Flex :: Retrieve Object From One Swf File To Another Swf File?

Aug 21, 2009

I want to retrive one object from one swf file. How can i retrive the object.means i am loading one.swf in main application.the main application is passing one session object so that object i want to retrive in one.swf file how can i retrive that object.

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Does not work. The difference is that the HeaderBackground is a class in the same project as the css file. That does compiel fine if I move the style into my mxml file though.

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Feb 28, 2012

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<mx:Image id="loading" source="@Embed('/blobs/visualLogo/mySwfFile.swf')"
visible="true" horizontalCenter="0"/>

I also place config.xml into /blobs/visualLogo/

This time I get an error in Flex:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mySwfFile_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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Feb 17, 2010

I have to build one MXP package for Flash (not Flex). But i have multiple components, somthing like HelpSymbolMovieClips(have its on class), one image holder. etc. I need to combine there swc file into a single MXP file.How can i make a all these multi movieClip functionality in a single SWC file. Am bit confused about the structure of the component which is having multiple functions/MoiveClips. like (Image gallery components.

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Mar 29, 2010

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Flex :: Buttons And Styles - Creating A SWF File Using A MXML File

Aug 11, 2009

I am creating a SWF file using a MXML file. The MXML file define several MX:Button and uses an external stylesheet to style them. There is a problem I am facing at the moment, I am aiming to style the buttons in a way that is similar to the way I can style HTML button elements. However, I could not achieve such look and feel. For example, I could not find a way to define the color and thickness of the borders for each side of the button (top, bottom, left, right), the background color, the margins, the padding, the width, and the height of the button. Also, selector such as hover, active, focus are not available. I was only able to change the size and the font color of the button successfully.

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Flex :: Extract A Zip File From A Zip Archive Without Loading The Whole File Into Memory

Mar 10, 2011

Is there a way to extract a single file from a zip file in Adobe AIR?

I'm using NoChumps zip library to extract files from a zip. In this library the entire IDataStream is loaded into memory and after that you can extract file entries easily. In cases where the zip is 5 to 10MB there are no problems. But when the zip is 80MB, which many are, 80MB is loaded into memory. This causes the app to crash and run slow on mobile devices. According to the zip specification,

"A ZIP file is identified by the presence of a central directory located at the end of the file, this allows appending of new files. The directory stores a list of the names of the entries (files or directories) stored in the ZIP file, along with other metadata about the entry, and an offset into the ZIP file, pointing to the actual entry data."

Also, I do not have control of the size of zip files but most average is 60 to 100MB. Files inside are ~4MB.

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Include Properties File Or Config File In Flex Application?

May 21, 2011

I have a flex application which contains different feature that includes google maps, twitter, facebook etc.

Currently I have hardcoded api keys in the code it self but I want to use a properties file/config file where I can put such things and use anywhere I want in the application.

Is it possible to achieve this in flex? I am using swiz framework. Is it possible to achieve this using this framework?

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