ActionScript :: Flash - Implementation Of Elliptic Curve Cryptography ?

Jul 14, 2011

Does anyone know if there is a (preferably efficient :-) ) implementation of elliptic curve cryptography for ActionScript? The only library I know of is as3crypto, which offers great implementations for symmetric cryptography, hashing and several other cryptography-related operations, but it has only RSA for public key cryptography.

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function drawOnCurve( interval:Number, x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2)
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Flash :: Custom DEFLATE Implementation To Speed Up PNG Encoding

Jun 13, 2011

I'm optimizing a PNG encoder for use within Flash SWFs (but I'm writing it in HaXe).I've so far managed to speed things up a fair bit, mostly by using speedy memory read/writes.While profiling my code, I noticed that about 75% of the time is spent in a single call to Flash's built-in compress() method, which uses the zlib algorithm (which uses DEFLATE in turn).I'm not too fussy about compression ratio, but faster compression would be awesome. So, I was wondering if it's worthwhile to try to implement zlib/DEFLATE myself. A little searching has turned up the zlibC.implementation source, but it's not exactly light reading (or easy to port!).Are there any simple implementations of zlib/DEFLATE that I could use as a starting point? I'd rather not have to wade through the two specs, especially since I don't know whether an implementation running in AVM2 could even perform as fast as the native Flash one in the first place.

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Actionscript3 :: Flash - Change The Backend Of The LLVM Implementation From ARM To Something Else For Instance C Or C++?

Aug 3, 2011

I've been wondering if it's possible to change the backend of the LLVM implementation from ARM to something else for instance C or C++? Currently Adobe uses a Actionscript3 frontend (which I can't currently find - closed source?) for the LLVM to produce iOS applications. I'm wondering why there isn't more options for other backends? Of course there are limitations to going this route, no loading of external swf files at runtime (to name just one), but the iOS applications seem to manage really well with this feat. I did find this pdf which talks about the AS3 LLVM frontend, but no guidance to where the code is or how to investigate... I just think it's a missed opportunity that Adobe are missing and wondered how much work it would be to do such a feat?

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Attach Text To Curve / Path In Flash CS3?

May 25, 2009

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Flash Not Allowing To Curve / Distort Rectangle Edge?

Dec 31, 2011

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Flash :: Achieve A Smooth Painted Curve For A White Board App?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm building a simple white board app in ActionScript 3. Most white board or painting apps in ActionScript tend to use an interval, timer, mouseMove event, or enterFrame event to track the mouse position and paint lines or brushes in between the tracked points.

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This is no surprise to me, I just have no idea how I could achieve a smoother line like Photoshop's brush tool. Mind you, the brushes for my app are mostly based on shapes and do not or cannot use the drawing API to draw continues lines. In other words, graphics.curveTo() is not an option. I am also rendering the Sprites or Shapes generated by the brushes to a BitmapData instance.

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Aug 23, 2010

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Flash :: RTMP Streaming Server Implementation: Connect/createStream/play Message Sequence Passed, But No Video/audio In Flashplayer

Oct 8, 2010

Writing RTMP Streaming Server for streaming AVC+AAC video. And it works fine with rtmpdump. But I can't force it to work in flowplayer and other flash video players.The message sequence after handshake is similar to FMS / RED5 / erlyvideo / haxevideo servers: I've tried a lot of variations.

From Chrome debug console I can see, what all negotiating messages passed to the flowplayer. The last one is onMetaData. And after this the working sample (rtmp:// gets NetStream.Buffer.Full. And streaming from my server don't get it.

I'm starting with AVC Header message, containing sps/pps. After it first AVC picture passed. After - AAC header and AAC sample. And then AVC/AAC samples. This dumped OK by rtmpdump - I have working flv on exit. But flowplayer and others does not work.


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Oct 28, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Correct Implementation Of MVC?

Nov 10, 2011

All the program does is you click a button and it tells you how many times you clicked the button in a textfield. Document Class: This is the entry point of the code.


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Actionscript :: Inline Interface Implementation?

Aug 14, 2009

Is something like this possible in Actionscript?


new IURLFetcherCreator() {
public IURLFetcher create() {
return new URLFetcher();


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AS3 :: C - Implementation Of Upper Power Of Two Algorithm

Mar 1, 2011

I have been trying to implement the Round Up Power Of 2 algorithm outlined in the following link in AS3.


The algorithm works great for most of the values I've tested. It is mentioned that this will return 0 when given an input value of 0 which is technically incorrect but I'm ok with that output. What I'm not ok with is when given an input of 1 I get and output of 1. I'm thinking that this must be a caveat of AS3 and its wonky uint implementation but I can't seem to figure it out. I have also tried using the >>> logical shift operator to the same result. My C is a little rusty, but I'm not sure how this would even return 2 in C. Can someone explain to me whats going wrong here? I assume if an input of 1 was a special case it would have been mentioned in the above link.

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Actionscript 3 :: Class Implementation With Interface?

Sep 11, 2011

I have created the following classes for sharing images. They implement an interface, but I need a way of switching between them with user interaction. I've done it the following way:As you can see, service 1 and service 2 implement iSharingServices, and inherit from PolimorphSharing.PolimorphSharing is simply and an abstract class that implements the methods I want public from Service 1 and Service 2. Those methods will then be overridden on the Service 1 and Service 2. Because I need a way to switch the service in runtime, I've created a gateway class that inherits from PolimorphSharing. I can then call it the following way:

private var sharingService:PolimorphSharing = new SharingServicesGW('svc1').createService();

This all works flawlessly, and I can now switch between services with no problem whatsoever. However, I feel there's something wrong about it, so I would like to ask you guys for some advice on how to better implement this.

Just adding some more insight to this. Basically the idea here is for my client to be able to upload images with various different public sharing services such as imageshack, imgur etc. I want my client to be able to select the service in which the image is to be published to (hence the "switching between them with user interaction" bit of the question.

The method that does the uploading bit, is requestShareImage(), processResults() simply turns whatever gets returned to a unique format, so my client can read off it always the same way. getObject() is my accessor, and onIOError will handle exceptions with any of the public API's

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Best Pausable Timer Implementation

Oct 23, 2009

as we know, the Timer class flash gives us does not support any pause/unpause functionality. if you stop and then start a timer, it resarts at the beginning of it's interval period, advancing the repeat counter once. sometimes you want to pause the timer mid-interval, and resume from where you left off I have seen one attempt at a custom timer subclass that supports pause/unpause, but it was pretty shaky anyone actually nailed this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint( X, Y, True); Implementation?

Jun 2, 2009

Testing this function and running it 11k times on a shape where I use:
shape.opaqueBackground = true;            shape.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Is extremely slow.. It seems to take 4 to 5 seconds to check a 101 x 101 tectangular area.I'm wondering how it is implemented...I know the code for the SDK is available?I can 'getPixel' from a bitmap to get the very exact color of that pixel in 1/1000 that time.If I happen to have the bitmap data.But with a shape that is already 'treated as a bitmap' (see above) using hitTestPoint  can stop your system. It should not be vastly inferior to work with Shapes than it is with bmp data..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Implementation Class ImageViewer?

Sep 8, 2009

I'm trying to implement class ImageViewer in AS2 (Actionscript 2).Here is the full source attached:


I receive an error.I'm not sure if container_mc is the instance name of the image that is converted in movieclip symbol.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Implementation Of Html WYSIWYG In Flex?

Sep 16, 2009

is there any way to build html WYSIWYG in flex like Microsoft front page? i didn't found any thing on the web like this? second question is : is there any good rich text editor that support text completion function like ( like code IDE 's )

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Flex :: Could Not Resolve <s:Method> To A Component Implementation

Nov 4, 2009

How do I do this in Flex 4?

<mx:RemoteObject id="srv" destination="product" channelSet="{channelSet}"
<mx:method name="getProducts" result="getProducts_resultHandler(event)"/>

I got

Could not resolve <s:Method> to a component implementation.

When trying to do this

<s:RemoteObject id="roMajor"
fault="'Remote Object Error')" >
<s:Method name="AddMajor" result="roMajorResult(event)"/>

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