Flash :: Achieve A Smooth Painted Curve For A White Board App?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm building a simple white board app in ActionScript 3. Most white board or painting apps in ActionScript tend to use an interval, timer, mouseMove event, or enterFrame event to track the mouse position and paint lines or brushes in between the tracked points.

What I'm trying to achieve is the nice smooth painted line that a program like Photoshop can render while painting with the brush tool. In Photoshop, no matter how fast you move the mouse around the canvas, the painted lines always end up with a nice smooth curved edge. In my app, using any of the methods mentioned prior, there is always latency between the function calls that render the brush to the stage. Thus, using any of those techniques can result in a sharp cornered line when moving the mouse very quickly in a circular manner.

This is no surprise to me, I just have no idea how I could achieve a smoother line like Photoshop's brush tool. Mind you, the brushes for my app are mostly based on shapes and do not or cannot use the drawing API to draw continues lines. In other words, graphics.curveTo() is not an option. I am also rendering the Sprites or Shapes generated by the brushes to a BitmapData instance.

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trace("height: " + parent.height);
trace("width: " + parent.width);


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Jan 13, 2012

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-Different line styles and colors (dashed, dot-dash, solid, thick, thin, opacity)
-Placement of units (y-axis "seconds" and x-axis "Hz")
-x-axis zoom/pan control bar below graph (move knobs in and out to set x-axis min and max plotted values)
-Log x-axis scale, linear y-axis scale
-Data Tip (or, some call it tool tip, not shown below)
-SI units for x- and y-axis tick labels.

My guess is that everything should be pretty standard to accomplish using Adobe's built-in charting (with the possible exception of item 6, see below). Is that a good assumption?I'm particularly concerned about the x- and y-axis tick labels (item 6). For example, the x-axis tick marks as a number would be:1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000 but they need to be replaced with SI units, where k=1000, and M=1000000, so the corresponding marks would be (replacing the numbers above with the strings below)"1", "10", "100", "1k", "10k", "1M", "10M".The same goes for the y-axis, where p represents 1e-12, and n represents 1e-9.I can create an algorithm that accepts a number and outputs a string to do the SI unit conversion. But given that, is there a way to easily manage the tick mark labels to replace the default numbers with such strings?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Change The Background Color To White And Should Also Display The Text ''white'' In The Dynamic Text Box

May 20, 2009

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Flash Not Allowing To Curve / Distort Rectangle Edge?

Dec 31, 2011

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