so when the user clicks on a link the menu moves to a new location...that works fine. If I make it so the user can also drag it, the whole thing gets messed up because the menu is always trying to snap back to the location.
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Mar 10, 2011
5 text choices (choice_1 → choice_5)5 text field targets (box_1 → box_5)FUNCTION:1. Drag the choices to the targets.2. When dropped they display in target fields.3. Then snap back.I thought I had it but no cigar ... must be close though.Everything functions properly EXCEPT when I drag a choice and drop it all five choices go to choice_5 (XY) instead of their own origin.HOW DO I SOLVE THIS?PROBLEM CAN BE SEEN HERE
import flash.net.URLVariables;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
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Aug 15, 2011
how do I get a value from another mxml.I have a vaule in the child mxml that i would like to parse to the parent mxml.Then use the vaule to create a search method.
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Sep 26, 2010
I want to make a magic 8 ball in actionscript 3. I'd like to be able to click on the movie clip of the 8 ball, shake it with the mouse, and then have it snap back to its original position when I let go of the mouse button. I have three problems:
1) I can make the 8 ball track the mouse, that's easy, but how do I make it snap back to the original position when I let go of the mouse button?
2) I want to constrain the movement of the 8 ball movie clip so it won't go all over the stage, just enough to move it back and forth a bit.
3) How do I randomize output of answers in the 8 ball window...such as, "not now," "doesn't look good," or "yes" etc?
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Dec 10, 2009
I've struggled with this for a long time and have thrown in the towel. How the heck do you climb the ladder, then go back down again into another clip?
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Jan 3, 2010
I got a "preloader" that creates an movieclip and loads an SWF. Now in the loaded SWF i want a close button to go back to the "preloader". The preloader isn't an actuall preloader but some sort of mainclip.Now i tried this:removeChild(MovieClip(e.currentTarget).parent.pare nt.parent)But i get error:ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()at MethodInfo-6()
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Jul 22, 2009
I have a page-like flex application. In my main application is a holder (a canvas) that displays all the pages. The problem is that the components that are loaded inside the holder are bigger than the holder is when the main application starts. The holder height is set to 100% but still he gets scrollbars when I load a bigger component inside of him then himselHow can I solve this problem? And if it isn't solvable would it work correct if I use a viewstack?the holder looks like this:
<mx:canvas height="100%">
But the end of the application is 500 pixels lower so canvas height is 500 pixels high. Now I put a new child inside the holder that is 1000 pixels high.
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Feb 4, 2010
Recently I worked in a project using Flex. Its a Photo editing project. I have took a Canvas and take a image in that canvas using the code canvas.addChild(image) . Now i can move the image freely by using moving code. The image move inside the canvas and outside the canvas. I want to move the image/child only inside the canvas not outside. How can i do this?
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Jun 1, 2011
Is it possible to call a child function from within the parent? I know to go child > parent, you can do parentApplication.functionName(parameters);, but what about going the other way... that is parent > child?
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