ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculate Perfect TextHeight Which Loads Image With Text?
May 22, 2010
I have a dynamic textfield (with HTML = true) in stage. I am loading content into this textfield using HTML syntax.I want to calculate the textfield height. The textfield height is showing perfectly when I am loading only text. But when I want to load some image using <img src> tag, it is not calculating the height of the image. How can I find the actual content height if there is image in it
abc_txt.htmlText = "the quick brown fox jumps over the<img src='mat1.gif' height='300'> lazy dog the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
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May 22, 2010
I have a dynamic textfield (with HTML = true) in stage. I am loading content into this textfield using HTML syntax. I want to calculate the textfield height. The textfield height is showing perfectly when I am loading only text. But when I want to load some image using <img src> tag, it is not calculating the height of the image. How can I find the actual content height if there is image in it
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Mar 27, 2011
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I'm trying to avoid useing a button to send the number from A to B, and instead am trying to use an event listener that sends the number when A loads background.jpg; but the number never gets sent (I start with B open already, and then open A). I've gotten this to work with an onRelease event for a button , so i know the LocalConnection coding works, but as I said I want to avoid using a button to send the number. I'm sure it's right in front of me but i've got no clue why it isn't working, so I defer to wiser minds.
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Jun 7, 2010
ok what i'm trying to do is make a transition so letters get typed up and then a tween will be applied and will be tweened down to about middle of screen. here is what i have so far:
ActionScript Code:
var q:Number = 1; // controls amount of letters currently visible
var typeInterval;[code]....
the problem is i have the typing but i've had alot of trouble with tweening side of things. i figured i might be able to create a new textfield for every letter assign the letter to it then tween it. but getting the positioning perfect would be a pian and i have no idea how to continure form this point on.
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Aug 17, 2009
I developing a site where on the homepage, there are about 6 images that rotate, but if you click on a sub link, a different image loads. But the problem is that, the first image has to cycle through before the second image loads. I want the second image to load immediately.
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Mar 13, 2012
I am getting a mysterious result when trying to load profile images from a logged in Facebook user's friends list into an as3 canvas app. In pretty much every (non-facebook) application I've made where loading an image is required I use the following:
private function loadPic():void
var url:String = Facebook.getImageUrl(_friendslistObjectArray[_loadCount].id);
_picLoader = new Loader();[code]............
I can't retrieve the image from the event object,and I am given no error at all.It all just fails silently.If I remove the line var image =, the process runs through the whole array.I can't think of any reason this would occur. Furthermore, if I look in firebug's net activity, I see I see the images get loaded as long as I do not have the line I just mentioned included. I just can't seem to get the image data from the event object to add it to stage or a container movieclip.
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Mar 22, 2011
[code]This script is for a loader image gallery in flash, as part of a class assignment. What happens is that in flash, when I open the swf file, the initial image (images/nair_evanescentautumn.png) will load fine. However, clicking on any thumbnail image (including the exact same images/nair_evanescentautumn.png), will result in an error saying the file cannot be found.I cannot figure out why it is doing this... I've tested it over. Clicking each thumbnail does go to the correct position in the two separate functions. All said full-size image links are in the folder images/, and replacing the initial loader image will load the other images in place of the default one. However, clicking on any thumbnail still results in URL not found, even though everything works correctly.[code]Before anyone asks why I'm putting this kind of content into a flash site, I'm not--this is only for a class assignment. I'm just trying to figure out why my images aren't loading right when I'm only doing the exact same thing in the functions as I am on the other pages.Of note, commissions.swf has the exact same feature, just with swf files loaded instead, and it works perfectly fine. home, traditional, digital, and photography all have the image gallery, and all have the same issue (I only referenced one page because if I can fix one page I should be able to fix all of them).As for the artworks, they are all my fiance's. The website design was built for her, and I used the website design for this project because I didn't want to have to build an entirely new interface design. Since the project also required a gallery, I felt that this interface would work just fine.
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Sep 27, 2010
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Jun 8, 2010
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imageLoader = new Loader();
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(;
When I trace the width, it always comes back at zero(0) even though there is an image inside the imageLoader. What is it I need to do to find the actual width so I can center the image?
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May 27, 2005
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Aug 18, 2009
When I add a style to some text it seems to changed the textHeight even though there is not any extra characters in my text. When I do a test before adding the style its 16.9 height then after the style is added it goes to 31.9. why this is happening and if there is a way to stop this from happening.
label.fld.styleSheet = setCSS();
private function setCSS():StyleSheet {
var bold:Object = new Object();
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Sep 3, 2009
I need to distribute some images vertically parallel to a dynamic text field wich content is loaded from an XML file. The first image top-aligned, the last one bottom-aligned and equal gap between them. Easy, no? That's what i thought but I'm banging my head as I can't get it and my only guess is the textHeight property has a wrong valueI calculate the gap between images with:imgGap = (txtHeight - imgsHeight) / (nImgs - 1);the problem is that the first 8 images reach the textfield bottom:1046 px (the sum of the first 8 images)1281 px (7 gaps x 183)gin = 25;}
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Jul 1, 2011
I as this working in AS2 and need to update to AS3...shows that AS3 doesn't like sloppy coding. Here's what I need: I pull data from an XML and that works when I put the data into a dynamic text box. However, I can't seem to get the date of birth into a variable. I have some code that calcs age in years but uses a string literal that I thought I could just replace with a variable from my XML...ain't a workin'. Here's the code I have:
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
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May 11, 2009
I've developed a relatively simple calendar app in Flash that reads an XML file and displays text based on what day it is. A different bit of text displays in the same text box. Since the text is of varying lengths, I wrote a function to resize the text to be large enough or small enough to fit the box. Here's my function:
// Generic function for increasing text size to fill its container
function AutoTextResize(textElement, maxHeight):void {
textElement.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
It behaves as if the textHeight is LARGER than the height of the box, despite the values it outputs in the traces.
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Oct 18, 2004
I create various movieClips with TextFields in them using the following function.
function AddLabel(Label,L) // create a MovieClip with a Text Field. {
obj = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mc" + L,L);
var tf = new TextFormat();
tf.font = "Arial";
tf.size = 12;
[Code] ....
Lets say that I use the above function with the following statement:
JimMC = AddLabel("JimVision",1);
Then I try to assign a string to the above movieClip with some embedded html like so:
JimMC.txt.htmlText = "This is my test < a href='[URL]'>link</ a>.";
When I try to run the above the results come out blank. When I list my variables I do see that my TextField is being assign the text and html code. What I also notice is that the textWidth and textHeight value become zero. Why my results are blank? Why do the textWidth and textHeight values become zero?
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Oct 22, 2007
I'm trying to make a text box that loads text from a text file. I've accomplished that, and now I want to have it so when I click a button is loads another var from the file by changing the end number. Here is my code:
myNotes = new LoadVars();
myNotes.onLoad = function() {
i =1 ;
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Nov 18, 2009
I want to create a text box with a fixed width that will fit itself to its current text. So I went ahead and wrote this simple application[code]...
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Aug 12, 2010
I'm building a calculator in AS 3.0. On frame 1, the user inputs data into the input text boxes and hit's the "calculate" button (also located on page 1).The calculations are displayed in the dynamic text fields on frame 1but aren't appearing on frames 2 and 3. Anyone know how to get the calcs to show up on frames other than where the calculation button is located?
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Aug 10, 2006
flash actionscript i ve created 9 dynamic text fields in one row & this is named as fname0,fname1 .... fname8 & another 9 dynamic text fields in another row & this is named as chipsname0,chipsname1....chipsname8 ,I created these fields in an array. Based on the user entry in one of the text field i should calculate & display it in the corresponding text field in the other row, this should be done when the user types a number & when that text field looses its focus.
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Jul 2, 2009
calculate textarea height based on the text length and fontsize in as2?
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May 18, 2005
i can't get flash to show, and in a dynamic text box which loads text via a variable from a .txt file on a server.
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Jul 24, 2006
I have a dynamic textfield that loads text from a txt file. The content of the txt file will be modified daily by the client.What i need is that if there is too much text in the txt file, the dynamic textfield resizes (and not only with autosize because the text can be really long).[code]it doesnt look very good but it works. The only problem is that if I have a really long text the maxsizeY doesnt work fine.
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Sep 23, 2004
Does anybody know how to apply this text effect [URL](including the blinking underscore) to a text field that loads from an external .txt file.
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Feb 10, 2011
For some reason the squares of color that are supposed to load behind the image that acts as a mask load first, momentarily showing while the image loads, which looks bad. Hre is the code:
I have experimented with adding the square child elsewhere (such as in the code where it is created twice), but that proves even more disastrous.
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Aug 9, 2009
I've having an annoying browser issue and wondering if anyone can shed some light. I'm working on an flv player that displays 3 different kinds of 'mid-roll' ads: text, image or video. I got the text and video working (still needs some tweaks but essentially it's working) and thought the image ads were working as well but when I tried testing on my server it's working in fine in IE but in firefox the image doesn't load and seems isn't even called.Here's the code to load the image:
ActionScript Code:
if (ads[nextAd].type == 'image') {
var container_ref:MovieClip = mcVideoPlayer.createEmptyMovieClip("container_clip",
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Feb 3, 2009
Ok this isn't as much of a flash issue but I can't figure out why the page loads this way. For those that can't see the image when myspace loads it automatically has the typing indicator on the search bar so if one of my friends trys to use my cmd prompt he types something in it searches on mysace. The only way around this is to click in the grey area / off the search bar then click the input box to begin typing. I'm wondering if there is a way if you guys know the where my flash input box gets priority over the typing indicator blinky thing.
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Aug 14, 2009
I am a php programmer who has no experience whatsoever with flash. I've got a swf on my website that calls an image. The images it calls can take a few seconds to load and I would like to display something in the meantime to let the visitor know that the site is working.[code]I've done some Googling and I think it is something to do with LoadListener. Am I right in thinking that this "self monitors" the process and that you can use this to display something in lieu of the actual swf loading??
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Dec 4, 2009
I'm creating a movie where I need to have several copies of the same external image.It seems that when viewing the movie in Firefox the external image is downloaded only once regardless of the number of copies I make, which seems correct.In IE the external image is downloaded once each time I copy it within the movie.And that just doesn't seem right.(I've upgraded both IE and FF to Flash Player 10.)For testing purposes I've written the following code
var pages = new Array();
pages[0] = "images/Page_01.jpg";
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Oct 28, 2011
Im creating a portfolio, and one of the "pages" is a xml gallery. What is happening is that when the gallery is loaded over the menu, the area where the gallery covered the menu button are disabled even when I load, for example the "contacts"page... it remains only a really small clicable area over the buttons... heres the website in case you wanna check out (the website is fluid so be sure to resize the window so the gallery covers some part of the buttons):
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